
Saturday 31 October 2015

Halloween and the last day of Architecture

 Hi Everybody!

Today is the last day of the Architecture challenge at Art Journal Journey, and as usual, I have made a collage of all the pieces I made this month. For many of them I made a trip down memory lane and used photos of the places where I have lived at various times. Do call back tomorrow to see the new theme!

This is the last of my A3 journal pages. The wall in the centre is a photo taken near the Rhine. The window and spiders were added digitally. I fussy cut some little spooks and let them fly around, and added some leaves, natural and embossed with Frantage.

We have had good weather for several days, so I have been able to enjoy my walks.

In spring the shores of the Rhine are planted with blue crocuses from one end of the town to the other. They seem to have got a bit muddled, and are blooming among the autumn leaves:

Somebody had picked 2 and laid them here:

We had another beautiful moon and a cold and starry night:

Have a great day you all, happy Halloween, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful new page and LOVE the collection of all together, Wonderful photos, too. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Beautiful Valerie. Great journal page and fantastic photos as always.

    Hugs and Blessings

  3. Fabulous pages and magnificent photos.xx

  4. Schöne seiten wie immer, und eine tolle collage deiner werke,du hast viel gemacht zum thema architektur.
    tolle herbstbilder auch wieder hast du gemacht,es macht spass es anzu schauen.
    ich bin gespannt aufs neue thema.
    schönes halloween we für dich.

    hugs jenny

  5. Well done page, Valerie -- includes lots of interesting things. Love your leaves, 'cause I know how you created them. Always find weather veins so interesting -- if I had lots of space and money - I would collect them. Enjoy your day dear Valerie. hugs, Donna

    1. I don't have the space or money to collect the, either, but I do have a lot of nice pics of them!

  6. Wonderful collage of your beautiful architecture pages Valerie and the Halloween one is terrific though the spider is very scary for me.

    Love the photographs and I just had to save the anchor one as it 'spoke' to me for a future digi piece. Not sure what it will be about but I am sure it will appear in something. Thank you for sharing your wonderful pictures.

    The crocuses are Autumn ones. We used to grow a lot of them years ago and they are always in delicate colours and seem to flop over. Love the blues ones which I haven't seen before.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Wooo! Fabulous spooky page! Love the photos - especially the crocuses and the berries! There seem to be more berries this year and I'm hoping that the old wives tale about that being a sign of a cold Winter to come is wrong! Have a great day! Chrisx

  8. Wow.. Deine letzte Seit eund Dein Collage sind ein Traum anzusehen!
    Was für ein toller Monat! Deine Fotos sind einfach immer toll!
    Endlich ist hier auch wieder Sonne... es wurde echt Zeit!
    Schönen Samstag Liebs!

  9. Love the wonderful collage of your architecture pages, Valerie! This month you have also made a great job. The last page is fantastic too.
    Have a great weekend!
    Hugs, Mar

  10. love the ghostly children they're quite spooky! I'm off to the theatre today to see Rebecca. Happy hallowe'en! Xx

    1. Have fun, wish I was going with! Hugs, Valerie

  11. That photo of the 2 crocus laying down-it is spectacular. I love being the arm chair traveler and seeing all your photos. And you saved the best Halloween piece for last-awesome wall. What a good theme for AJJ this month-I love how it worked with Halloween. Hope your day hasn't been too spooky!

  12. Those children on your fabulous page look quite scary, loved all your pages on this month collage page.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Wonderful quote to go with your cool haunted Halloween creation Valerie!
    Your last couple of creations make for a perfect finish to another great creative month at AJJ.
    Can't wait to see what November has to offer.
    I have heard of autumn blooming crocus but have never seen beautiful they are in the meadow with the fallen leaves!
    Happy Halloween! oxo

  14. Wow just wonderful art. I love the Halloween piece. Glad you are having good weather. We are in a storm with heavy winds.
    Have a great weekend

  15. Your photos are stunning as always, your collage is a masterpiece and love the window frame in you page today.

  16. Hi Valerie, it's been a great month of art from you and all so inspiring. You are one talented designer.
    Great walking photos too. Have a wonderful weekend. cm

  17. Love the collage of your Architecture pages, and the Halloween pages is fabulous with those children floating around.
    Glad your weather's been good for your walks, lovely photos today - love those blue crocus, but how strand to be flowering now!
    Avril xx

  18. Fabulous inspiring art work, Valerie, super photos, I especially like the two picked Crocuses. Hope you're having a lovely weekend.

    Love and hugs

  19. Great last Architectural piece, Valerie, I like the real wall and feel sorry for the poor little ghosts. Great poem too, I'm not going out tonight.
    Loved the photo of the autumn crocuses and the moon.

  20. I love that you do a collage of each month's pages and I recognize that beautiful brick wall. As a matter of fact I came across it in my files today since you gave it as a file a few months ago.

  21. What lovely All Hallows Eve art! I hope you have a wonderful holiday. I love your photographs as well!

  22. I simply adore the way you end each AJJ month with a gorgeous collage. I like that the photos are not all the same size. The photo collage website I use doesn't have that option.

    Your children are quite frightening and it's the perfect way to finish the month.

    I have never seen a crocus, much less one that grew in autumn. These are simply stunning peeking out among the autumn leaves. Hope you enjoy Halloween because it's upon you soon.

  23. Love your final entry for the month. You know I love it when you combine your photos with your art ♥ Nice fall photos :) Once in a while my crocuses will get confused and bloom in the fall too. I think you have to have a lengthy cool down followed by a warm up .

  24. Fantastic collage to showcase your work during October - love it!
    'All Hallows Eve' is quite spooky with the ghostly looking children and creepy spiders.
    Hope you had a good Halloween!
    Gill xx

  25. Wow Valerie, your collage is amazing and I love your photographs today xx


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