
Monday 16 March 2015

Geese and ducks

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good! It was a cold and grey day here, but it did stay dry, so I was able to walk to Schloss Kalkum and visit the geese and ducks, which was very pleasant.

For Art Journal Journey, things with wings,  I have made a fitting journal page, this time with geese in love. The sentiment is short, and this time in German. 'Gans verliebt' (Goose in love) is a word play on 'Ganz verliebt' (Totally in love). I drew my  geese on a painted background, which was also stenciled with various patterns and birds. After drawing the geese, I painted them with gesso, and water colours, adding shading and details with Gelatos and gel-pens when it was dry. I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, poultry, and Simon Monday Challenge, animals

This duck was sitting on the bridge over the moat:

This beautiful chap tried to hide in the grass when he saw me:

This lovely grey goose was out for a walk in the park:

The northern wild geese always look rather snooty:

And this duck up on the turret was evidently aspiring to higher things:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. Wow, beautiful journal page, Val. Thanks for sharing those real pics of ducks, truly inspiring.

  2. Very cute journal page! Beautiful photos of the ducks today.

  3. Love your sweet geese and ducks today, your journal page is wonderful as are the photos, too. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  4. Gorgeous photos, love the ducks and Super designed journal pages with a beautiful images and colours..xx
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  5. oohh wow,deine gans seite ist ein traum,auch wunderschöne farben.
    tolle bilder hast du wider gemacht,bei uns sind jetzt auch immer die vögel da und singen so schön,hab auf dem balkon futter verteilt und nun kommen sie in ganzen schwärmen zum futtern,hach ist das toll.
    ich habe heute auch eine seite mit einer gans,schön sonnig ist es bei uns schon,tolles wetter zum rad fahren.
    schreib dir nachher mal eine mail,habe eine neue e mail addy eingerichtet,ich bekam einfach zuviel spam.
    einen wunderschönen tag dir.

    GLG Jeannette

  6. deine farbfrohen Hintergründe besonnen schon immer mein frühstück, wie schön! heute scheint auch schon draußen die sonne, es soll eine tolle vorfrühlingswoche werden. damit können wir uns sicher auf viele bilder von deinen spaziergängen freuen:)

  7. Fun looking geese on that gorgeous vibrant background! Have a great week Valerie! Very dull and grey here, but it's my day off so I look forward to some creative fun...

  8. Wonderful page with striking colours and beautiful drawing of the birds Valerie--they do look in love for sure.

    The photographs are amazing and I love the close-ups with so much detail.

    I hope today will be as good for you and you can have another nice walk.

    Love Chrissie x

  9. Awww, that is a beautiful page Valerie; the geese so cute {{Hugs}} :o)

  10. Cute geese Valerie, I wish they were all that friendly looking. I remember holidaying on a farm one year and the geese were vicious! Xx

    1. True, I often get shooed away when I go too near when taking pics - better than guard dogs!

  11. Deine verliebten Gänse sind wundervoll Valerie! Ein Hammer ! Und all die schönen Detailaufnahmen von den Watschelgesellen sind wahrlich beeindruckend ! Ich wünsche Dir noch einen wunderschönen Tag Sweetie!

  12. I love your fun geese Valerie and the background is fab.
    xxx Hazel.

  13. Adorable journal page, and the ducks in the photos look like they are smiling for your camera!

  14. :-) Das ist ja so goldig, eine toll verliebte Seite hast Du da gemalt, große Klasse und gutte Laune macht die bunte Seite auch noch!!
    Die Fotos wie immer wunderschön.
    Ich wünsche Dir eine frohe sonnige Woche,
    lG Anja

  15. I love the fun imagery and bold colors in your new feathers page. With that gorgeous variety of water fowl in your part of the world, I'm not surprised by your duckies. Blessings!

  16. Your make brought on a chuckle from me. I do love ducks especially the babies. Beautiful colors! Wonderful pictures - you have given us some shots that I have not seen before!
    Sandy xx

  17. The Love Birds are adorable♥♥♥♥ Nice photos from your walk... ducks have such beautiful iridescence colors . When I wore makeup I loved those colors of eye shadows. That was many , many years ago :)

  18. I really like your drawing – it is very colorful and would light up a grey day. When Canada Geese fly over we always look up at the sky as we recognize their calls. The Canada Geese seem more slender than the geese you show. I liked that duck perched on top the roof.

  19. The geese on your painting look so cute and happy today. Super photos of the walk as well
    Yvonne xx

  20. Love the cute faces of the ducks Valerie. What a cheerful work of art. Perfect to go with your walking pics. Love the emerald heads of the mallards.
    Hugs, CM

  21. What adorable geese on your beautiful painting. This page is so wonderful, Valerie!
    Hugs, Mar

  22. Love your funny ducks on your stunning background. From your photos, I can see where you got your inspiration.

    I must have caught a similar inspiration as you will see on my blog later today. A little surprise for you and my other followers.


  23. A very fun journal page today. The ducks are darling! Great photos of the geese and ducks too.


  24. Love these super cute ducks. They are smiling and look like they are ready for the spring rains.

  25. Fun happy geese and a great background with the flying geese.
    Superb photographs of the ducks and geese, poor little duck not wanting to be photographed for us.
    What a fascinating and beautiful building that is.

  26. Completely fabulously happy journal page! Love it - and your wonderful photos as always. I do love geese and ducks - they used to land in my garden at my old house..such a noise they made! Gorgeous post - sending big hugs from Shroo:)xxx

  27. Aww love your geese, made me smile, and your duck photo's are brilliant - it really looks like Spring is on it's way at last! xx

  28. your journal page is bright, beautiful and fun! such lovely photos as well. I think it would be great fun to take a walk with you. xo

  29. Endlich komme ich mal wieder dazu eine Blogrunde anzutreten. Bei dir gibt es so viel zu sehen, da hinterlasse ich dir jetzt mal unter diesem Post einen "Sammelkommentar" - von dem Enten/Gansbild bin ich total begeistert - herrliche Farben und wunderschönes Wortspiel.
    Wir haben gestern bei unserem obligatorischen Waldspaziergang gesehen, dass es in diesem Jahr mehrere Entenpaare auf dem Waldsee gibt. Total schön. Ich wünsche dir ein tolles Wochenende und erhol dich gut von deiner Räumerei.

  30. I always adore how you mix such wonderful art with such incredible photography! You are talented in so many different ways! I love how you created this piece with such stunning colors. It has vibrant energy and your attention to detail is always a joy to see. This piece brought back fond memories I had of living in Europe and visiting geese ponds myself, so thank you for the emotion your piece evoked. And thanks for sharing your talents with us for this week's Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!


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