
Monday 12 October 2015

Monday Mix

Hi Everybody!

The weekend is over already, time flies!

For Art Journal Journey, architecture, I made another  A3 mixed media journal page.

The night was cold and frosty and the sun had to fight its way through the mist this morning:

Some impressions from my sunny October Sunday walk:

This tree-stump is covered from all sides with fungi:

Autumn colours everywhere:

The farmer was at work attracting hundreds of hungry gulls again:

Some architectural pieces from Zons, a little town from the middle ages a few kilometres up river from here:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a pretty and interesting little town Zons looks to be. And I love the fungi. Great AJJ piece today-Looks like your collage has lots of Italy..all those old beautiful buildings. Have a great start to your week.

  2. wow,eine tolle seite und wunderschöne bilder.
    schöne neue woche.

    hugs jenny

  3. Fantastic page, you are working through your memories of all the places where you lived! Have a good Monday, hugs, Sarah

  4. can't get more architectural than that lovely page! Thanks for the tour too.

  5. Gorgeous! Your page looks like it is glowing from an internal source. How'd you do that?!? Awesome sauce on everything. I feel like I am a world traveler when I come to your page. TFS! ~Niki xx

    1. I use layers of white and yellow, and keep the yellow thin so that the white can shine through.

  6. Die Seite ist traumhaft -- ich liebe diese schöne Architektur und die Boticelli Venus dazu..und wie DU die Collage zum Leben erweckt hast mit Deinen bewährten Händchen!
    Fantastische AUfnahmen sind das wieder heute!

    Eine gute neue Woche und dass Du DIch jetzt endgültig erholst Liebes!

  7. die seite leuchtet ja richtig in oktobergold (wie die linde vor unserem haus gerade in der Morgensonne... aber auch hier ist es zapfig kalt!). so viele fantastische bilder, ihr müsst ein traumwochenende gehabt haben!

  8. Was für eine wunderschöne Seite! Tolle und sehr harmonische Komposition! Gefällt mir sehr!
    Schön sind auch deine Fotos wieder ... schön Impressionen!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  9. Another top notch page -- looks translucent which is a very nice effect. Photos are lovely as well - the tree stump with the fungi on it is beautiful! Have a lovely day, Valerie.. hugs, Donna

  10. Amazing mix of photographs Valerie. Love the statue with the wonderful texture that made me want to touch it.

    Terrific ideas on your page that are just right for the beautiful quote

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. A gorgeous page, I love how the yellow shines, beautiful photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Deine gold-leuchtende Seite heute ist wieder wunderbar gelungen, sehr schöne Zusammenstellung antiker Architektur!
    Auch hier war es frostig kalt heute Nacht, aber jetzt schein wieder die Sonne.
    LG Ulrike

  13. Another fabulous blogpost, there is so much here.
    Your AJJ piece is marvellous, the sunshine glow and the purple which emphasises it.
    First sky photo is stunning, with the depth of colours.
    Is that a seedhead - the fluffy plant? - do you know what it is? looks very unusual.
    And then the Zons architecture, I could spend ages admiring it and commenting on it, but I'll just say "Swoon".

    1. There were several bushes full of those seedheads, but I have no clue what they are.

  14. Wonderful page with great collage work and stunning photos, love those autumnal moods shining through them!

  15. Fantastic journal page.
    Thanks for taking me with you to Zon, what an interesting place to visit.
    Of course you know I loved the tree pictures......*grin*

  16. Great page!!! So glad to see you felt up to a Sunday walk again and then sharing your amazing photos ♥

  17. Fabulous page Valerie, it's a great mix of architecture and beautiful ladies.
    Loved the pictures of yesterday's walk. So pleased to see you out and about again.
    Avril xx

  18. Absolutely gorgeous. Not even sure where to start however the sunrise pictures were amazing.

  19. The birds, clock face and the rose were nicely positioned to move us around the glow of the painting in a 'er... clockwise direction. 'Artylly' clever.

    Gorgeous morning walk. We have a North Easter blowing straight off the sea but the week is set fair

    1. Thanks, I'm glad one person in the world noticed it! We are due for some cold and nasty weather this week!

  20. Fabulous Valerie! I love the glow you have achieved! Love your photos -Zons looks great but I must say your Autumn pics are amazing! Off for a wander backwards ...Chrisx

  21. A fabulous page with a mix of buildings and beautiful additions to draw the eye.. Loved the photos, glad to read you are getting out for walks again.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Okay, now THIS is my favorite mixed media! :) Love it.
    And the photograph with the sun coming through the leaves. So beautiful. You're such a gifted photographer.

  23. Your creation is just stunning,. Love that sweet image and your creative goodies as
    {The Journey Is The Start aNNie my personal blog}

  24. For some reason BLOGLOVIN didn't appear in my email today so I had to go search for your blog and I'm glad I did. Your page is outstanding and I appreciate reading how you acquired the bright spot as a focus in the middle of the page. Beautiful! As are your photos today, you do take some amazing shots and we learn about small towns that are so unfamiliar, at least to me. Don't overdo with your walks in the cold weather. Stay in and have a cup of your delicious coffee.

  25. A beautiful, light-filled page, Valerie. hugs, Teresa

  26. You packed a LOT of architecture on that page, and the beauties won't fade, will they? I like how you positioned the images, too. Very nicely done.

    The other day when you showed Zon, I went to the internet to learn more about it. What a fascinating place. Love the streets and the architecture, too. You don't see ANYTHING like that in the states.

    Sorry I missed this yesterday. Glad I finally caught up.

  27. Beautiful journal page, love the imagery you have used. And your page has such a wonderful glow to it.
    Lots of great photos again.
    The Fungi tree made me smile, I could lots of faces on them chatting away to others.
    And those fluffy seed heads are cool - its gonna bug me now wondering what they are, I shall have to try looking them up :)
    Love seeing your photos... Gill xx

  28. Gorgeous mixed media journal page and I love the warm glowing colors! I would love to go for a walk with you and enjoy such gorgeous sites. Great photos as always. Hugs!

  29. A vision of Italy - oh how I loved Florence. your page brings back lots of memories for me.
    I certainly enjoyed your pictures this morning Valerie,
    Sandy xx

  30. The pop of the roses in the lower right hand corner is just perfect. xox


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