
Sunday 13 September 2015

People in the window

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
For Art Journal Journey, through my window, I made an A3 mixed media page with Alfred Hitchcock and Cary Grant in the window. The birds were added with Dina Wakley's stencil. I am sure you all remember those wonderful films like Psycho and The Birds?

And I have another ice parlour sketch. This time I drew a very naughty little boy, who was not only annoying his Dad but everyone else as well...
I am linking to 49 faces.

I climbed right up to the top of the castle ruins to enjoy the view out of the windows. They needed good views in all directions, not only to be able to defend themselves, but to stop ships or carts passing by and charge them taxes....

The sky colours were beautiful this morning, although we never saw the sun, which hid itself behind thick clouds all day.

And last but not least, a window to Jerusalem, as today at sunset is the beginning of the Jewish New Year, 5776, Rosch Haschanah.
I would like to wish a good new year to all my Jewish friends.

(painted with acrylics on a painting board, I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, Landscapes)

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Nice page and the little boy does look naughty! Happy New Year and thanks for the photos today. Beautiful sunrise colours.

  2. Love the Hitchcock and Bogart piece - nice, scary memories! I know you went to Psycho with my Mum way back! Fun drawing of the little boy. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Wonderful photographs today as always Valerie and so lovely to see your Jewish greeting page with the terrific colours and symbols.

    Just seeing Hitchcock and thinking about the film sent shivers up my spine--it is a great page you have created.

    Love the naughty boy face. He looks like a young Boris Becker to me.


    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Hitchcock und Bogart... unverkennbar ..das sieht toll aus Valerie ! Deine Neujahrsgrüße gefallen mir auch - tolle Farben! Und die Fotos sind ein Genuß! Dankeschön!
    Einen feinen Sonntag !

  5. Vergass den kleinen Rothaarigen.... schätze rothaarige Kinder sind alle so lästig...
    hab ja auch so eine rote Rübe als Ableger! Lol...

    Tolles Gesichtchen, man sieht ihm den Schalk im Nacken an!

    1. I know that feeling, was also a red haired monster!

  6. A very beautiful painting for Rosch Haschanah, Valerie! Love the silhouettes of Hitchcock and Bogart against the darkening skye. Oh, and the naughty boy most certainly has a naughty look. Fabulous photos as always. Enjoy your Sunday!

    Love and hugs

  7. wow,bogart und hitchcock,einfach megamäßig klasse,die bilder heute sind ein traum,ein genuß.dankeschön.
    ein schönes we dir.

    hugs jenny

  8. Fabulously amazing everything, love the silhouette of alfred Hitchcock...x

  9. I love your Hitchcock piece, the silhouettes are fabulous - I love your face too and I've named your naughty boy Christopher as my sons hair was that colour when he was younger and he was a very naughty boy.
    xxx Hazel.

    1. Okay, I 'll call him Christopher then. Redheads seem to all be good at not behaving!

  10. The silhouettes are wonderful. The naughty boy made me smile. Looks like your on to some great adventures, enjoy!

  11. Gorgeous sunrise! And great castle photos too. I think ruins are so interesting! And you've been busy with your art! Very clever Alfred Hitchcock piece, as well as the piece for Rosch Haschanah (I copied yours and interesting German spelling. It it is spelled differently here in the US-Rosh Hashanah). Plus your face really got how annoying the boy was! Ejoy the rest of your weekend!

  12. ein wunderbares "Psycho"-bild!! ich denke gerade oft daran, unsere Elstern im garten gebärden sich z.t. sehr unangenehm! auch dein jüdisches neujahrswerk gefällt mir sehr... toll mit dem Gold und blau!

  13. Fantastic - love the Hitchcock and Cooper window and I really love the Rosch Haschanah make! I will always remember The Birds movie - scared me half to death!!!
    Sandy xx

  14. Hi Valerie, this is fabulous!! Perfect work to reflect the movie. Great Rosch Haschanah design.
    Love the view from the top of the castle ruin. Have a great weekend. cm

  15. Dein Fenster ist so klasse Valerie, geniale Idee,Hitchcock und der schöne Cary,superklasse. Auch der freche Bengel ist dir gut gelungen. Auch die Fotos sind sehr schön, die alte Festungsruine ist schon sehr fotogen da bei euch. Ein Augenschmaus wieder mal.
    Liebe Grüße

  16. I used to watch Hitchcock weekly. That is going back many moons. Great illustration in Silhouettes.
    nice pictures as well. . You climbed up there. Oh wow! Your not afraid of heights as many are.

  17. Fabulous projects today, I remember The Birds film, not one I would want to see again even all these years later. Your little boy sketch looks great, he does look quite a mischief lad.
    Yvonne xx

  18. You definitely captured the drama and also the eerie quality of The Birds.
    That boy certainly looks as though he has mischief in him, then again, that can be typical of redheads (I can say that because I am one myself lol)

  19. I can almost hear him saying, "Good eev-en-ning." Great page and that boy certainly looks naughty.

  20. Fabulous page and I agree with the quote.
    That little boy does look naughty. Love today's pictures, stunning sunset.
    Avril xx

  21. Your weekend is over and mine will be shortly. What a glorious post today with the New Year painting for Rosh Hashanah, the mischievous little boy sketch and your wonderful window silhouette page with the birds. Let's not forget the fabulous photos of the view from the castle arched windows and your morning sunrise photos. MARVELOUS!


  22. Two great thriller choices Valerie for your collage.
    We have visited the little town of Bodega Bay in CA where they filmed the birds...their claim to fame *ggg*.
    Your mishaving boy drawing makes me think of the phrase my Mutti often used: Einer spinnt immer ;-)
    Lovely Rosh Hashanah painting too!

  23. Dein Hitchcock-Vögelbild gefällt mir supergut - und der dem blauen Landschaftsmalerei hast du doch bestimmt das Mekka im Kopf gehabt! Ich habe auch an dich gedacht, als ich dort war. Im nächsten Jahr treffen wir uns dort hoffentlich mal wieder.
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  24. Before I read the caption, I saw the art and thought it was Hitchcock & Cary Grant (from North by Northwest)! Fun piece and those bird scared the heck out of me the first time I saw the movie! Beautiful photos from the castle!

  25. Your homage to Hitchcock and the Birds was wonderful. I've never seen the movie, but I hear it was quite scary. Loved the quote you added.

    Your little naughty boy was quite good, and I enjoyed the face. Of course, my favorite were all the lovely photos of the old castle ruins. This was a gem, and I'm so glad you took so many shots. Beautiful and haunting, indeed.

    Sorry I'm so late getting here. Thanks for visiting even when I was too busy to reciprocate.

  26. The Hitchcock work is haunting! Very fun! And I adore the naughty boy. :)

  27. OMG!! I knew right away before reading that ,that was Cary Grant!! He is my all time favorite leading man! swoon! Wonderfully done Valerie! xo

  28. Oh what a fabulous post - what wonderful views from the castle (lucky you) and a great face (i'm useless at drawing males ) but my favourite is 'The Birds' piece. I remember being scared by that film as a child but luckily it didn't put me off birds and I love feeding and watching my garden birds every day... Gill xx

  29. What a brilliant post! I love a good Cary Grant film on a grey Winters afternoon! Your photos are wonderful and I must say your little boy looks a real character! Chrisx


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