
Sunday 30 November 2014

Last Day of Inspired by....

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

I had a craft day together with some friends, we made cards, mixed media canvases, tried this and that, had wonderful strawberry cream cake and a fantastic dinner - all in a all, a really fun and yummy day. We are carrying on tomorrow morning; it wasn't planned, but we feel like it, so we're doing it!

Today is the last day of 'Inspired by....' at Art Journal Journey, I really had fun this month. Today I have another Kandinsky inspired piece, painted with acrylics on textured wallpaper. The geometric forms were drawn with felt pens.

I made a collage of all my journal pages this month, there are some I never got round to showing - perhaps next time!

The Christmas decorations have gone up in our little town, and the Christmas market is already in full swing:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love the market photos and wonderful art, a special collage.

  2. Love your pretty Kandinsky, in unusual colours, and the collage of all your projects is great, fantastic idea. What a lot you made! The photos of your little town are very pretty, love the lighted shop window and the market. Hugs, Sarah

  3. ganz toll,dein kadinsky,tolle farben.
    ich hab gestern auch meinen kranz fertig gemacht,in rot gold weiß gehalten,sieht ganz schnuckelig aus,und zwei wunderschöne schneeweiße Engel hab ich gekauft,die sollen mir Glück bringen.
    wünsch dir auch schöne gemütliche Advendtstage,ich werde so gut es geht versuchen es zu genießen,auch wenns mir nicht so gut geht,ein bißchen schöne deko und schöner kerzenschein,der duft von frischen clementinen machen es erträglicher.
    schöne werke hast du zum thema gemacht,ich kann gar nicht glauben das schon ein Monat wieder rumm ist.

    1. Gut dass Du wieder ein Bisschen machen konntest! Weiterhin gute Besserung!

  4. Great photographs--it all looks so warm and comforting. I went to a German market when I visited Germany many years ago and the smells and tastes came flooding back when I saw your pictures.

    Just love the artwork today with the wonderful canvas texture. What a great idea to make a collage of the artist inspired painting you have done this month--Stunning. I think it would make wonderful postcards to sell.

    Have a great crafty morning

    Love Chrissie x

  5. Fabulous creations as always my friend and awesome images and colours used....gorgeous display.
    aNNie xx
    The Journey is the Start
    I also have candy here....,

  6. A fabulous final page and great to see all the others in the collage. Wow you certainly have had a busy month! Sounds as if you are having a great time with your arty friends, these kind of get togethers are always so wonderful! Trying very hard not to feel jealous of the lovely atmosphere in your little town!

  7. Playing a little catch-up here and commenting on your last posts, too. I certainly did enjoy all the inspired art...the cats were magical and I like the Warhol effect, in fact, much more now than when he did it! You photographed some beautiful sunsets and good great shots of the birds! I want a ride on that boat as right now I'm so busy and a little stressed out! The town decorations are really pretty!

  8. Hello Valerie. Another fabulous piece of art Valerie. Love the way you have done a collage of all your pieces. I would love to visit a Christmas market like this, it must be wonderful living in your village. Hugs Rita xxx

  9. HI Valerie, so glad to have some time to do some catching up. All your art is amazing and this one is incredible too. Love seeing the pic of the tree in lights. The season is here and the market is so much fun to visit during the holidays.
    Hugs and Blessings for the day!

  10. Very cool. I never thought of painting on wallpaper. I have a bunch. :) Thanks for the inspiration.
    hugs & smiles,

    1. Yes, it makes great paper for drawing and painting!

  11. Eine wunderschöne Abschlußarbeit lieferst Du auch noch ab- herrlich!- und die Collage all der Werke ist ein super Idee und zeigt wie vielfältig Du diesmal wieder gewerkelt hast!
    Hier nochmal HERZLICHEN DANK VALERIE für Deine wundervolle Arbeit als Hostess!!!!
    Was für eine zauberhafte Atmosphäre bei Euch zu finden ist - beneidenswert... danke für's Zeigen Valerie!
    Hoffentlich war das Basteln heute wieder genauso toll wie gestern!
    Ihr werdet noch einen Bastelverein gründen wie es scheint!

  12. I want to move to your village so badly I could just spit nails! Gee Valerie, I could not tell you had so much fun with playing with the masters! As you guessed, that was tongue in cheek. So glad you had so much fun with your friends and you know me and food.
    Loved the pictures of the Christmas market.
    Sandy xx

    1. And today was just as delicious as yesterday, totally fun and yummy!

  13. This was DEFINITELY the challenge for you! Such great work inspired by the masters. Truly a great accomplishment! Your photos of the village are such a joy. What a beautiful place to live!

  14. first wanted to say I so loved the challenge, and enjoyed everyones work, and wow you worked hard. and everything turned out so beautifully. The village looks like a fairytale, I love it

  15. What amazing collage with your fabulous works, Valerie! Your last piece is stunning too. Great month and a lot of art. Love the Christmas market.
    Hugs, Mar

  16. A fantastic last page and I love your collage using them all. Sounds like you are having a lovely time with your friends crafting. The Christmas market looks wonderful.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Your craft day with friends sounds great fun, crafting together and eating good food, what could be better.
    Your AJJ mosaic is very impressive, I hope you enjoyed making these as much as we enjoyed seeing them all. Wonder what the new theme will be tomorrow.

  18. Love seeing all of your "Inspired By" pages in one collage. ♥ Everything is totally Christmas around here too. Houses in the neighborhood are all lit up and glowing.

  19. A wonderful colourful post... so Christmassy too
    I've yet to get my decorations out of storage. Something on todays to-do list!
    Gorgeous collage ;D
    Have a great week

  20. Das war ja ein unglaublich kreativer Monat für dich! Deine ganzen Werke zusammen zu sehen, ist schon sehr beeindruckend!
    Aber ich bin ganz stolz auf mich, immerhin auch ein paar Seiten beigetragen zu haben.
    LG Ulrike

    1. Du hast Recht auf deine tollen Bilder stolz zu sein! Die waren fantastisch.

  21. Great artwork for today Valerie, and your collage is fabulous! Your village is looking beautiful xx

  22. Love your piece, the artist would love it too! Big hugs, ~Diane


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