
Wednesday 19 November 2014

Inspired by Wilhelm Morgner and more

Hi Everybody!

It was cold, grey and damp here today, not the best of weathers. I still went out for my walks, visited the market and then watched the ships on the Rhine.
This afternoon I had a little nap, ad then spent the rest of the day crafting, which was fun.

Today I was inspired for Art Journal Journey by Wilhelm Morgner, an expressionist painter who lived from 1891 to 1917, when he was killed in WWI. He lived in Soest, a little town in Westphalia. He knew Franz Marc and Kandinsky, and was much influenced by Vincent van Gogh.

The Blue Sower (der blauer Sämann) from 1911 is one of my fave paintings from him, I have often admired it in the Art Museum here in Düsseldorf.
This is the original, which shows much evidence of the influence of Van Gogh.

I decided to make a torn paper edition of this painting. I tore my paper and glued it to an A3 sheet of paper after painting the yellow sky. Then I sewed as many of the contours as I could, nightmare! I drew the lines and circles  with felt-pens. The colours here are not good, I took the photos with electric light, which did not make me happy. When it was finished I glued it into my giant journal.

 At Manus Mikrokosmos the challenge this week is street. I especially love the cobbled and narrow streets in our little town, so here are some of them:

The main street leading down to the Rhine:

One of the smaller lanes:

Another of the streets I pass through every day on my walks:

At the end of the street you can see the recesses in the walls for the flood gates in case of high water:

That's all for today!
Have a great day, take care of yourselves,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. enjoyed your photos and I love that painting which inspired you today.

  2. Hi Val, good morning! I LOVE what you have made today, looks like a lot of work, but it is most effective! Really good work. The street photos are beautiful too. Have a lovely day, stay dry and warm! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Die Arbeit gefällt mir sehr gut und den Künstler werd ich mir genauer anschauen, den kenn ich noch nicht! Erinnert mich irgendwie an Van Gogh's säenden Bauern vom Motiv her.
    Deine herbstlichen Strassen sind wunderschön zum Anschauen!
    Hab einen tollen Tag Valerie!

    1. Ja, Van Gogh hat ihm sehr geprägt, und ich liebe seine Bildern und Zeichnungen!

  4. Fabulous idea to use the torn paper piecing for the beautiful artwork Valerie. The colours are terrific.

    Love the photographs and you get wonderful angles to take us along the roads and pathways. Pity there are so many cars parked but that's life these days.

    Have a lovely day

    Chrissie xx

    1. You are so right about the cars, I would love to see them banned from the old town centre!

  5. Wow, your paper painting is fab, great to see a vibrant landscape, the weather has been overcast here for over a week, it's SO dark, all day long! I do love a cobbled street though, most of the ones here have been tarred over. Have a great Wednesday. Xx

  6. Nice torn and stitched piece. Love those pops of color in your house shots of the streets. That reddish orange house(or is it brick?) really stands out at the end of the lane. xox

  7. Gorgeous, amazing art piece. Wonder how you managed to do so many kind of art.
    Love your street photos, too.
    Have a great rest of the day, hugs!

  8. I did not know of this artist, but I can certainly see the Van Gogh influence. Your piece is amazing! You did such a good job on those contours!

    Enjoyed seeing the cobblestone streets! I always wondered if flooding was ever a problem with the Rhine so close.

    1. Some years there is flooding, and the town always needs to be prepared.

  9. Dein Kunstwerk ist so schön. Ich finde Du hast das Farbenfroh schon sehr gut gemacht und Deine Idee ist so richti gut mit dem gerissenen Papier.
    Deine Straßenfotos geben einen schönen Einblick in Deine Umgebung und das gefällt mir richtig gut.
    Die letzte Woche von MiFoC muß ich leider ausfallen lassen, da ich Morgen kurzfristig ins Krankenhaus muß und jetzt auch nicht weiß wann ich wieder zuhause bin.
    Alles Liebe und danke fürs Mitmachen,

  10. Great Journal page ♥ I love the way you gave the details with the sewing. I hadn't heard of him before either and did a quick Google search and he has some interesting work out there. Definitely a lot of Van Gogh influence. Sad that the war cut his life so short. Your photos are fantastic of course!

  11. what a great idea to do it with paper, it turned out fantastic, I like yours better, thanks for the snippets of your town, Europe is so interesting

  12. Wieder eine tolle farbenfrohe Arbeit - ja, Farben sind jetzt so wichtig bei diesem Novemberwetter!

    Aber wie ich auf deinen schönen Fotos sehe, ist es bei dir lang nicht so dunkel wie hier.
    Gemütliche Straßen mit Kopfsteinpflaster! Das habe ich immer so gerne.
    LG Ulrike

  13. Your streets look lovely and SO inviting Valerie...
    I would be over the moon to get to walk there!

    Leave it to you to take a fresh and creative approach to illustrate Morgner's art!
    I have to marvel at how modern his work is/was and that it was created back in 1911 = WOW!
    Thank you for introducing me to another interesting artist.

  14. Your torn paper 'painting' is fantastic! Beautiful artwork. I'm jealous of the flowers and leaves I see in your photos, it's snowing heavy here today, very unusual in November. Ugh I'm not ready for this. Take care, Shirleyx

    1. I saw it on our TV news, looks really bad, so sorry! Take care!

  15. Fantastic art page again, loved the sewing, that was a labour of love to edge all those pieces. Super photos again.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Hi Valerie, A nap does one so good. Love your wonderful creation with the torn papers. The sewing gives it such an interesting style.
    Your town is so charming. I love the brick stone streets, Wonderful walking pics.
    Have a nice day.

  17. hi valerie,

    dein werk sieht großartig aus..den künstler kannte ich noch nicht,auch die strassen sind wunderschön.
    ich hab zur zeit keinen kopf fürs internet,habe soviel mit mir zu tun,sorry.
    hoffe es wird irgenwann besser.
    schönen tag für dich.


  18. I love your torn paper version Valerie, fantastic! Such lovely images today, specially since I'm staring at a foot of snow out my window! Beautiful but icky! lol hugs :)

  19. I can't believe I have not commented on this because I have looked at your creation before and love it!!!! Also love your village but you know that!
    Sandy xx


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