
Tuesday 11 November 2014

It's all in my head....

Hi Everybody!

It's time for a new challenge over at Try it on Tuesday, and our theme is home and or hand made - gifts, presents, or....or....It's up to you! You have 2 weeks to show us your hand made gifts, so hope plenty of you will join in the fun! This is a chance to make something other than a card - a wall-hanging, a gift box, perhaps something you have stitched - the ideas are as boundless as the imagination!

I made a set of mini notepads using post it notes. I made the covers with left over scraps of hand-painted paper, or parts of journal pages that went wrong and where just a part could be saved etc. I cut a strip of paper as wide as the note book and in the length enough to cover the front and back in one piece. I scored the paper at the top to make a nice crease, and glued the back of the notebook to the bottom of the strip of paper. I wanted some little 'token' presents that are easy to send in an envelope. Some have been decorated with scraps of tissue tape.

Here they are from the front:

And from the back.

For 'Inspired by the Masters' at Art Journal Journey I have been inspired by Picasso. I love his lino cuts, as the figures he created are so simple, but at the same time elegant and full of movement. I am not a fan of bull fighting, so in my picture I have turned the things round a bit. In the original the Matador is attacking the bull, in my head, the bull seems to be having his way.

The first picture shows my original, which I made a few years back, as part of a pair with the Miró head I showed earlier this week. 

I printed 'my' head onto dictionary paper, fussy cut it, and fixed it into my A3 journal onto a background made with oil pastels melted with the heat gun. I gave it a punk hairdo again, and embellished it with some tissue tape strips.

And here is the whole spread in my giant journal, Picasso meets Miró:

I was able to get out for a walk again today, which was great, as we had lovely weather, and was really happy to get back to my Rhine:

On the way back I went along the stream and saw my long shadow reaching over to the other side:

And this little cutie was waiting rather impatiently for me to leave my balcony so he could get at the fat balls in peace!

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely work! Glad you are out walking again.

  2. Good morning Val! Hope you have slept well. Love those little notebooks, and your Picasso is splendid, just fantastic, I love how you turned the picture round in your head! Glad you were able to get out again, but take it easy for a few days! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Wow,das ist großartig,liebe val,auch deine bilder sind klasse.
    ja zur zeit hat es mich echt erwischt,ich hoffe das iregendwann ruhe ist.
    wünsch dir eine schöne woche und auch für dich gute besserung.

    GLG Jeannette

  4. Fabulous creation, love the colours and papers used...
    aNNie xx
    The Journey is the Start

  5. Einfach spitze Dein Picasso inspirierter Kopf und die beiden Seiten im Zusammenhang zu sehen ist auch toll im Journal .
    Deine Notizblöcke sind toll geworden... sehr nette kleine Gabe und sehr persönlich ...
    Deine Fotos sind wieder wunderwunderschön Valerie! + Ich freu mich dass es Dir besser geht und Du wieder draußen sein kannst!
    knuddle Dich!
    AJJ dankt ♥♥♥ lichst!

  6. Ganz großartig sind deine pinken Picasso-Mirò-Punks!
    ... und super das Lange-Beine-Schatten Foto.
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  7. The post it covers are very beautiful Valerie and what a great idea to use all the things that you did to make them.

    Picasso would have been pleased to have painted your piece of art today. Wonderful colour choices for sure and the printed background adds a sort of texture to the head.

    Best news is that you managed to go for a walk and take the beautiful photographs along the way. Wonderful close up of the blue tit.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  8. My, what long legs you have grandmama! All the better for walking my dear! Great to hear you were able to get out and about. Your little post-it holders are lovely and I do like the bull fighting Picasso, it's very striking, even tho, like you, I'm against the sport. Have a lovely Tuesday. Take care. xx

    1. I've been waiting for someone to write that - thanks!

  9. I love your collection of little notebooks and your journal pages are fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Wonderful idea to use which has been left from journaling work. Beautiful notebook covers.
    Your new AJ pages are great, too.
    Hugs xxx

  11. Fabulous post it covers and such a good way to use up the left overs, great idea. Loved the journal page the star part of the page for me, was the punk hair. Glad to read you are out and about again, don't overdo it. Take care.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Great interpretation, i wonder if they would have liked each other's work and gotten along? I love your little birdie!

    1. They met up in Paris, and stayed in contact. Miró was critical of Picasso, because he thought he was working to make money, and not to fulfill ideals, but they still stayed in touch!

  13. What an amazing collection of post-it covers, great colours and so many wonderful stamps and textures! Love the journal pages, fantastic idea with the dictionary paper! Looks like the leaves are almost all gone from the trees. Glad you were able to get out and enjoy it! big hugs :)

  14. Your notebook covers are beautiful, what fabulous gifts they will make. Also your Picasso inspired artwork is amazing as well. Your shadow photos are awesome! Cheers, Shirleyx

  15. Love your fabulous notepads and the great design and colours. Today the post is amazing, I really love your fantastic artworks. Hugs, Mar

  16. Very interesting journal pages and I love those post it note booklets. I may have to copy that idea for small fill in gifts this season :) Beautiful river shots and I love the tall shadow shots ♥ hopefully the little birdie got to eat his fill .

    1. Those little birdies eat and eat and eat....the big ones, too!

  17. What a gorgeous bird the likes I have never seen here in the US.
    Your shadow photo is really cool...great with your head on the other side...fab illusions going on!
    Your notepads are wowee are a creative whirling dervish :-)
    Looks like you had great fun with your Picasso inspired pages too Valerie.

    1. Those birds are very common here. You have lots of birds in the States that we never see here!

  18. Hi Valerie, what wonderful gifts. Anyone would love a notepad like this and so useful. Love your post title and your creation is amazing. Great photos today and always enjoy your shadow pics.

  19. What a great idea and so well done. Love that you used scraps as well. Nikki x

  20. These look fabulous, what a great idea! Love the picures and your painted piece is very beautiful too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  21. Valerie, you always come up with terrific ways to use up cards and papers that we would normally toss. I love your little note pad covers. Today I have a piece of cardstock that I used under when spraying and I plan to cut it up and use it for backgrounds. THANKS FOR THE INSPIRATION. Your photo of the autumn Rhine today is fabulous and I also like the tiny bird you photographed so well. Take it easy and enjoy a short walk until you get your strength back.


  22. Fabulous. Those notebooks are totally fabulous! :D
    Your walk pictures are so lovely with the Autumnal colours as the palette and the Bluetit is a beautifully composed photograph.
    Take care you don't over do the exercise for a few more days yet ((hugs))

  23. Great idea with the post it notes Valerie, love the covers, wouldn't think they were left overs!
    Love the journal pages and beautiful photos, so glad you are out walking again.
    Avril xx

  24. Your blog posts are such feasts for the eyes. Another cool art page to go with the first and those note books are fabulous. I love that you used pieces of art pages that 'went wrong'. Everything right about them here. And that gorgeous little bird just makes my heart go pitter-patter. Thanks for all of your sweet comments on my blog. hugs & smiles, Teresa

  25. Love the mix of your cards and other work - super pics!!

  26. Sweet home made cards and some guerica action. xox


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