
Monday 20 April 2015

A head, a heart and some geese

Hi Everybody!

Hope you had a good Sunday. Here it was sunny but cool, and wonderful for walking, which I really enjoyed.

For Art Journal Journey, Favourite poems and quotes, I made a page with a quote from Nelson Mandela. The background has been made with brushos over wet gesso. I added some stenciling when it was dry. The head is once again one of my own stencils, the heart is from a stencil that the lovely Teresa sent me, together with other stencils with alphas and basic shapes. The clockwork pieces in the head are from a Viva-color stencil. I used a a black Indian ink pen for the outlines and text.

The sun and I both rose at the same time this morning; the sun definitely looked better than I did!

My walk led me to Schloss Kalkum to feed the ducks and geese.
The Egyptian wild geese have young ones, and were very alert and rather hissy today!

The goslings (8 altogether) were swimming in the murky water of the moat.

This one tried to peck my jeans, but I got rid of her by throwing a large handful of grains.

The  gardens look beautiful even though they are rather neglected

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love spring! Beautiful page and quote today Valerie!

  2. Love your fun page today, and the quote is great! Wonderful photos, too Have a good start in the week, hugs, Sarah

  3. Der Spruch ist sehr wahr ! Eine schöne Sete ist das wieder!
    Deine Fotos machen mir immer viel Freude..auch diesmal wieder!


  4. Wow,schöne seiten und der spruch ist so schön und wahr.
    tolle bilder weder,sie machen mir auch freude.
    schöne neue woche für dich.

    knuddel jenny

  5. schöne journalseite, nach diesem kopfstencil werde ich auch ausschau halten, den find ich klasse.
    und tolle Fotos... ja, gänse können ganz schön frech werden;) deine sonnenaufgänge sind jedesmal der traum!!

  6. Such a great quote and a beautiful sunrise. You must be an early riser! Have a great day. Xx

  7. Another fabulous background and a great quote! It just needs a clever hand (as in head, heart and hand) to put it all together :o)

  8. Your story about the goose made me smile, because my grandmother's geese used to chase me at her ranch. Blessings!

  9. Superb creation, brilliant colours and love the display of gorgeous photos....xx{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  10. Your page is fabulous and the quote a favourite.
    The sunrise is glorious, the geese very pretty and the blossom beautiful.
    Have a wonderful week Valerie {{Hugs}}

  11. Beautiful artwork today Valerie and I am loving all the flowers and birds! I can't wait until the birds start chirping outside my window! hugs :)

  12. Ah! I've SO missed the blog world and I'm happy to be back to enjoy your posts. I am completely loving your art - your colours are spectacular and there's an impressionist look to them that really draws me in. Thank as always for posting your walks - it's such a joy! Happy to be back - sending hugs from Shroo:)xx

  13. Love the message on the art ♥ Spring is beautiful where you live :) and those Geese are very pretty and glad you had the grain to distract them.

  14. Love this brilliant page! Your photos are also stunning - it's good to be In Spring now isn't it? Chrisx

  15. Love the pages today Valerie, super photos as well. Sounds like the geese were being protective of the young ones today.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Love the journal pages & quote today! Those geese are just beautiful, too!

  17. It seems to be a bit early for the Egyptian wild geese to have babies, they look fantastic, I've not seen these birds.
    I'm wondering how you manage to take the sun rising without looking at the sun, these photos are really outstanding, but then you are a great sky-photographer.

  18. Gorgeous color on your journal page today! Wonderful work!

  19. What a wonderful post! Great colours. And your art... delicious! The geese are amazing. Wow!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  20. Valerie, I like the quotes you choose and the way you create your project to correspond. I have never seen an Egyptian Goose so your photos were extra special today. It is pretty here and we have four new goslings in the pond.


  21. Hi Valerie, the geese are adorable. Love your art work, the gorgeous color and the quote to go with your design. Beautiful sky pics too.
    Have a great evening.
    Hugs, CM

  22. I like the wheels and cog nature of the head. Are those Egyptian geese, so colorful. xox

  23. Great quote and page. It looks like the head is blowing out a colourful wind.
    Gorgeous geese.

  24. Nelson Mandela got that right
    AND so did you my artsy friend.
    Lovely piece!
    Spring is my favorite time of year (altho I do enjoy each and every season!)...
    thank you for sharing your lovely photos


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