
Tuesday 5 January 2016

Winter, gold and rust

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are having a good day. We had quite nice weather yesterday, not too cold, dry, and with a mix of blue sky, clouds and some sun.

For Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland I made a hybrid piece.
The Russian Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 6th.
The central image is from Gecko Galz.

Today is also the Feast Day of the Three Magi.
In Cologne Cathedral there is a beautiful golden shrine holding relics which are supposed to be from the 3 kings:

(Pictures courtesy of Wikpedia)

The theme at Tag Tuesday this week is 'Science'. 
I made a rusty robot tag.

And some photos from my walks:

More balcony visitors:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Really outstanding piece and well put together. Wonderful photos as always. Have a nice week!

  2. Another wonderful post, with art, culture, history and more in your own special blend. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Absolutely stunning artwork Valerie and great pics as alaways.
    Lucky you on the weather too as it's been miserable and rainy all week here so far!
    Fliss xx

  4. such beautiful work and I like your type of visitors!!!

  5. Wow, your grass is very green there. Makes me think of spring...not the super cold we have here. Your photos today are really nice-especially the sun and anchor one. Love all your art pieces today too-the Russian Orthodox Christmas one has a spectacular image on it-it almost looks like you embroidered it on there! Glad you're up and about! Hugs!

  6. Your journal page is stunning Valerie. The tag is really cute. What can I say about your photography except it is outstanding.

    Hugs and Blessings

  7. Beautiful page and a fun tag Valerie. Thanks for sharing today's lovely photos too.

  8. First of all, sorry for the lack of visits lately but there has not been much on-line time in the last few weeks. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon.
    I love your hybrid piece and the tag looks fun too!

  9. The page is stunning with such richness and beauty. It certainly captures the splendour of the celebration. Always something special in your posts Valerie that teaches as well as delights us.

    Great photographs with lots of atmosphere. I have saved one I couldn't resist it. Thank you for sharing them

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. I was really impressed with your entry for AJJ today, but when I saw the title of your post, my heart skipped a beat. Rust is my favorite science project of all. Of course, I liked what you wrote, too.

    What a glorious sharing of the Feast Day of the Three Magi. I knew it was 12th night, but, if I knew about the Feast Day of the Three Magi, it skipped my mind.

    Looks like you had a good walk today, and had fun with your balcony visitors. Hope your day is going well.

  11. Eine absoult schöne Arbeit für AJJ - so recht - Geduld und Zeit -
    Dein kleines Rostkunstwerk gefällt mir auch sehr gut - Rost passt zu Zeit und die Fotos zeigen wie gut Du Deine Zeit nutzt. Die Vogel- Aufnahmen sind wieder gaz besonders! Übrigens hab ich vorgestern glatt ein Rotkehlchen auf unserem Futterplatz gesehen. Dabei hab ich einen Tag vorher geschrieben - hier gäbe es keine.
    Einen schönen Dreikönigstag ! Mein Kalenderspruch heute ist:
    Heiligdreikönigstag sonnig und still - der Winter vor Ostern nicht weichen will.


  12. Fabulous creation, gorgeous colours and love the added goodies. Your photos are awesome again.xx

  13. The AJ page is so lovely, and the card so fun! I love the rusty look :-)

  14. Oh My! Your Russian piece makes my heart go pitty pat! So drawn to Russian art. Little science man? So cute .. needs a pixie on his shoulder. You are a clever lady, Valerie. As always, enjoyed your photos. Is the bird feeder on your balcony? hugs, Donna

  15. I have such a hard time capturing birds with my camera, how amazing that you can show us so many...I'm jealous! Love your little robot and wow, that Cathedral is something else! Have a good day. hugs :)

  16. No matter what you post, my attention will always fly to any images of Cologne Cathedral - my most favourite building of all time.

  17. The Cologne Cathedral is so beautiful--the outside is just as amazing!
    Adorable robot tag. Glad to see the sun out again!

  18. Der Roboter gefällt mir!
    Ach, und ich beneide dich um deine Vogelvielfalt vor dem Fenster. Verrätst du mir, mit welchem besonderen Futter du sie anlockst!
    ... und auf deinen Fotos sehe ich Sonnenschein - das hatten wir schon eine Woche nicht mehr! LG Ulrike

  19. I had no idea relics remained from the 3 kings.
    As always your journal piece is wonderful and I love the bird photos. They are so crisp and sharp and have captured every detail of those little buds.
    Have a great one, Valerie. Hugs

  20. Happy New Year to you Valerie. I love your picture and the beautiful Russian card. Your work is always so amazing. Hugs Rita xxxx

  21. Hi Valerie, oh the piece you created is stunning. I love the rust and gold together.
    Love your shadow pics. Looks like some sunny weather came your way.
    Happy New Year! xo

  22. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh so pretty.... makes me want to just stop and try to paint some Kings! Soooo loved reading about and seeing the shrine too. Your project is just gorgeous Valerie - love the Gecko Gals image and your take. And your robot is just too cute... hubby thinks so too!!! Wow - that's the neatest shadow picture of you EVER... love the long trees. So fun. And the birds are just so pretty too. Great post. Thanks bunches. j.

  23. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh so pretty.... makes me want to just stop and try to paint some Kings! Soooo loved reading about and seeing the shrine too. Your project is just gorgeous Valerie - love the Gecko Gals image and your take. And your robot is just too cute... hubby thinks so too!!! Wow - that's the neatest shadow picture of you EVER... love the long trees. So fun. And the birds are just so pretty too. Great post. Thanks bunches. j.

  24. Magical page summoning the Russion icons of old... and a beautiful post too - always such amazing photography.
    Alison x

  25. An exceptional and beautiful page today with special meaning for us. Our daughter-in-law is a Russian Orthodox Christian. Your photos are gorgeous and your robot is the best. Would you create one for me that does dusting, filing and ironing?

  26. I am very drawn to your beautiful Russian inspired collage Valerie.
    My German grandmother fled Russia when she was a young girl so I feel a connection there from hearing her stories.
    Your shadow pics are super as are all of your photos.
    Fun rusty robot too.

  27. Oh I love your Rusty Robot, it's just my kind of thing.
    Again superb photos of birds, especially the special woodpecker.

  28. Happy New Year!!Beautiful work!!Beautiful photos!!You have a good week

  29. Love the rusty robot and the fabulous rich Russian collage page. Wonderful photos again today.
    Yvonne xx

  30. I love your Russian pages - a place I would love to visit! The rusty robot made me smile - but maybe not as much as the photos -the birds look great today! Hugs, Chrisx

  31. What a fabulous and interesting read - I don't know where to begin!

    My favourites are the shadow and trees photos (for some reason it made me think of Jack and the beanstalk) , your beautiful Jay visitor, your glorious AJJ piece and last but not least your fabulous Robot tag. (think I have that kit - full of lovely grungy and rusty bits)
    Gill xx

  32. What a gorgeous winter page! And those images look familiar!! Have you ever been in that church? It looks amazing!!


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