
Sunday 28 February 2016

Music and childhood memories

Hi Everybody!

Hospital news.
Well, things are getting better by the hour! The pains are less, and I can walk more easily, today I did over 400 steps, and it is such a relief to be able to walk to the bathroom unaided! So. Now back to the scheduled post.

For Art Journal Journey, if music be the food of love, 
I have another hybrid page. The background is a photo taken near here. I added photos of my Mum and Erika as children, and lots of Beatrix Potter's figures.

These photos were also taken in the station at Krefeld, and I am sure that many people, big and small, have happy memories of things like this:

Hazel's challenge only runs for one more day, so you need to be quick if you want to take part!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh so thankful things are a bit better today Valerie.

    Love this post - it's so whimsical with your darling creation and the lovely train town. Going back to feast my eyes on more of your eye candy.

    THINKING OF YOU. Soon you will be able to smell your outdoors again. ✿✿✿✿✿ XX j.

  2. That piece is sooo sweet.
    And the detailed train sets have always amazed me.
    I'm very happy to hear you're feeling better.

  3. Must save the train pc's for Georgie, he will love them for his album. Great art, too. Glad you are feeling better, hugs Sarah

  4. Your piece is so nice and springlike today, so happy you are starting to feel better! Thanks for the fun photos.

  5. So pleased you are progressing so well Valerie. I keep sending emails but I get a strange reply so I guess they haven't reached you. Nice to be able to catch up here.

    Wonderful page with the mixture of this and that all fitting together so well.

    Love the model railway that takes me back to when my children were little and half our lounge was a train and car track payout and all of us enjoyed playing with it. Thank you for the happy memory.

    Get Well soon

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Das hört sich schon echt gut an Valerie! Du bist brav!!! Weiter so!
    Was für eine entzückende Seite -- so süß mit Erika und Deiner Mama als Kind! Zauberhaft!
    Was für eine tolle Modelleisenbahnlandschaft! Spitze sieht das aus!
    Schönen Sonntag Valerie!
    Weiterhin brav sein und bald kann der Schrittzähler sich warm anziehen, wenn es so fleissig weiter geht mit Deinen Übungen!


  7. Recovery sounds good lovely to read this ....
    BRILLIANT Colours,just awesome and the design is just gorgeous.xx

  8. Liebe Valerie,
    es freut mich riesig, dass du weniger Schmerzen hast und schon sooooo weit gehen kannst. Ich drück dir die Daumen, dass es weiterhin bergauf geht und du bald wieder am Rhein deine Fotos machen kannst. Eine total schöne Seite hast du gebastelt, sieht toll aus. Die Modelleisenbahn ist wirklich genial....
    Weiterhin gute Besserung, viel Kraft, Energie und Humor...
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  9. wow,deine seite ist ganz zauberhaft,ganz niedlich ist das.
    schön das es bei dir schon besser geht,bald kann sich dein schrittzähler wirklich warm anziehen,bleib weiter so schön brav.
    die eisenbahn ist klasse,sowas hatten meine brüder als kinder.
    einen schönen sonntag dir.

    hugs jenny

  10. Wonderful piece today Valerie. Oh what I would have given to have a barbie doll world like that train track one. Glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better. Baby steps. hugs :)

  11. A wonderful page you have so many details that all compliment each other so well, that it takes more than one look to see them all. Model railways is one my OH's hobbies and there is a layout in our loft space.
    So pleased to read you are starting to walk about and the pain is getting better.
    Take care Yvonne xx

  12. Hi Valerie, good that you are healing but sounds like you've had a major operation. Your collage is great fun. Take good care, Shirleyxx

  13. Great collage Valerie, it's very imaginative. Lovely photos of the model railway. Glad to hear that you're on the mend. Take good care my friend!

    Love and hugs

  14. Great news, you are on the mend! Very fun page today as memories of a delightful childhood were created on your blog today. Trains were always a big hit for the boys and our eldest son has the Lionel train Santa brought him as a child. Thinking of you with love and prayers.

  15. Well done to you! I walked around the flat counting steps when I was recovering but that was on both legs - just felt I had to keep moving! I love your page - what a lovely selection of elements! Oh! That model railway looks fascinating! Hugs, Chrisx

  16. Glad you are doing better and better. I swear Valerie - this is one of the best journal pages ever! All the images made me smile big time and a smile is worth a thousand words!!!!
    sandy xx

  17. So happy you are better and more independently mobile !!!! The art is great :) Love the model train photos. I have a cousin that has a huge set up and spends hours building and playing with his. Continuing to send you lots of healing thoughts and prayers.

  18. You know that everyone is doing the happy dance for you liebe Valerie and that you are feeling better!
    Such a sweet childhood scene you created with special little people there too.
    We are a family of train lovers and set ups like you shared always give us a thrill and make us smile. What great little pine trees too.

  19. Glad to read that all is going well, Valerie.
    This page is very fun, a lovely scene and such adorable characters.
    Take care! Hugs, Mar

  20. A lovely collage piece and great to hear that you are starting to feel better!

  21. That is really good news, Valerie.
    I expect the seagulls are waiting patiently for their favourite photographer.

  22. So glad you are doing well Valerie. Love your wonderful page. Your photos are great. xo

  23. So glad to hear you are making improvements. I bet you can't wait to get home. And this is a fun piece. I love the Beatrix Potter and old photo additions! Hugs!

  24. Using the toilet unaided is a blessing. And I can't believe they aren't sending you to physical therapy after your hospital stay. Shows how lazy we Americans are.

    This was one of the pieces I had not seen, and it was fun to see it.

    I have a set of photos of an entire town (taken with my old camera) in miniature that reminds me of your photos of the trains. Two things of distinct difference: 1) we have no wind turbines and 2)we still have above ground electrical lines (wires).

    1. I will be starting 3 weeks of rehab on Wednesday, I will be collected and brought home each day!

  25. Your page is fabulous Valerie and I'm so glad that you're on the mend.
    xxx Hazel.

  26. Valerie, good to know you are continuing to improve! And, as for this childhood collage of yours, it is eerily realistic, lol. IOW, I could easily think this was a group of real life people, hahaha. Well done! xoxo


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