
Wednesday 7 January 2015

Inspired by....

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day is good, wherever you are! 
We had dry and partly sunny weather here, and a wonderful sunrise - things which always lift my spirit!

For Art Journal Journey 'Inspired by the Masters' I have made another page in my Giant journal,  once again inspired by René Magritte. I find his art and ideas very fascinating. Once again I have used his symbols of day, night, the moon, sun, clouds and landscape.  I Painted the background with gesso, and then used sky-blue. For the night images I used blue-black. Tim-Holtz's umbrella man has made an appearance once again. The heads were made with one of my own stencils. I was a bit disappointed at first that the blue/black colour did not completely hide the white of the clouds behind them. Then I decided it gives it more of a dream quality, because in dreams nothing is solid. It's always fun to try to get inside someone else's head, or to allow the images to swim around in your own head....I wrote a quote from Magritte along the edge.

I was up early, it was still dark, but the first light was visible over the airport:

I love the wintry colours here:

And then the sun showed itself:

The starlings were back again, hungry as ever:

The water in the Rhine is rather high, and there were hundreds of wild geese all along the shore:

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Another original make! Great photos too! Have a good day!

  2. you always inspire me, always, you are so creative with your art and you have such passion,
    I wonder if any of the geese live here in summer?

  3. lovely inspired art and your photos are gorgeous. I must say the birds look well fed.

  4. Wunderbare Sonnen- und Tierbilder und Deine Magritte Seite ist fantastisch... genau so schweben die Gedanken bei mir wenn sie KREISEN..ganz toll dargestellt hast Du das!
    Einen wunderschönen Tag Dir !
    AJJ freut sich riesig!!!!!!!!!
    Aber das weisst Du ja!

  5. Mega cool deine Journalseite! Bei uns sind viele Graugänse auf den Feldern - Sonne gab es zuletzt am Neujahrstag - im Augenblick regnet es mal wieder. LG Dagmar

  6. LOVE your Magritte page today, just wonderful, the thoughts going round and round in a dream, just floating by - yes! Great photos, too, with harmonious colours and the sun sparkling on the water. No sun here today! Hugs, Sarah

  7. An interesting piece of art today Valerie and a very interesting quote. Quite true as well I think.

    Love the photographs and we have the same red sky which usually means strong winds for us. You will need extra food now the starlings have found their way to you 'cafe'.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

    1. True, thy eat loads and so quickly, like little vultures!

  8. Sehr ansprechende Interpretation, der Magritte war sehr inspirierend ;) Danke für den virtuellen Besuch und Kommentar zu meiner Interpretation und - I'll be back! Art Journal Journey gefällt mir sehr gut. Viele Grüße Ariane

  9. Beautiful creation, all the gorgeous goodies and delightful this one....{The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  10. I enlarged the photo to see all the gorgeous texture in your piece and to read the quote. Thanks for sharing the awesome photos of the early morning sky!

  11. Beautiful work with Umbrella Man! He is my favourite and you have done him proud! Love the bright blue with the black! Great sky photos today! hugs and smiles :)

  12. ... und wieder eine so tolle Magritte-Seite von dir! Dieses Blau mag ich total!
    LG Ulrike


  13. wunderschön isr dein werk
    geföällt mir sehr.

    eolle vilder hast du gemachgt.#


  14. Deine René Magritte-Seite gefällt mir sehr gut.
    Du hast ja viel Besuch in deinem Vogelhaus.
    Liebe Grüße- Kathy

  15. Love your stenciled art! Big hugs, ~Diane

  16. Fantastic artwork again, your stencils are great. The morning sunrise is gorgeous. We see beautiful sunsets but not with as much nature as you seem to have in your view. Your photography is beautiful. Take good care, Shirley xx

  17. Wir hatten heute auch immer mal wieder Sonne, es war aber auch recht diesig. Deine Sonnenaufgangsbilder sind wunderschön. Auch deine Art Journal Seite gefällt mir wieder super gut, der Regenschirmmann ist einfach nur klasse.

  18. Super dreamscape, Valerie. You make Mr. U. work very hard but the results are worth it.
    Your skyscapes are extra-terrestrial i.e. out of this world.

  19. Hi Valerie, Your inspired art piece is truly stunning. I love anything with the umbrella man.
    Lovely sky pics and the geese are beautiful.

  20. Good to see Mr Umbrella Man on today's fabulous tribute to the masters.
    Super photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  21. Den Magritte hast Du schon richtig gut drauf, Klasse composition! Und Deine Fotos sind auhc wieder ein Traum. Die letzten Tage hatten wir strahlenden Sonnenschein, aber heute nacht fiel urplötzlich wieder Schnee und heute wars trüb, da erwärmen Deine Fotos das Gemüt, danke dafür:-)
    LG Anja

  22. Fabulous Journal page Valerie. Love your sky photos, the colours are stunning
    Avril xx

  23. What a wonderful page. I love the photos. your blog is always such a treat.
    susan s

  24. Loving the Charlie Chaplin flavour with your journal page and once again I just adore the beautiful photos of your surrounding area.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  25. What a fun collage Valerie! Glad to see some clear weather for you!! hugs xo

  26. I so enjoyed this one. It is so unique. Although I know it's inspired by Magritte, it also puts me in mind of a Miro. Something about it.

    Love the Rhine photos and sunrise, too.

  27. So many new to me artists I am learning about Valerie.
    Thank you for your introductions and for sharing your creativity which is always a delight.


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