
Sunday 11 October 2015

The moon over the town

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
Thanks again to all who sent well wishes; I do feel better, even though it is not yet completely gone, and am hopeful that I can soon get things done again at my usual pace.

For Art Journal Journey, architecture, 49 Faces, and Kim Dellow's show your face I made another mixed media journal page in A3. I think I was under the spell of the lunar eclipse when I made it....

Yesterday, when I went to the doctor's, it had stopped raining but the water drops were glistening everywhere:

I went out for a short walk today, and it was dry. This lovely ink-cap fungus greeted me as I went out of the house:

This one was a little further down the road:

The bottle top art has changed again:

The signs of autumn are everywhere:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. Glad you are on the mend! Lovely lunar eclipse inspiration. The bottle top art is intriguing.

  2. Beautiful journal page and photos today. Gave a great Sunday, hugs, Sarah

  3. Valerie, your photographs of the most wonderful drops of nature are just gorgeous. LOVE you irridecent journal pages, they are just super...Lovely and inspiring creation. These colours are really lovely.xx
     {The Journey Is The Start  aNNie  my personal blog}

  4. In love with your journal page. The depth and richness of the colours simply envelope me. Want to dive in and be part of it. Beautiful. Definitely Autumn. Your water droplet photos are wonderful and certainly capture the mood of the season. Happy you are on the mend ... take good care of yourself. hugs, Donna

  5. Was für eine wundervolle Seite das wieder ist! Bin begeistert und auch von Deinen herrlichen Aufnahmen bin ich sehr angetan!
    Einen schönen Sonntag Liebes!
    Weiterhin gute Besserung für Dich!

  6. Amazing photographs Valerie and particularly the ones with the rain drops--stunning. I wonderful if the bottle top artist changes it by adding different things?

    Your page is so beautiful with the deep blue and the many things to take us here and there on a journey.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Great cosmic page Valerie and lovely pics, I do like the bottle caps in the tree stump. Take it easy and enjoy your day. Xx

  8. Love the colours on your cosmic page, stunning
    Glad you're feeling a lot better and had a short walk. Lovely autumnal photos and the Halloween bottle art made me chuckle.
    Take care, Avril xx

  9. Happy Sunday Valerie, glad to hear you are feeling better.
    Wonderful photos and especially the ones showing the twinkling rain drops.
    A stunning piece of artwork as well and I really love the background and fab quote.
    Apparently this week Venus, Jupiter and Mars have been in alignment so maybe that's been working its magic on you too.
    Have a lovely (relaxing) day.... Gill xx

  10. It's great to read you are finally on the mend. Being able to take a short walk means you will soon be your self.

    The drawing is wonderful. I was so impressed with what I think is intended to be "start dust." Not sure how you made it, but it added something to the entry. Something that had my eye landing on it with each photo you took.

    WOW, oh wow. Your photos are great. Loved the first one with the raindrops still showing on the ornamental grass. It is lovely.

    Hope your Sunday is going well, and you will be feeling up to par soon.

  11. OH GOSH. It's early here. It should read STAR dust, not START dust. I need coffee.

    1. I know that need coffee feeling! The star dust is a very fine glitter called 'fairy dust', and I love it!

  12. Wowwwwww val,deine seite ist ganz grandios und gefällt mir megamäßig gut.
    schöne bilder hast du wieder gemacht,die herbstbilder sind wunderschön.
    einen schönen sonntag dir heute,ich hab auch noch eine seite gemacht.

    hugs jenny

  13. Very beautiful and mysterious journal page, the face is fantastic. I hope you continue to feel better, it takes time. Hugs, Shirley xx

  14. Love your journal page Valerie. Your art work is really wonderful. The vibrant colours look magnificent too. Today is chilly here, but it is dry. Hugs Rita xxxx

  15. Beautiful photos, the raindrop ones look great. Its a fabulous page, with the dark blues and the face in the the sky. Glad to read you are feeling a little better and got out for a short walk.
    Yvonne xx

  16. I love space themed pieces. I think your paint streaks and stars and planets above the city is so cool. Funny I made a same themed type of piece the other day-will post it to show you. But mine looks so different. (That is such the cool thing about art). Fantastic photos today of autumn-especially with the water drops-and the colors....Glad to hear you are on the mend too! Enjoy what's left of your weekend.

    1. Yes, it's always fun to see all the different interpretations of a theme.

  17. Okay I missed something which is not unusual for me - glad you are feeling better and hope the doctor gave you a good report.
    Your journal page is really wonderful - love those colors on the black background. Loved your sentiment.
    As always your pictures are wonderful - you find beauty all around you!
    Sandy xx

  18. Stunning piece of art, Valerie. I love her hair with the planets and the brights colours against the dark background.

  19. Liebe Valerie, er Mond über Deiner Stadt mutet fast weihnachtlich an. Er/ sie passt so schön in diese Jahreszeit des sichtbaren Wandels. Ich wünsche Dir sonnige Herbsttage und eine schöne neue Woche.

  20. Liebe Valerie, er Mond über Deiner Stadt mutet fast weihnachtlich an. Er/ sie passt so schön in diese Jahreszeit des sichtbaren Wandels. Ich wünsche Dir sonnige Herbsttage und eine schöne neue Woche.

  21. This is magical, the blues seem to glow, how did you do that, I wonder - blue fairy dust?
    Good to hear that you are out and about, thanks for all the photos which say Autumn.

  22. Very appropriate as we are having sight of the Northern Lights which are seldom see this far south

  23. Love this whimsical face with such vibrant colour and your autumn photos are just delicious!!

    Hugs GIggles

  24. Glad you are better, wet weather never helps the mood either and a chill in the air will do you in. Lovely lunar skies. xox

  25. Eine super Nachtseite, ganz tolle Farben!
    ... mir machen deine Kronkorkenfotos viel Spaß - bin schon neugierig auf die nächste Veränderung!
    LG Ulrike

  26. Hi Claudia, so glad you are feeling better. Love your new art work. Just perfect for the season and the raining fall walking pics are beautiful. Just right to venture out and return home for hot tea!!
    Have a great day. cm

  27. Really love the art :) I've been seeing lots of photos of the Northern Lights this year and you have captured that feeling of magic they have. Glad you are feeling better ♥

  28. Love your photos! The journal page is wonderful! I love the colours and the way you have the face at the side with her hair blowing out into the night sky - Brilliant! Chrisx

  29. Just love your page with all the planets and stars in her hair. I'm glad you are starting to feel better, it must have completely washed you out, so horrid but so good you are on the mend again. Thanks for the lovely Autumnal shots and for another great link up to Show Your Face and shout out too. Kx

  30. Not only have I missed out on some of your lovely artwork (you are such a powerhouse it is a challenge when I am not limping and away for two weeks *gg*) ... sorry to read that you weren't feeling well.
    Hoping all is well again.
    Your lunar eclipse inspired piece is stunning and just perfect with the words too ♥ ♥ ♥...your magical mystical lady is wonderful Valerie!
    Lovely rain kissed nature photos too and that party stump LOL.


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