
Tuesday 2 December 2014

Tuesday this and that and the neighbour's cat

Hi Everybody!

Hope you have all had a good start in the new week. We had a cold and grey
day here, with icy winds, but it could have been worse!
I got out for 2 walks, gave my student 2 hours of coaching and managed to do the shopping. Then I decided that the rest of the day belonged to me - and that means being in my crafty kitchen, where I started several collage projects. As things need to dry in between layer, it's quite good to work parallel on several pieces. And I managed a quick tag for Tag Tuesday, which I started rather late in the day.

For this collage for Art Journal Journey I used a sheet of craft paper, a little larger than A4, and then glued the finished collage into my giant journal. I used pieces of old backgrounds, paintings and stamped projects which I cut up for various reasons (perhaps because I didn't like them!) and scraps of tissue tape and old linen. The face is from Dina Wakley, framed in a piece of paper left over when I die cut an oval. I added stitching to finish it off. The lady is wearing chipboard specs. I had fun making this and all the other 'scrap' collages, and it is a good way to start reducing the boxes of scraps. I am also linking to 'Trees' at Moo Mania

At Tag Tuesday our theme this week is dancing, so I made this tag using an image from Gecko Galz, which I matted with gold and green mirri card. I added some flowers and beads as embellies.

I managed to get some photos of the Jay who visits my balcony every day. He is very shy, and very hungry, and I can only take the photos through the window, but at least I got him this time

These two were waiting impatiently for me to put the food out:

The gulls gobbled up my bread quicker than I could throw it:

The water in the Rhine and in the lake was grey and cold:

And the neighbour's cat was skulking in the fields at the back of the house this afternoon, probably looking for mice.

Have a great day, whatever you are up to, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. lovely collage and tag! Great capture of the jay!

  2. This is a fun collage, and totally different in style to the one from yesterday, I love the grungy look, and the cheeky girl in glasses. The photos are lovely, I know that Jays are hard to capture! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  3. Deine Arbeiten sind wieder fantastisch und die Farben eine Wohltat bei dem grauen Himmel. Den Eichelhäer hast du wirklich toll erwischt- ich weiß noch wie lange ich am offenen Fenster gesessen habe, um unsere hier vor die Kamera zu bekommen :-)
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag. <3

  4. Good Morning Valerie. I love both pieces of art, both very dramatic in their own way. Love your pictures the Jay is such a beautiful bird. The neighbours cat has a very mischievous look about him, I hope he is not watching the Jay . Have a Good Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  5. Fantastic artwork--now I want to use some of my scraps to make a collage after seeing yours. It looks amazing. The tag is a show stopper with the wonderful colours.

    Great photographs. I have never seen a jay before though we do have loads of magpies around our house.

    The cat looks to be searching for something but black cats are supposed to be lucky so maybe you will something nice coming your way--I hope so

    Cold, wet and very windy today for us but I an sure it will be sunny and warm later--ever hopeful :)

    Love Chrissie x

  6. Nice stitching on the collage. This theme is right up my alley and I do need to get back at it. Lovely birds. xox

  7. A beautiful tag Valerie and A fun collage, I love the orange stitching. Don't think I've ever seen a jay, we don't have them here. Have a lovely Tuesday. Xx

  8. Awesome collage with various materials and technics. Tag is beautiful ofcourse. Love your cute visitors in your balcony.
    Hugs xx

  9. Diese Collage ist fantastisch Valerie ..das Tag find ich ebenfalls wunderschön!
    Was DU alles entdeckst, weil DU mit wachsamen Blick auf die Natur ausgestattet bist!
    Einen Eichelhäher ...super!

    Hab noch einen schönen Tag.. bin irgendwie heut in der Küche festgewurzelt!
    mach erst jetzt die Runde!


  10. I especially love the tag! Lots of color and movement with those added baubles!

  11. great projects Valerie...the journal page jumped right out at me while I was scrolling my blog reader. I love the colors and images that you used. Love the mixed media feel to it. The tag is also packed with colors and I loved the beaded embellishment!

  12. Hi Valerie your projects are fantastic, the dancing lady at the bottom is wonderfully vibrant, beautiful ! Enjoy the week and your wonderful walks, great photos as always. Shirleyxx

  13. Sorry for being so behind, Valerie! Lots to do, Hubby was off for the long Thanksgiving weekend all fun but kept me away from the computer! You have certainly been creatively busy and your projects are all stunning! I love the energy! Your walk again is amazing and thank you for all the beauty you share. Hugs!

  14. eine Collage mit nähen hat bei mir immer sofort gewonnen! ... der Eichelhäher so nah am haus, das kenn ich leider nicht, sind so schöne vögel!

  15. Hi Valerie, your journal page is beautiful and so detailed. Love the dancing tag too. Your walking pics are always wonderful to view from so far away. You captured good pics of your Blue Jay friend.
    Your student is so blessed to have 2 hours to learn from you.
    Have a creative day!

  16. Weisste was ich ganz vergaß heute Mittag ?!


    xxx Susi

    1. Du bist süss dass Du extra zurückgekommen bist! Danke.

  17. Your collage is superb, it looks very collagy (well I know what I mean).
    Imagine having a Jay! - marvellous, I've never seen one in real life.
    Love the photo of the water and the orange leaves, a wonderful composition and colour scheme.
    And you did give us the neighbour's cat this time, thanks! - an ultramarine cat?!

    1. Yes, I did. He's called Nicki, and has wonderful black fur with a blue sheen, and no speck of white anywhere

  18. I love your collage, specially the stitching, and I think your moo is fab, I love the hot colours and the beading. Good to see the neighbours cat too lol xx

  19. Loving all the warm colours in your painting especially as I've just come in from a frosty walk. Love the dancing tag too. x

  20. Fantastic pieces again today Valerie. Love the glasses and the bright orange hair, you added on the first page,
    Yvonne xx

  21. When do you eat and/or sleep. Wonderful collage and beautiful tag!
    Sandy xx

  22. Great collage, it looks fantastic with those super pieces and scrap. Fabulous theme this month!!! And I love your dancing tag so colorful.
    Hugs, Mar

  23. Was ist das denn für eine geniale Idee mit der Brille ?! Das muss ich mir unbedingt merken. Tolle Kreationen.

  24. Wieder mal ein sehr gelungener Post. Tolle Photos, tolle Arbeit! Ich schau immer wieder gerne bei dir rein :-)

  25. Such a crafty lady you are indeed! Love ll the pieces you did here. ~Diane

  26. Love the collage - the trees are wonderful (and echoed in the photos), and the drama of that face at the heart of it. The stitching texture is really cool. Loving the tag too - what amazing colours - beautiful post.
    Alison x


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