
Tuesday 18 November 2014

Warhol and the return of the woodpecker

Hi Everybody!

I woke up very early this morning, at about 5 am and couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up and watched he sky turn from dark to day, with lots of wonderful colours - it was worth being up for it, and I didn't regret being awake so early.

For Art Journal Journey I have made a simple page in my A3 journal using stencils (Stencilry). The large stencil was painted with black acrylics, the smaller ones with ink pens. Andy Warhol was never my fave artist, but his work has something very eye-catching in its simplicity and repetitions.

We have a new them at Tag Tuesday, skylines, for which I made this very simple and quick tag:

Here are some of the photos I took this morning:

The lights are from the Airport, which is not far from here:

The moon was beautiful and fascinating as always:

In the course of the day, blue skies, sunshine and black clouds alternated, but we didn't get much rain.

This afternoon the woodpecker returned, and has definitely improved his hanging-on technique, and had a good tuck in, causing distress to all the little tits watching from the trees:

And I must confess that I did nibble a couple of the cookies my friend brought on Saturday; ah well, waste not, want not!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lo for coming by!


  1. Wow - iich mag die Klarheit deines Warhol-Werkes!
    Die frühen Morgenstunden am Basteltisch mag ich auch immer gern und danach gehe ich meist sehr entspannt in den Tag. Hier war es gestern richtig sonnig und ich habe das Wetter für so etwas unkreatives wie Fenster putzen und Gardinen waschen genutzt :-).
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag, liebe Grüße, Dagmar.

  2. Nice interpretation of Warhol. I love the tag and photos today too.

  3. Hi Val, this is gorgeous! This one is really shining bright, very clear and beautiful. Your tag is pretty, too, and the photos are fantastic, wonderful colours. That is one crafty woodpecker there! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah.

  4. Feine Reduktion zum Thema, liebe Valerie. Ist sehr ausdrucksstark und einprägsam geworden. Wieder einmal ist weniger mehr.
    Tolle Fotos und hungrige Flattermänner, sehr, sehr schön.
    Liebe Grüße

  5. Toll ist Deine Warhol Seite Valerie! Dein schnelles Tag ist auch super und Deine genialen Schnappschüsse von Woody Woodpecker sind klasse!
    Ich denke der wird Dauergast so wie es aussieht... Du musst Kredit aufnehmen für Meisenknödel diesen Winter!

  6. Fabulous photograghs Valerie especially the wonder close up of the wood pecker

    The Warhol art and the tag. You sound very busy-hope you find some Me Time

    Love Chrissie x

  7. Fantabulous work of art Valerie, love this and the gorgeous photos...The Journey is the Start

  8. The first thing that struck me about your art his morning Valerie is that you had drawn your moon facing to the left. Now, I would always draw it the other way. My curious brain must be switched on this morning, cause I went and googled drawing the moon and found this article
    It seems you are correct, but I do now wonder, are you also left handed??
    Have an interesting day! xx

    1. No, I am right handed! I sometimes draw my moon the other way round, too, just s it takes my fancy!

  9. Fabulous Warhol art and the woodpecker photos are beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Warhol was never my favorite, but his art is always colorful and memorable! I think the woodpecker has his aerial act down! Thanks for sharing the beautiful moon photo!

  11. Love your Warhols and the beautiful skyline tag too. Your photos as always are mesmerizing. Big hugs, ~Diane

  12. Oh, Swoon! Swoon! I LOVE this page! You know I am obsessed with anything Warhol. You've done a tremendous job. :) Your photos are so enjoyable, too. I could watch birds for hours. Big HUGS!

  13. Warhol was never my fav either, but yours are, they are so cool and lively thanks so much for taking time to visit me.

  14. Die Warhol-Drucke sind ja ganz nach meinem Geschmack!
    Wo gibt es denn diese Stencils?... aber dieses Motiv ließe sich auch easy schnitzen.

    Der große Buntspecht am Meisenknödel ist der absolute Hit, so ein Foto könnte einen Preis gewinnen!
    Liebe Grüße von Ulrike

    1. Die Bilder gibts bei, die kannst Du kostenlos downloaden zum Ausschneiden und in Stencils umwandeln.

  15. Love your Warhol page . Your photos are all stunning. I love the one with the airport lights and your little woodpecker is just adorable.

    1. Yes, I love that cheeky little bird, too, he is sooooo funny!

  16. Great interpretation of Warhol. Your Pop Art page is so fabulous. And beautiful tag.
    What wonderful skies and moon, Valerie! I love these amazing photos.
    Hugs, Mar

  17. Gorgeous pop art Valerie and a very stylish tag too. Love the cheeky woodpecker pics as well.
    Fliss xx

  18. Love your Warhol style piece. Great design. The Woodpecker has returned like a thief. I am sure the little ones are mad!! Love your sky shots and the airport in the background.
    I bet the cookies are good?!?
    Have a great Tuesday!

  19. How good to see the woodpecker so close, it's wonderful how the birds adapt to the hanging food.
    Your sky photos just seem to get better and better, these skies are magnificent, interesting to see the airport lights, what a view you have from your balcony.
    And your Warhol piece is brilliant, love the colours and the repetition in different sizes.

  20. Fabulous Warhol page not an artist I care for but I love what you painted. Love the photo's, Have you given the Woodpecker a name yet? He seems to be getting used to popping in for his food.
    Yvonne xx

  21. Valerie I really admire you and your creativity AND that you get out for walks AND do great blog posts about it all too.
    You are amazing!
    Great fun seeing all of your AJJ art creations this month.
    I am sorry I have not been able to play along...for me life got in the way this month.

  22. Nice take of Mr. Warhol. He wasn't my favorite but he certainly was an icon. xox


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