
Wednesday 6 January 2016

Trees, kings and snow

Hi Everybody!

This week is flying by again, I never know where
the time goes to.
Today is the second day of Christmas in Russia, so for
Art Journal Journey
I once again made a hybrid page combining photos with images. This is another view taken from my windows:

In the  Basilica here they were also celebrating the Feast of the Three Kings, and they were added to the manger scene. I lit some candles for some of my friends:

Today on my walk I was impressed by the fragile beauty of the leafless trees:

I altered the photo at Tuxpi and made these kaleidoscope pictures:

Then I digitally changed the colour of one of the photos and added
a face drawing I made. I saw the picture in a magazine and drew my version of her, and placed her digitally on the star background. I am linking to Wen's simply neutrals and 99 faces

And more beautiful branches:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful work again, love both pages, and the magical tree pictures are very clever. Hugs, Sarah

  2. beautiful winter page. It's amazing what you do with the digital pictures!

  3. Wow!Great journal page! Love the photos today too but...oh my! What a wonderful way to alter the photos and then to add that gorgeous face! Valerie - you have excelled yourself again! Hugs, Chrisx

  4. Wow! What a great post. I love the basilica photos,the kaleidoscope photos, the second day of Russian Christmas, oh yes and the neutrals also. That's a lot!!! But they are all wonderful pieces! Hugs!

  5. LOVE the Russian nesting dolls ... perfect for your quote. (James Bond ... hmmmm ..) You have made a beautiful page with your digital alterations .. love the face. Beautiful photos, yet again. It was Three Kings day in San Miguel as well ... the Three Kings in full dress, ride into town on horseback. Very impressive. It is the day the children of Mexico receive their gifts. hugs, Donna

    1. That sounds wonderful. Here kids dress up as the three kings, and go from house to house, where they chalk a blessing by the door way and collect money for kids in need.

  6. I would have visited sooner, but right after 1 a.m. my electricity went off. It came back on a short time ago, so now I'm trying to catch up with everyone. Of course, I adore your lovely photos of your walk, your tree branches, and your altered AJJ piece, they made me feel cold, when I am trying to get warm. After all, no electricity means no heat or light.

    The nativity warmed me though. I loved how the scene had changed. And your lovely girl was so well done. I hope all is well in your world this morning and you are bundled well for your walk today.

  7. Wonderful, love it all and the Russia with Love got to me as my mum was born in Russia...thanks for sharing these most Adorable creations, love the designs, colours and image used. xx

  8. FANTABULOUS!!! Das russische Winterwunderland ist herrlich und das Gesicht ist mega und überhaupt! Der ganz Post ist eine kreative Wintersensation! Jawohl!
    Schönen Tag Liebes!

  9. Love the photographs and the way you changed one of them to a background and then added the amazing face.

    The journal page is really special with your wonderful background and the well known Russian dolls

    Hope you have a great day. We have very heavy rain and that is the forecast for the whole of the day-yuk

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Love the cross pollination of ideas - the trees throughout are brilliant: in the collage, the 'patterns' and the photographs, a great theme. Rounded off with the Epiphany and the Magi chiming with the Russian dolls.

  11. Absolut genial liebe Valerie, die zauberhaften Fotos und Bilder. Du begeisterst mich immer wieder aufs Neue, hab lieben Dank dafür.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  12. Fabulous post and ideas Valerie. Love the kaleidoscope effects on your photo and then your added artwork and re-colouring. Lovely face - she's very cool! :)

    It's like night time here, very dark and pouring with rain..
    Hope you're having a good day and having better weather...... Gill xx

    1. Nice to see you! Weather here dry/rainy/cloudy/cold/windy!

  13. Beautiful tribute to Russian Christmas! The kaleidoscopes are so cool and very creative!!!

  14. Very pretty winter scene with the Russian nesting dolls. It is fun to experiment digitally and you created some unusual shapes, one as the backdrop to your pretty face. Rain here melting the snow.

  15. Das Mädchen mit Brille sieht so hübsch aus, mit dem tollen Hintergrund und in diesen zurückgenommenen Farbe. Toll! LG Ulrike

  16. All kinds of neat stuff today. And isn't it great Christmas is still going on?

  17. looks like your week is full of creativity and fun. lovely to have a glimpse into your artful ways.

  18. Love the wintry scene and your work with self-portraits is amazing! As always the best photos! Hope the New Year is treating you well! Hugs!

  19. I love how the nativity is done at the Basilica - adding each piece on the day it really happened. Seems so fun to look forward to each new addition. Love the three kings coming. Thank you so much for sharing the changes Valerie.

    What a wonderful kaleidoscope effect you made from the trees. You are always so imaginative and inspiring to me. I love how this looks.... almost like a very elegant star. And dear me... drawing a face for you is just like when you bake a wonderful dessert... no big deal for you!!! I can't EVEN imagine drawing 99 faces... the one I did this week was way too challenging - thinking of 99 would pass me out - eheheheheh!!! I LOVE the face you redrew from the magazine.... put over the kaleidoscope from the trees. It's stunning and fun.

    Thank you for leaving me comments - they mean so much... I usually only get yours and two or three others if I am especially lucky!!!! You are a dear. j.

    1. I love visiting your blog, you are always so funny and your art is great - what more can one want!

  20. Such a wonderful post Valerie! Glad to see your cool contribution to Wen's Simply Neutrals Tuesday! You are clever with your work Valerie and I love to see what you can do. Great Basilica photo's you shared; thank you! And the birds and trees are beautiful~ Take care, Karen O

  21. A beautiful face and the kaleidoscope background is fantastic. Love the Basilica photos. Yesterday was holiday here, throughout the country, the Three Kings Day.
    Great post today!
    Hugs, Mar

  22. I often think Wow when I visit and today is no exception. The kaleidoscope and face looks stunning. Love how you used the photos for the AJJ page and your your fantastic photos today.
    Yvonne xx

  23. You really work wonders with your photos, dear Valerie!
    Hope 2016 will bring everything you wish for.

  24. Hi Valerie, I love your kaleidoscoped tree branches and thanks for the hint to Tuxpi, I shall have a go at that kaleidoscope effect! It looks fun. Happy New Year,


  25. There is so much beauty to comment on here I don't know where to start. The face you drew is amazing, beautiful hybrid page and the altered photo looks like the ceiling of a great cathedral.

    thanks for all this wonderful artistic inspiration.


  26. What a fabulous post Valerie!! Love how you turned the tree into a fractal image and then furthered that into your art piece! Just amazing! hugs :)

  27. Wonderful play with your pictures, Valerie, looks great, and the tree photoes are gorgeous,- love your drawing, too !!
    Hug from Dorthe

  28. Babushka's and snowflake digi heads, wonderful. xox

  29. Fun digital play with the bare trees Valerie!
    Sweet Matroshka's for your lovely From Russia With Love collage ♥ ♥ ♥

  30. What a wonderful idea to use your kaleidoscoped photo as a background in your art! Your gorgeously drawn girl now has this amazing star shape behind her. Wonderful! Your Russian collage photos are gorgeous and so is the beautiful fragile nature with the bare winter trees. Big hugs, xx


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