
Monday 15 December 2014

Collage, winter sunshine and birds.

Hi Everybody!

We had another very cold day, but the sun shone all day, so I enjoyed it, and spent a lot of time outside, visiting my fave places, and of course, the ducks and geese.

For Susi's wonderful Art Journal Journey I have another collage from my giant journal. The background has once again been made with kraft paper painted with gesso. I used scraps of DP, painted paper, book paper and antique linen. They were glued and then stitched. The unicorn is a stamp (LaBlanche) which has been stamped onto card, embossed and fussy cut. A few pieces of washi tape rounded it off.

My feathered visitors feasted on my balcony again:

This little bird, I don't know what it is, was a new visitor today. The robin tried to chase him away, but he just ignored the little bully and carried on with his breakfast.

This thrush was also a new visitor.

 Ma walk today took me to Kalkum, a beautiful village at any time of the year.

As always I had fun with the play of light and the reflections on the water:

My shadow walked in front of me:

I met lots of my feathered friends again:

In the afternoon I went for my walk along the Rhine and watched the sun setting.
The wild geese were flying home:

All in all a lovely day.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Eine tolle Collage, in der sich die sonnigen Farben deines Spaziergangs wiederspiegeln. Hier war es eher bedeckt aber wir waren auf einem schönen Weihnachtsmarkt auf einer Burg am Elm. Ich wünsche dir einen guten Wochenstart. Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  2. Lovely texture on your giant collage. We had no sun today. Beautiful reflections.

  3. wunderbare Collage, passend zum wetter!
    dein unbekannter Besucher ist übrigens ein Gimpel Weibchen.
    schöne Woche dir!

  4. Love the collage, Val, and the photos are, as always, beautiful. Glad you are having fun with your birdies. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  5. Interesting collage, so much to see.
    I love your balcony visitors and the wonderful things you have there.
    Have a great new week, Valerie,
    hugs xx

  6. Wow Valerie. Magnificent collage and this one should be hanging on a wall. It really is stunning. Love everyone of your pictures today and those beautiful feathered friends. Hugs Rita xxx

  7. Deine Collage ist wunderschön, liebe Valerie! Ich liebe den Mix aus Farben und Material und dass genäht wurde. Auch das Pferd passt in diese verwunschene Arbeit.

    Deine Vogel- und Entenimpressionen wirken heute besonders entspannt auf mich ... so als wüßten sie, dass bald Weihnachten ist und eine neue Saison wartet.Ich wünsche Dir kreative und freundliche Adventtage. Nicht mehr lange und wir werden von Weihnachten in der Vergangenheit denken und sprechen.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Danke, liebe Erika! Dir eine besinnliche Adventszeit!

  8. Eine herrliche Collage - wow... das weisse EInhirn macht sich perfekt auf dieser schönen Collage... ein Highlight ist das heute! Wow da tummeln sich ja echt allerlei gefiederte Freunde bei Dir.. ja das spricht sich immer schnell rum in Vogelkreisen wo es die beste Kantine hat!
    EInen herrlichen Tag hattet Ihr da gestern... das sind wundervolle Bilde geworden von Deinem Walk!
    Hab einen guten neuen Tag

  9. Fabulous collage Valerie and wonderful pics. I particularly love the sunset ones, wish I was flying off to warmer climes! Xx

  10. Ach, ich liebe deine Wintervögel! Super Bilder!
    Auch deine Collage ist wieder so schön, meine Güte, was bist du fleißig - ich komme momentan zu wenig anderem, außer den Digital-Collagen (das muss ich ja)
    Eine gute Woche wünsch ich dir! Ulrike

  11. Lovely creation, images and colours are just gorgeous. Love your new blog look and your photos are outstanding.xx
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  12. Marvelous oranges and golds to heat us up and shine on your unicorn. Fabulous shot of the tree shadow against the building. xox

  13. Good Morning Valerie! I love your collage today, what an amazing mixture of fabrics and metallics, well done! Love your photos, the birds are fantastic, and oh boy, look at that sky! WOW! Have a wonderful day today! holiday hugs :)

  14. Another gorgeous collage, I really like the material and paper together, the textures and colours are beautiful along with the sewing. The bird with the vibrant blue in his wing is so pretty. You have a wonderful view I think from your balcony with lots of nature. Great that you enjoy it so much, I'm a little envious. I miss our trees and birds from our other home. We have trees but they are young. However we are grateful, we live in nice safe area and nature is close :) Enjoy the holiday season, Shirleyxx ps thanks for all your nice visits to my blog :)

  15. This collage is stunning! A very magical piece! I think the birds must be telling all their friends to come visit you. The colors of the ducks and goose are so vivid and beautiful! Thanks for sharing these awesome photos today.

  16. What amazing collage today, Valerie! Love the fantastic fabric pieces and metalic papers. I also love the unicorn image. Great and beautiful photos.
    Hugs, Mar

  17. Love your Unicorn!!!! We had a beautiful day here yesterday ...Sunny and warmer... was actually able to open all of the windows and air the place out. Spent time working in the yard finishing up tasks that should have been done a month or so ago. Today I am very sore and it's cold and wet outside again.

    1. Sounds like you overdid things - take care of yourself!

  18. Hi Valerie, your collage is a beautiful work of art. Love your sunny cold walking pics. The shadow and reflections are always wonderful to view and I love the pics from the neighborhoods of homes.
    Such a welcoming town.
    Have a wonderful day!

  19. Gorgeous collage Valerie. Big hugs, ~Diane

  20. Your page is gorgeous with lots of texture, rich colour (love the gold) and interest. Love that unicorn. You are also a very talented photographer. I really love your pics of birds.

  21. Fantastic collage, I think the unicorn looks great at the side, looking at every detail. Super photos as well, your shadow seems to be getting longer as the days of winter go on.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Wow i love this collage the color and as usual the pics are great

  23. Wieder eine einzigartige Kollage mit schönen warmen freundlichen Farben. Deine Fotos sind genauso Klasse und auf die Vogelvielfalt in ich richtig neidisch, besonders auf den 1. Eichelhäher, sieht man auch nicht so oft.
    LG Anja

  24. Another magical journal page - absolutely wonderful colors.
    Sandy xx


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