
Sunday 14 December 2014

Collage, feathered creatures and more:

Hi Everybody!

We had quieter weather here today, still very cold, but no rain, and the awful wind had blown over, too. They have forecasted more storms for the coming week, so it will keep us on our toes.

For Art Journal Journey I have another collage to share. I worked on kraft paper, which I gave a quick coat of gesso. This time I added paper in shades of red and gold, which were first glued and then sewed. I added a TH tree die-cut. The text reads 'Etz Hachayim' - Tree of Life.

These are the little altered note books I made yesterday. I used double sided DP. You can make 3 covers from one 12x12" sheet.

My jay was the first visitor this morning, and I caught him peeking round the cactus to see if I was watching....

The pigeon is very shy, but managed to have a meal before being chased away by the robin....

I went out for a twilight walk, the lights all look really pretty:

My friend Narda sent me this joke today:

Senior trying to set a password .

WINDOWS :  Please enter your new password:

 USER :  “cabbage”

WINDOWS :  Sorry, the password must be more than 8 characters.

USER:   “boiled cabbage”

WINDOWS :  Sorry, the password must  contain 1 numerical character.

USER:   “1 boiled cabbage”

WINDOWS:   Sorry, the password cannot  have blank spaces.

USER :  “50bloodyboiledcabbages”

WINDOWS :  Sorry, the password must  contain at least one upper case character.

USER :  “50BLOODYboiledcabbages

WINDOWS :  Sorry, the password cannot use more than one upper case character consecutively.

USER :      “50BloodyBoiledCabbagesShovedUpYourAssIfYouDon'tGiveMeAccessNow!”

WINDOWS :  Sorry, the password cannot contain punctuation.

USER : “ReallyPissedOff50BloodyBoiledCabbagesShovedUpYourAssIfYouDontGiveMe

WINDOWS:  Sorry, that password is  already in use.

Hope you all had a good day!
Take care of yourself,
and thanks a lot  for coming by!


  1. Very arts journey page today! Love TH's tree and the added stitching! The notebooks are wonderful and love those papers! That little Jay is really keeping an eye on you, too funny! Have a lovely Sunday!

  2. Lovely collage and notebooks. Great photos and I'll have to share that joke!

  3. wunderschöne collage und tolle bilder wieder.
    ich geh heute auf dem weihnachtsmarkt und kaufe schmalzgebäck,yummy.
    wünsch dir einen schönen 3.advendt.


  4. Beautiful collage Val, so very pretty. Stunning pictures as always too. Hugs Rita xxx

  5. I can't stop laughing over that joke, priceless! Love the Collage today, with the warm colours and the tree, the Hebrew lettering is beautiful, too. Great photos , too, and a wonderful pic of that funny bird! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  6. I can't type for laughing-brilliant.

    Just love the Ethnic feel to your collage and to the book covers today. All fantastic.

    Beautiful photographs especially the ones of the town lit up and cobbles.

    Have a great day-a bit warmer here :)

    Love Chrissie x

  7. wie schön du das hebräische kalligraphiert hast! es ist bestimmt schön, jeden tag auf deine gefiederten Besucher zu warten.
    und über den Witz hab ich mich kaputtgelacht. muss ich mir bookmarken!
    schönen sonntag wünsch ich dir!

  8. Eine sehr harmonische Collage - ich mag die warmen Farben sehr. Deine Notizbücher sind super schon - ohne viel Schnick-Schnack darauf kann m sie gut in die Tasche stecken. Heute geht es noch einmal auf einen schönen Weihnachtsmarkt und morgen will ich noch einige kleine Schenkies fertig machen und anfangen meine Weihnachtspost zu verschicken. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen 3. Advent.

  9. Ha, ha, I had one of those password demands recently and I ended up with something I'm never going to remember! Beautiful twilight pics and love the cheeky jay. You have certainly been productive in the gifting department, I really need to get my finger out! Lol! Have a lovely Sunday. Xx

  10. Eine tolle Collage .. mir gefällt besonders auch diese kleine Perlenreihe rechts unten - passt perfekt dazu! Die Notizbücher sind perfekt gelungen und klasse dass man aus wenig Papier so viele gestalten kann! Zauberhafte Bilder sind das wieder.. super wie neugierig das Vögelchen zu Dir rein schaut und wundervolle Adventimpressionen sind das!
    Hammer dieser Anmeldungsversuch... so ähnlich geht es mir auch oft wenn ich mich wo anmelden will...
    breiter Grinser!

    Einen schönen Sonntag!

  11. Lovely collage on the tree of life, which happens to be a favorite theme of mine. The journals are adorable.

  12. Dear Valerie, thanks so much for the laugh, Had a s....ty day today and you actually made me laugh your creation, you never cease to amaze me and your photos are super..xx
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  13. OMG, I'm laughing so hard, I can barely type! Hilarious and sooooo true! I love all your amazing colours and patterns in your projects today and the images of all the Christmas lights really made me smile! Until next time, holiday hugs :)

  14. Beautiful collage! I, too, am laughing so hard that I can hardly remember what I wanted to say! You caught a great expression on the Jay!

  15. The Tree of Life is so warm and colorful – the colors are very harmonious. Your little notebooks are also unique and graceful – you have talent. The senior story is so true – don’t know what passwords to use anymore and it’s easy to get very frustrated – a joke but very much like what we experience on the Internet.

  16. NIce collage and love the picture of the Jay ♥♥♥♥ The joke is great and I can so relate !!!!

    1. Can't we all - every time I need to enter a password, a new fight ensues....

  17. Just popped over for a quick catch up - so pleased I did - Loved the joke!
    Loved the pictures, especially the one of the Jay, such an expression on his face.
    Oh by the way - great Art Journal collage too.
    Leaving Happy - Avril xx

  18. Love your stunning tree of life collage Valerie and the idea of those little notebooks is genius! The password joke is brilliant and brought a big smile to my face, - thanks for sharing!

  19. Great photos of the jay and pigeon showing their personalities.
    I see your town is getting more Christmassy, clever the way you catch the photos with no people.
    I like your tree collage too, very original and different.

  20. Beautiful collage today, loved the bright colours. Super twilight photos as well.
    Yvonne x

  21. Tree of Life -- beautiful collage. Is the writing Arabic? You do amazing art and I love to view your creations from scraps and repurposed papers and cardboard. The 'twilight' photos are wonderful and I especially like the one of the stained glass window. How festive to take a walk when the lights of the season are on.


  22. Hi Valerie, love your beautiful collage today and the use of your elements. Great walking pics and I love the expression on the bird. The joke can relate to many. LOL
    Have a great week.

  23. Love your collage page Valeria and your pics are lovely we use to have a jay visit us. Love the joke it made me laugh. Becky

  24. Your posts are wonderful Valerie and always make me smile- this one made me laugh out loud!!! heehee

  25. HI Valerie, by the time I get to the bottom of the post I have to go back to see your beautiful artwork! That's not a complaint, just lots to see :) I'm still smiling at the joke. Your collage is gorgeous, love the colours. Shirleyxx

  26. Where to start - that joke is hysterical! Your pictures are fantastical! And your collage/journal page is magical. My very favorite so far. I loved the picture of the bird looking at you!
    Sandy xx


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