
Sunday 15 March 2015

Things with wings and signs of spring

Hi Everybody!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Here is is still very cold, but we didn't get the forecasted snow and rain, so that was at least something!

For Art Journal Journey, things with wings, I have made another journal page. What else? For the background I used a water coloured, sprayed and dripped background from my ready made ones. I added more colour with Gelatos to bring in some light and sunshine, I like putting a layer of white under and over the colours to make them more luminous The fairy queen is under water, and surrounded by lots of little winged elves. The Fairy queen is a stamp from Geck Galz. I used gel-pens. white highlighter and Gelatos to add colour to the figures, and stickles for the wings, and  added some scribbling and doodling.

The sunrise today was rather hazy, but still lovely

Lots of trees are starting to sprout leaves:

The ducks were bathing, as usual

And this dandelion just needs a bit of sun before it opens up

The crow was looking for worms for breakfast

Have a nice weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. Lovely page, the fairies almost look real! Nice to see the new growth.

  2. Beautiful page, love the underwater scene, and the beautiful little sprites playing around.Great photos, too. Hugs, Sarah - enjoy your Sunday!

  3. Was für eine traumhaft schöne Unterwasserwelt-Szene.. die Elfen im Reich der Meerjungfrauen.. eine tolle Idee! Unbeschreiblich schön ..die Motive harmonieren und verbinden sich herrlich mit dem tollen Hintergrund! Superb!
    Und Du machts mir Frühlingslaune mit Deinen Bildern, obwohl wir noch ein wenig warten müssen hier wie es scheint!
    Schönen Sonntag liebe Valerie!

  4. BEAUTIFUL. LOVE IT have sign of spring we, today have signs of getting cooler.xx

  5. Zauberhafte Feen-Seite - gefällt mir sehr gut, danke für den lieben Kommentar und einen wunderschönen Sonntag trotz des grauen Wetter wünsch' ich Dir, liebe Grüße

  6. Love this page Valerie with the wonderful background you have created to show off under water fairy.Lots of wonderful technique ideas--thank you for sharing those.

    Love the photographs that show Spring has definitely sprung for you. Pretty much the same for us as well but still cold with the Easterly wind coming from your direction

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Amazing page with so many interesting details.
    Hugs xx

  8. Stunning! Love how the fairy emerges from that wonderful background! A new favourite I think. Is the Gecko stamp real or a digi stamp? Of course fairies themselves are real lol....

  9. ich glaube, deine schöne fee wird sich bei uns in der nächsten Woche als frühlingselfe entpuppen, die vorhersagen sind ganz gut... eine tolle seite wieder, Valerie!

  10. Gorgeous page and gorgeous pic.

  11. Eine traumhafte, mystische Seite, bei der man lange verweilen kann weil es so viel zu entdecken gibt! Wieder eine hervorragende Arbeit!!! Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntag hier regnet es also ideales Bastelwetter :-)

  12. Good Morning Valerie. Sorry to have been missing lately. What beautiful art in your fairy piece . The colours are glorious and that fairy has come alive. Beautiful pictures of Spring and I love the blackboard looking for the worm. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  13. Holy cow Valerie, stunning stunning stunning!! One of my all time favourites, what a gorgeous piece, so full of colour and life...INCREDIBLE!!! Happy Sunday, hugs :)

  14. Beautiful painting Valerie, I thought the fairy was painted vs stamped, very effective techniques. The sunrise is gorgeous. Cheers, Shirleyxx

  15. Lovely underwater piece! Such vivid colors! Yay for the signs of Spring!

  16. WOW was für eine tole kreative und fantasievolle Seite wie aus einem Märchen und ich liebe Märchen! Super toll gemacht.
    Auch die Fotos sind wieder ein Träumchen, danke dafür.
    Liebe Grüße Anja

  17. Awesome, under water fairy world, it looks a magical place to be.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Great fantasy art page, Valerie.

  19. Das ist eine ganz wunderbare Fantasy-Seite. Toll!
    ... und ich sehe, bei euch sprießt tatsächlich schon frisches Grün! Das lässt hoffen - aber wir sind hier immer später dran. LG Ulrike

  20. Valerie, this is a perfect art page for the season. Love the fairy and the gorgeous mix of color. Great signs of spring walking pics. Thanks for sharing this inspiration.
    Have a great week ahead.
    Hugs, CM

  21. I so love your art journal page, Valerie!

  22. Valerie, your art journal page today is so beautiful and your photos of spring busting through the branches is so wonderful. Spring is my favorite season and I can't wait for the flowers to bloom. You have inspired me with the use of Gelatos so I purchased my first set but they are still in the package waiting for me to put them to use. I love the beautiful color effects you get with them.

    Love hugs,

  23. Your fairy page is quite magical Valerie and it's lovely to see the fresh new shoots of spring, I think you're a few weeks ahead of us although the crocuses are fully out now. Xx

  24. A magical lanscape,of wings. xox

  25. Such a magical and gorgeous project, Valerie! Love it and love all those photos! Hugs!

  26. this is a lovely page, I love the fairy queens wings :) Lovely to see spring springing :) T x

  27. Your Fairy page is amazing!!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT♥♥♥♥♥ Love looking at all of your signs of SPRING too ♥ The Dandelion is my favorite :) My daughter and I love the Dandelion and look for it's appearance every spring ♥

  28. Oooh I must admit I'm not a fairy person but yours is wonderful Val xx

  29. Your fairy is so lovely and ethereal and beautifully done on that gorgeous background!
    I never thought about crows eating worms.
    I was just reading where dandelions are the first food for bees good thing we never worry about them popping up in our lawn. The neighbors who spray chemicals make me sad.
    Happy Spring liebe Valerie
    maybe I already told you Mr M and I will be away until later this month...we will be twinkling our toes in the sands of Turks & Caicos...


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