
Thursday 8 January 2015

Thursday this and that....

Hi Everybody!

Another day has sped by, where does the time go?
I stayed home all day, something very unusual for me.  I think I did a bit too much in the past few days with walking, running down and up the stairs, and carrying heavy old furniture, and was rewarded with aching, swollen ankles, so decided to have a rest. A friend came, and we sewed her carnival costume, and this evening I did the same with another friend, so it was a pleasant day, with good company, and lots of nibbles!

For Art Journal Journey I took my Inspiration this time from Frank Auerbach, a British painter who was born in Germany. His portraits  often show very bold and sometimes rather wild brush-strokes and outlining, and I wanted to try this effect, but not with much success. Still, it was fun. I started off with a selfie taken in the summer, which I digitalised and used to make a portrait I could work from. I painted it with water colours, pastel chalks and felt pens, keeping to a relatively limited colour range . I messed up the background, so I cut it out and placed it on a background painted with the same colours in the colour-blocking technique, After gluing it down, I outlined it with a wide nib pen in dark brown. I added a few strips of washi tape and some of my letter fragments, as these are the things I like. I spent several days working on it, and was not really happy with the result when it was finished, but in the meantime I like it.
I am linking to Paint Party Friday and to Mix it Monthly, colour blocking.

Here are a few more photos from my Sunday walk along the Rhine:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hope the ankles recover by tomorrow! Enjoyed your photos and I do like your inspired selfie.

  2. That's a good selfie portrait Valerie. I like the colours you used. ((hugs)) :o)

  3. Beautiful card, lovely selfie image used too along with those gorgeous colour combo.xx{The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  4. Wonderful journal page, love your selfie portrait, and the colours you have used. Great photos, too, and hope your ankles are feeling better - take it easy! It's dark and wet here, yuck! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Ich bin begeistert von Deinem SELFIE und auch Deine Fotos sind super !
    Hab einen wunderschönen Tag Sweetie!

  6. Just so so creative. I loved that you used a selfie and gave it kind of an African feel too. Once again thank you for sharing your amazing photos.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  7. Wow wie klasse ist das denn???? Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag - hier regnet es mal wieder. Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  8. dein selbstportrait ist fantastisch, die farben so schön warm! alles gute für deine knöchel, damit du wieder schön spazieren laufen kannst in deiner schönen Umgebung!

  9. Hope you feel refreshed after your relaxing day--well almost apart from the sewing

    Fantastic portrait Valerie against the super background.

    Such wonderful photographs. The shadows of the tree on the house wall are stunning.

    Have a great day today

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. You suit red hair Valerie! and we all need a day here and there to rest and recuperate. Take it easy today too! Xx

  11. Das hast du super gemalt - ich erkenne dich sofort wieder und freue mich, dich zu sehen.
    Heute ist hier auch kein Rausgeh-Wetter, also werde ich meine Knie auch schonen, denn ich hatte sie auch etwas überlastet..
    Liebe Grüße von Ulrike

  12. Fabulous art using the 'selfie' Valerie, love the bright background. Hope you are feeling a bit better today. I think most of us never quite know when is the right time to stop and rest.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Grossartig Dein Selfie-Gemälde! Tolle Pose und klasse rausgearbeitet! Die Farbbläcke im Hintergrund passen so genial dazu und sehr schön, die Schriften als Highlight! Wunderbar! Mix It Monthly ♥ Conny

  14. Oh my gosh, what an amazing selfie, wonderful colours, so full of life! Love your photos and artwork today! Have a wonderful day and I will see you again soon! hugs and smiles to you :)

  15. Amazing portrait, fabulous artwork! You sound like you do keep quite busy! I hope your ankles are back to normal again. Take care, Shirleyxx

  16. wow,dein arbeit ist ganz toll geworden,nesondrs gefällt mir das bild von dir,du siehst sehr symhpatisch aus.

    XXX Jeannette

  17. This is sheer brilliance, Valerie. Very well done! I think your block background, the washi tape and the text works very well too.

  18. Great selfie on your fabulous page, and love the colours.
    Hugs, Mar

  19. Beautiful self- portrait! I really like the color blocked background.
    Take care of those ankles!
    Thank you for sharing your art. It's a joy to visit your blog.

  20. ich nochmal,ja du hast recht die vögelsehen genauso wie die dich besuchen kommen,haha.

    xxx schlaf gut,liebes

    xxx jeannette

  21. it turned out fantastic....

  22. Love the "SELFIE" !!!! Great photos again and I do hope your ankles are better. We must be careful in how much we do these days :(

  23. This is beautiful and very cleverly done.
    Blessing hugs,

  24. Very interesting take on the style of painting Valerie. Sometimes it is more difficult than people realize to do a different style than your use to even though it is close to what you do. I think this was a pretty admirable attempt and I rather like it.

    As always, I love your photography. The artistic eye does transfer over into photography rather well. Nicely done. - Jim

  25. It's brilliant Valerie and I'm glad you like it yourself now too! Such a clever technique!

  26. I like it a lot, looks fabulous! Hope you get some rest and don't do too much more lifting! ~Diane

  27. Nice work. Fun washi tape in animal prints. Take care and rest up. Too cold here to walk anyway. Glad you had some fun with friends. xox

  28. Wow, that was a gorgeous painting, and a lovely selfie.

    Your area looks cold, but at least the water is moving and not iced over like it is here. I so enjoy seeing scenes of where you walk.

    1. Did you say ice? I'm glad the water isn't frozen over here!

  29. Ganz tolles Selfie. Wunderbare Komposition und die Fotos sind wieder ein Genuss!

  30. Really fun how you arrived at your great final art piece Valerie!
    Cool selfie too.
    It is good to listen to our bodies when they tell us to "rest" I think.
    Carnival costumes sound like lots of fun...your creative activities are many!

  31. Hi Valerie, love your selfie and the colors are beautiful. Great walking pics as always and I hope your ankles feel better as you take a rest and recoup.
    Stay safe and warm in the winter weather.

  32. Agree with the others, great selfie! Happy PPF!

  33. Great work, happy you took it easy! It looks like you had some sun your way and enjoyed a beautiful walk on Sunday, as always lovely photos!

  34. I like this, it shows power and self-termination!

  35. love these healing orange silhouettes and photos are fab

  36. Your selfie came out great Valerie! I'll have to try that, how fun.Your pics are wonderful. I love the one of the window and the one with the boat on the river by the wall, awesome perspective agian!

  37. That delicious winter atmosphere ... Great!

  38. Ja wie genial ist die Zeichnung denn ?! Ich finde schon, dass sie dir gelungen ist. Klasse. Gute Besserung für dich :)

  39. I think your painting is marvelous! Nice to see you had sunshine to walk in this time around.

  40. Your selfie painting is fab. Brilliant technique. x

  41. What a great painting and the leopard washi tape must be to show your wild side!

  42. Wunderschön gemalt, tolle Seite!

  43. Ganz tolle Umsetzung und Verarbeitung deines Selfies. Gefällt mir. Aber auch die Fotos sind wieder schön und machen Sehnsucht nach Frühling,Sonne und Wasser.
    Liebe Grüße


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