
Friday 26 February 2016


Hi Everybody!

After a bad start to the day yesterday, things
got better bit by bit, and I was able to walk 20 steps with my
Crutches and to sit up and stand alone - good progress. The myriad of tubes have all gone, now it can only get better day by day. Now back to the scheduled post!

It's Friday again, so it's time for Paint Party Friday,

I made a Van Gogh 'knock-off' this time, and placed him on a painted and patterned background. I think it is quite a good likeness, although I did not get the proportions really correct. I used water colours, pastel chalks and Gelatos.

My blast from the past this week is a rather horrible face made back in the 90s:

And I am missing my lonely walks along the Rhine:

Have a great day you all, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I do hope that you get back to your old self soon. Warm greetings and best wishes.

  2. Van Gogh and Frida are at the top of the list for me. Very good job. Hope you are getting along better. Sending you fast healing prayers. ::hugs::

  3. you did a SUPER job with your Van Gogh painting Valerie! I don't know what surgery you went through but it sounds like a bit of a recuperation. Hope all continues well and you'll soon be on your wonderful walks to share with us!

  4. Glad to read that you are on the mend. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery. Excellent job on Van Gogh. Great likeness.

  5. So glad you are improving and fast! It's amazing these surgeries. Your Van Gogh is so good too. Soon you will be walking along the Rhine again. Happy PPF!

  6. Your art work absolutely amazes me Valerie -- how long does it take you to make one of these knock offs? Wonderful.
    So sorry you had a bad day yesterday but glad to hear of the improvement today. The tubes coming out is a good sign - will you be going home soon or to a rehab center to heal and have therapy?
    Thinking of you -- Sandy xx

  7. Wonderful post, love van Gogh and your blast from the past. Keep getting better day by day, hugs Sarah

  8. I know healing is hard work, but you are doing better and that is the best news. Healing energy sent to you everyday. Your Van Gogh is beyond wonderful. I also love that old abstract face. Rest and heal my friend.

  9. Sending love and light for healing. I had to read back to see you were in hospital! Wishing you a quick recovery! Sorry it's been a struggle hope you have some help! Wonderful scheduled posts! Love your Van Gogh!

    Big hugs Giggles

  10. One day at a time Valerie....sending healing hugs.xx
    Fabulous colours here, lovely photos and page construction.xx {aNNie}

  11. Hi Valerie, glad to hear the op went well an you're up on your feet again.
    Great painting of Van Gogh. Love the bright background.
    Take care, Avril xx

  12. Wow, your van Gogh painting is stunning. Lovely work of art. I hope you'll recover quick and be able to have your walkabouts soon.

  13. Good news about your progress=well done Valerie

    Love the Van Gogh against the wonderful background.

    The Rhine and the wild life will be missing you as well Valerie and so are we so get well soon

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. Keep getting better, Valerie!

    That 90's face is awesome!!!!

  15. It turned out wonderful ! It's really stunning Sweetie - your blast from the past is stunnings as well and I am sure you will soon be able to enjoy your walks along the Rhine again !!
    Wishing that the recovery goes on quick... but "PLEASE" be patient Valerie!!!


  16. Hi Valerie, I've just been reading through your posts for the last week as I seem to have missed the news that you were in hospital. Sorry to hear that. I hope it wasn't for anything serious and that you are now on the mend. You're very organised arranging scheduled posts all week! This Van Gogh portrait is brilliant - you absolutely have caught the likeness. Sending you lots of healing vibes for a speedy recovery.

  17. So happy that you are on the mend - love the Van Gogh.
    xxx Hazel.

  18. Liebe Valerie,
    absolut genial all die roten Bärte ;-), die finde ich einfach herrlich. Schön, wie du Van Gogh umgesetzt hast...
    Ich freue mich riesig, dass du schon mit Krücken gehen kannst und drücke dir sämtliche Daumen, dass du bald wieder an den Rhein darfst, raus aus dem Krankenhaus... das war für mich auch so wichtig ... Also es geht aufwärts und das ist ein Traum *freuuuu...
    Herzliche Grüsse und weiterhin gute Besserung, Sichtwiese

  19. The portrait is fantastic, a really good likeness from what I have seen of other portraits of him. I rather like the (not) "horrible" one too, with nice placing of patterns and colours to make the face.
    Best wishes and good luck for the rest of the day.

  20. Good to read the progress you are making in these early days, take care and one day at a time. Loved your portraits they are good likenesses of the artist..
    Yvonne xx

  21. Amazing portrait and colors used. Great technique. I also like your winter trees and sky pics.

  22. Prayers for quick healing, Valerie! Sorry, I missed PPF last week where you said you were having surgery. Your van Gogh is excellent. I love all the fabulous colors.

  23. Beautiful work and love the photographs. It's important to get better but at the same time, don't push yourself too hard. Sending hugs :)

  24. Your Van Gogh is fabulous!!!
    Happy to hear things are looking up for you.
    For someone as active and free spirited as you it is not easy to slow down. Here's to less pain and more freedom for you liebe Valerie!

  25. Wonderful texture and color and likeness in your Van Gogh. Hope you are able to ease into more activities soon. Just don't try to do it all at once. We always pay for our enthusiasm. Happy PPF

  26. Happy you are up and having a better day. Your journal page of Van Gogh is marvelous. Take each day slowly and before long the new knee will be a blessing.

  27. Wow, ein echter Van Gogh!
    Wie schön zu hören, dass du tatsächlich schon wieder auf den Beinen bist. Die Physios werden dich sicher ganz schön antreiben. Dann noch viel Spaß beim Laufen-Lernen - natürlich ohne Schmerzen! Ganz lieben Grüße von Ulrike

  28. Very nice Van Gogh. Happy you are healing nicely

    Thanks for dropping by to view mine
    Much love...

  29. Oh sorry to hear you are not doing well Valerie and need crutches, you must have hurt yourself bad, I hope you get better real quick, great to be back amongst you all in art land and your beautiful work and photos!

  30. I hope you heal quickly as I imagine missing your walks would be torture. I will be sending lots of healing vibes your way... and love the van gogh page enormously

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Hi Valerie! Glad to hear about your progress. Great work today, the second one face is amazing, it's so interesting to view what you created.
    Hugs, Mar

  32. Van Gogh painting Valerie xo

  33. A very good likeness indeed! I also love the quote. So true.

  34. Loving your van Gogh portrait! Also your photography. I hope you are feeling better!

  35. Wow, very impressive! And I don't think your blast from the past is horrible at all! I read back through your posts to see why you were in hospital but can't seem to find it. Anyway, hope all is well now, and that your recovery will be speedy! Hugs xx

  36. Your Van Gogh is sooo fun Valerie. I really love the colors and the way your background blends with his face. Really stunning project.

    So thankful the tubes are gone and that you are making progress. I am sure this is a HUGE challenge in every way. You are always in my thoughts and prayers until I know you can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

    Hehhehehe - perhaps that should be your first artist journey when you get home - a light at the end of a tunnel - eheheheheheheh!!! Hugs. j.

  37. Your Van Gogh is sooo fun Valerie. I really love the colors and the way your background blends with his face. Really stunning project.

    So thankful the tubes are gone and that you are making progress. I am sure this is a HUGE challenge in every way. You are always in my thoughts and prayers until I know you can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

    Hehhehehe - perhaps that should be your first artist journey when you get home - a light at the end of a tunnel - eheheheheheheh!!! Hugs. j.

  38. I can't see the comment I left so I am here again to tell you that I love your knock off!! Glad to read of your progress! Hugs, Chrisx

  39. You made a Van Gogh that even he would be proud of. The likeness is incredible.

    I know I'm reading these posts backwards, but I'm thrilled at the progress you made while I was offline. Seems it was just yesterday I was sharing news of Sally's two operations with you, but in fact, it was much longer ago than that.


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