
Monday 29 February 2016

Last Day of 'If music be....'

Hi Everybody!

And the very latest news :
Back home, safe and sound!
Sooooo happy!

Latest news:
Making good progress, hope I can go home today or tomorrow-

Today is the last day of our challenge at Art Journal Journey, and we have had loads of wonderful entries again. Big thanks to Hazel for being a wonderful hostess, and for all her hard work to make the challenge a success!

I have made my usual collage of the pages I made this month:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love the collage. I see a few faves in there including Beethoven! Have a great week! xo

  2. What a wonderful collage, it's nice to see all the entries together.

  3. Always love these end of the month collages. Gets me all excited for what next month might be! :)

  4. Always love these end of the month collages. Gets me all excited for what next month might be! :)

  5. Fantastic collage, hope you are still progressing well, hugs Sarah

  6. Herrlich all die Arbeiten in der Collage zu sehen!
    Ich drück die Daumen dass Du heute schon heim darfst!
    Take care!

  7. Liebe Valerie,
    ein wundervolles Monatswerk, traumschön. Ich liebe solche Collagen sehr, diese ist dir wiederum hervorragend gelungen. Nun wünsche ich dir von Herzen, dass du bald den Heimweg antreten kannst und es dir besser geht.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  8. I always look forward to your end-of-month collage entries. I even started doing that, too, but this month I've let AJJ down and don't think I have enough to make a collage due to my constant computer woes.

    I see there are a few of these I've missed, so now I'm off to see the ones I'm not familiar with. Hope you are doing well, and thrilled to read you may be home before I can hit "publish."

  9. Hope you get to go home Valerie you have done amazingly well for sure.

    Just love all the art you have done for the challenge this month and they all so colourful together.

    Take care

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. I love the collage of all your fabulous work and I agree with you about the entries being wonderful - I hope you get to go home today.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. So happy to hear you will be able to go home soon. What a lovely feeling to be back in your own place. I always find your end of month collage quite astounding ... so much work all in one place. Stunning .. they would be great framed wouldn't they? Hugs, Donna

  12. Welche eine tolle Nachricht, dass du schon nach Hause darfst... darüber bist du sicher glücklich, denn wer ist schon gern im Krankenhaus.
    Deine Bilder-Collage zeigt wieder, wie kreativ du jeden Tag warst, sieht ganz toll aus!
    Alles Gute von Ulrike

  13. Beautiful work Valerie. Glad you're well on the mend, it's always nice to get home to your own comfy bed! xx

  14. Just read your latest good news, so pleased you are safely home.
    A wonderful collage piece of all your fabulous posts for this month at AJJ.
    Take care of yourself
    Yvonne xx

  15. Good morning Valerie. You have made terrific progress and the hospital has released you, how wonderful. Now a few weeks of physical rehab and you will be out with your camera. Do take it easy and I love your month-end collage. They are a special treat at month end.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄█▓▒░ !! HALLELUJAN HALLELUJAH !! ░▒▓█▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ Jumping up and down (inside) with happiness Valerie. YEAH YEAH YEAaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. BEST NEWS OF THE MONTH!!!! YEAH. Soooooo thankful you are home.

    Of course, I know you will still have challenges. Still praying! Just smiling big knowing you are home with your own coffee cup!!!! Love your collage too!!! YEAH - smiling big - such GREAT NEWS. Now behave yourself girl... take it slow. Baby steps. BIG HUGS... j.

  18. YAY!!!!!!!! So glad you are home!!!! ♥♥♥♥ I know you'll recover much faster there!

  19. YIPPEE YAY!!! So glad you are home liebe Valerie!
    What a wonderful display of your art creations this month.
    You are amazing and never skipped a beat even with having surgery and being hospitalized.
    Take care of yourself and don't overdo!

  20. YAYYYYYY~~ so glad you will be coming home soon. Love the collage of your stunning creations. You are amazing!! Take good care when you come home!! xo

  21. That's fabulous, Valerie. Sleep well at home.
    Your February AJJ collage is beyond marvellous.

  22. Lovely collage, Valerie. I am so glad you are home and on the mend. Hugs, Teresa

  23. Way-hey, I bet it's so good to be home isn't it and sleeping in your own bed. Make sure you take things steady (yeah righ lol) I love your collage, there are some stunners there.
    Take care xx

  24. Great news you are back home and what a month it has been! Fabulous creations all of them!

  25. Congratulations on being back home and on the collage of all of your work! Very nice and so inspiring.

  26. Love your collage, Valerie!


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