
Wednesday 12 November 2014

Thankful for....

Hi Everybody!

 I was happy to be able to get out for 2 nice walks today. The weather was changeable, but stayed dry for me when I was out, which was much appreciated!
I am still coughing and sneezing a lot, but this, too, shall pass!

This week we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the fall of the  Berlin Wall. I remember seeing the pictures on TV 25 years back, and hardly being able to believe what was happening. People were leaving East Berlin, streaming through the checkpoint,  and unbelievable happy, thankful and emotional because they were free. Freedom is something we must all be thankful for. For 'Inspired by the masters' at Art Journal Journey I made a page in my giant journal to commemorate this event. Thierry Noir began to paint his iconic figures on the west side of the wall back in 1984, along with some colleagues. After the fall of the wall, this was declared a national monument and is known as the 'East Side Gallery'.
I used oil pastels and gel-pens to create my picture, and the barbed wire has been stamped with a TH stamp.

The theme at Manus Mikrokosmos fits well - thankfulness.

There are so many things for which I am thankful - for being able to get out and about, for friends in blogland and locally, for always having enough to eat, that we have clean water to drink,  for good medical care, and for being able to live in such a pretty place.  

I am thankful for the clouds and the rain:

For the sunrise:

For the Rhine, and the lovely nature which surrounds me here in this beautiful place:

For the birds who always visit:

For the sunset:

We really have a lot to be thankful for.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks for coming by!


  1. Wonderful Art once again Valerie. Like you I feel thankful for all the natural beauty that surrounds us. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs Rita xxx

  2. Beautiful post! Love the theme, and the journal page with the Berlin Wall and Thierry Noir's images is fantastic. Great photos, too. Yes, we often complain, but we should be thankful, we really have so many reasons to be grateful. Have a good day, hugs, Sarah

  3. Was für ein wundervoller post Valerie!
    Ich bin auch extra "dankbar" - dass Du so schöne Sachen immer postest!
    Die Idee zu dieser "Fall der Mauer" Seite ist fabelhaft und die Umsetzung perfekt!

    Hab einen wunderschönen Tag !

  4. Wonderful theme running through the post today Valerie. I am thankful to have found your blog and got to know you along the way.

    Fantastic wall art from you today and an artist I have never heard of.

    Wonderful photographs showing the beauty of your area and I am so pleased you felt well enough to take a walk again.

    Have a great day today

    Love Chrissie x

  5. FABulous creation Valerie as always , super gorgeous images photos and love these beautiful colours...
    aNNie xx
    The Journey is the Start

  6. A great piece of art Valerie with a deep meaning. No matter what our troubles and worries are, there's always someone worse off than ourselves. Glorious photos, we certainly do have a lot to be thankful for. xxx

  7. Sorry I haven't been around for such a long time, life was difficult, but things are slowly getting back to normal. Love your art as always! Hugs Barb

  8. Lots to be thankful for - for sure. We just need to always remember to notice :)

    Glad you are out and about walking again.

    Karen x

  9. Stunning page for freedom. You are very productive of the topic. I havn't any idea even for one.
    Thanks for the beautiful photos.
    Hugs xx

  10. Beautiful post Valerie, a wonderful day to remember and it is good to remember all that we have to be thankful for. Thank you for the reminder, life is good! Beautiful journal page too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  11. Great art and beautiful photos again. Glad you were able yo get out and about and that you are on the road to recovery,

  12. Zum Jahrestags des Mauerfalls eine so tolle Arbeit zu zeigen, ist ein wirklich guter Einfall und gefällt mir richtig gut.
    ... und wieder diese wunderbaren Fotos, die deine Dankbarkeit fürs Erleben voll ausdrücken.
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  13. Danke, fuer mich war es wichtig diese Sache zu dokumentieren.

  14. Hach, schööön.... *seufz*
    Und die Seite zum Mauerfall ist dir wirklich fantastisch gelungen.

  15. Eine ganz fantatstische Seite zum Jubiläum des Mauerfalls !! Deine Gedanken zur "Dankbarkeit" auf MiFoc könnt ich glatt so unterschreiben :o)
    Ich hoffe dir geht es wieder gut, liebe Grüße, Dagmat

    1. Danke, ich fuehle mich besser, hab noch Husten, aber sonst Alles bestens!

  16. So glad you are feeling a little better, love your photos, you do live in beautiful surroundings.
    Avril xx

  17. Hi Valerie, glad you were able to get out on your wonderful walks today. Love your pics and your journal page is awesome. Yes, we have lots to be thankful for and everyday is perfect to remember!
    Hope your cough gets better.;

  18. wonderful thankful post today and commemorative art of a difficult time past.

  19. A wonderful post Valerie, your art page is a great tribute to the events of 25 years ago. I agree we have lots to be thankful for, with each day bringing its own new memory. Glad you got your walk today.
    Yvonne xx

  20. What a wonderful post showing some of things you are thankful for Valerie. They are gorgeous images too.
    I'm glad you are feeling better and enjoying getting out and about again ((hugs))

  21. LOVE your art piece! and your photos and sentiments of gratitude are wonderful :)

  22. Was für schöne Himmelsfotos! Ein Foto schöner als das Andere und die Vögel finde ich auch passend. Deine AJseite ist so ernst, aber doch so farbenfroh - voller Tiefe! Ja, wir leben wirklich in einem glücklichen Land wo wir für Vieles dankbar sein können. Danke, daß Du uns an Deinen Gedanken Anteil nehmen lässt.
    Alles Liebe, Manuela

  23. Not familiar with this artist, but it makes perfect sense relating to the wall, this piece. Fab capture of the chickadee too. xox

  24. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos, i couldn't tell wich one i prefer!!
    Your page is a strong and beautiful reminder of a huge event , great inspiration!!

  25. Love this, such fun around such a serious subject. Lovely photographs as always - I do love the little birds on your fat balls (not often you get to write that down lol) Have a fab weekend xx


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