
Wednesday 18 November 2015

Another autumn face

Hi Everybody!

Had a busy day today. I had an appointment at the cardiologist for
some examinations, so had to be up and out early. I prefer my usual morning routine of take it easy.  I will be getting some new medication which should make me feel better. Getting old sucks, but the alternative - not getting old, is definitely worse!

For Art Journal Journey, inspired by the colours of autumn, I digitally reworked and changed an 'old' face and made it into a new A3 mixed media journal page. I am also linking to 99 Faces

I didn't have time to go for my Rhine walk today, so these are from yesterday, a very blustery day. There are still men at work repairing the footpath along the river:

And there are always people delivering goods, which is a problem in our little town, as the streets are old and narrow, and sometimes there are traffic jams. Of course, people living in big cities would laugh at the idea of ten or eleven cars being a traffic jam, but that's the way it is here!

Most od the trees are now bare, but some still have colourful leaves:

 Down at the Rhine the leaves stay greener longer:

Have a lovely day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, will ring you tomorrow afternoon. Lovely art, as always, take things easy! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Hope the new meds work wonders for you! Lovely piece today!

  3. Gorgeous face as always Valerie and sorry to hear you're under the weather. Hope the new medication does the trick.
    Take care, Fliss xx

  4. Wow Val this is a stunner, love the rich colours, and just keep on getting older! xx

  5. I liked the old face that turned into a new face. Does that make you a plastic (or electronic) surgeon?

    Loved the photos, even though they were taken yesterday. The views from the river were beautiful, and I enjoyed seeing the repairs as they were being made. And of course, the boat anchor is stunning. Hope you are having a good day and can take it easy until your new meds kick in properly.

    1. I wonder - wish I could change my real face, too!

  6. Woooww,was für ein wunderschönes gesicht,ganz besonders schön,für mich ist es die herbstkönigin,schöne lippen hat sie und wunderschön gemacht die haare mit dem naturmaterial.
    hier war auch hochwasser,wohne ja direkt am wasser,aber hier hoch ist es nicht gekommen,ein glück.
    wünsch dir einen schönen tag.

    hugs jenny

  7. Hope the meds make you feel am lot better Valerie.

    Terrific rework of your face with the wonderful Autumn things you added to it

    Nice to see the workmen doing their jobs and the way the leaves stay coloured longer along the Rgine.

    Have a good day today--we have sunshine--yipee

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Ein wunderwunderschöney Herbstgesicht Valerie und tolle Bilder von Deiner schönen Gegend und was so los ist da .. ja das kann ich mir gut vorstellen mit den Staus, kompliziert in engen Gassen.
    Hab einen wunderschönen Tag Liebes!

  9. Oh gosh you take the most awesome photos, each and every one is amazing, love it ...and LOVE your fabulous face and oh those colours, { aNNie}

  10. She is most certainly the goddess of autumn. She has that self confident and powerful but playful look. What a great face. I can see everyone is in autumn clean up mode! Hope its a good day so far!

    1. Perhaps I'm the only one not in Autumn clear up mode!

  11. Beautiful autumn face! I love the colors so warm!
    Here it is windy and rainy today and the temps are now starting to drop- icky out there- guess it is a great day to make art!

    1. Same weather here - it's been mild, but we are expecting a wild and wintry weekend.

  12. Ugh, construction! Great artwork, the colours are so vibrant and I love the quote you used! have a great day. hugs :)

  13. Your autumn lady is so beautiful. Yes living in a small town causes traffic jams here with the delivery men as well. I really love today's photos. Sorry you are not feeling up to par. Yes getting old sucks, certainly not for sissys.

  14. Gorgeous autumn hair and headdress on your face.
    I'm glad you are getting your health concerns looked after. You certainly have a good attitude.
    blessing hugs,

  15. Your page today reflects the beautiful golden colors of autumn. I hope your new meds give you more energy and make you feel so much better. We need more it seems as we get older PLUS energy to be creative.


  16. How pleasant to live in a town where ten cars create a traffic jam.
    Good to see a close up of the famous railings.
    The quote with the lovely golden girl is delightful, and true.
    Best wishes for feeling better very soon.

  17. Getting old? By your cheery and positive spirit I would have pegged you as early twenties.

    1. Sandra, growing old is not the same as growing up!

  18. Hope the new medications do their work and you feel alot better. Fabulous art page, love the leave swags in her hair. Wonderful photos and it looks like those workmen were busy.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Hi Valerie - Catching up on your wonderful pages I've missed. (behind again - sorry - been busy with solicitors and estate agents but after 4th Jan I should be back regularly... yipppeee :) )
    I hope your appointment went well and the new medication is helping xxx
    Your AJJ face is absolutely stunning!
    Gill xx

    1. Sorry you are su busy just know, hope things are back to normal for you soon.


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