
Wednesday 10 September 2014

Stirring the cauldron and more....

Hi everybody!

I woke up today with a sore throat, and it has got steadily worse in the course of the day. To top it all, I had an appointment in town, which I didn't want to cancel. It is always so full, and noisy, and full of building sites - I was really happy to get back here afterwards.

Today I have another, and somewhat different piece, for Art Journal Journey.
These are living beings of the other art....
I used another old calendar page in A3, created texture with tissue paper and mod-podge, and then went to work with sprays and Bistre - sent to me by Silvia - to give it some colour. I love the grungy effect this gives. The spider's web has been made using a TH stencil, and the bats, moon and witches shoes are Sizzix die-cuts. The other die-cuts were in my stash. The witches round the cauldron is a digi-stamp I have had for a long time. I printed the witches onto transparent foil, and coloured them with gel-pens. Another witch, made of shrink-plastic, is trying to hide behind the leaves. It was a bit difficult to write my quote, 'Girls just wanna have fun', as the tissue paper was rather uneven, or perhaps it was the smoke from the cauldron making it fuzzy....Anyway, this girl had fun making it, too!

And I have been working on another canvas, 18"x18", which is still a WIP. I have used lots of acrylic paints in autumnal colours, gold and copper EPs, fairy dust, sprays, fragments of old letters, gilding flakes and some keys. Sorry, the photos are not good, it was a dark day and I had to use flash, which reflects on the metal. I made lots of texture again by sprinkling beads into the wet paint, and by heating and bubbling. At the moment I am just enjoying creating textures and colour. I hope to have it finished for next week.

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin!

I was pleased to see some ducks and birds on the stream through Hofgarten, a big park in town. I like the little duck-ladder!

But I was happy to get back to my quiet corner of the world afterwards.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hex-Hex - was für eine klasse Seite ;o) Und erst dein Keili - die Farben sind echt der Hammer!!!
    Heute war es hier meist bedeckt und ich habe mich mittags mit mega Kopfschmerzen mal eine Stunde auf die Couch geschmissen und geschlafen. Ich wünsche dir noch einen schönen Abend und dann eine gute und erholsame Nacht, liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  2. Fab Halloween artwork! I love the bister background and the three witches ;)
    Your abstract piece is great, love all the texture.
    I'm sorry to hear about your sore throat, hope it feels better soon! Both of my girls are poorly so I'm battling a bit at home too xx

  3. I love your bubble bubble toil and trouble page, and the canvas is already beautiful! Hope your throat is better tomorrow! Hugs Sarah

  4. Oh wow.. da hast Du eine geniale verspielte herbstliche Hexerei gewerkelt Valerie und diese Texturen, der Schimmer und die Tiefe in Deinem Keilrahmen sind schon mal total schön.. bin gespannt wie das dann so werden wird....
    Danke für die super schönen Fotos!
    ich hoffe Deine Halsschmerzen haben sich verzogen und Du hast DIr nicht einen Infekt geholt...
    darf a gar nicht sein, Du bist so viel an der Frischluft - Du hast sicher eine gute Abwer gegen sowas!
    Knuddel Dich!


  5. love that canvas and hope your throat is better the photos too

  6. Oh I love your witches brew! Great Halloween canvas and love your WIP. Hope your sore throat feels better really soon! Great photos with so much beauty!

  7. lovely pieces...can't wait to see the last one finished...someone's getting ready for Halloween and fall! Hope you don't get too sick!

  8. Fab journal,page Valerie, that must be an explosive potion they're brewing up! Your metallic canvas looks wonderful too. You'll have to take some of your 'medicinal' jam to soothe your throat. Xx

  9. Those witches look like they are cooking up some potent stuff, great page. Love the canvas the colours are amazing. look after yourself and I hope the sore throat is a bit better tomorrow.
    Yvonne xx

  10. beautiful Halloween images!!!! I hope you feel better soon, you certainly brought us beautiful photos,

  11. What fantastic creations Valerie. Love those Halloween characters. Your canvas is so stunning and would look great adorning any wall. Hugs Rita xxx

  12. First of all, I hope you feel better!! Your pieces are wonderful - love the texture and the bubbling paint!! xoxo

  13. I love this great Halloween page and your witches, I also like the tissue paper effect. The canvas is fantastic with great textures. Beautiful photos as always.
    Take care of yourself Valerie.
    Hugs, Mar

  14. What a wonderful piece of art!!! Those witches are simply great. I like the effect of the tissue paper - you can't really control it. At least that's how it is when I work with tissue paper, and I like that. The Halloween piece really put a smile on my face.

  15. Fantastic texture in both of your creative artworks. Such colour fiest and talent.
    I'm looking forwart seeing more.
    Have a great day Valerie!

  16. wow,die hexenseite ist echt klasse,gefällt mir mega gut,und dein textur keilrahmen ist die wucht,einfach ein hammer,deise grandiosen texturen und farben.
    ich hoffe dein halsweh ist schon besser und du hast dir keinen infekt zugezogen,ich wünsch dir gute besserung und puste mal ganz dolle.
    ich geh nachher schwimmen und freu mich schon.
    hab einen schönen tag.

    GLG Jeannette

  17. Oh wow, the background to those witches looks truly magical, such a worthy backdrop to the witches themselves, stunning! The canvas is starting to look amazing too!!

    Hope you feel better soon!

  18. Wonderful pieces and photos and I hope you feel better soon.
    xxx Hazel.

  19. FABULOUS creation loving this gorgeous colours and even though I am not into Halloween at all you have made a fab the daily photos.xx

    The Journey is the Start

  20. All the weather change is affecting me here, too. Hot and humid one minute and freezing the next! Your art always makes me smile, well, except for the bats...but that is another story you may already know from reading my blog. Love the canvas so far! Hope you feel better!

  21. Ach wie schööön der Hofgarten!!Danke für die tollen Erinnerungsfotos:-)
    Dein Halloweenwerk ist aber auch ein echter Kracher!
    LG Anja

  22. Fun piece, love the sentiment to go with the 3 charming ladies, lol. Beautiful background you have started, can't wait to see that one finished. Big hugs, ~Diane

  23. Die kleinen Hexen sind wirklich total nett... und ich bin gespannt auf die Vervollständigung des schönen metallischen Hintergrunds - es kommt doch ganz gut bei dem Foto rüber.
    Schön gurgeln, damit dein Halsweh weggeht bis Samstag!!!
    LG Ulrike

  24. What a very excellenthalloween page, the die-cuts are very cool. The shuny autumnal paints look fantastic on your page,such glistening! I think you are a very brave, very adventurous artist. I look forward to seeing it progress.
    The 'duck ladder' is too cute. Do they actually use it? ((hugs)) x

    1. Yes, they do, I watched them! Really strange, could they could fly/jump in and out!

  25. So much to view on your blog today; however, first...take care of that sore throat. This is no time to get sick. Your Halloween piece is exceptional with all of the witches and fall leaves. Your canvas is outstanding...I absolutely love what you do to create your canvas backgrounds. They are so gorgeous. Lastly, the black and white horse...he appears so friendly and I'd say "an old chap."

    1. Yes, he's the old man of the herd, 23 years old, and much respected by all the youngsters! I spoke to the owner recently

  26. Valerie I love this witches piece, Lulu is so into witches and would love this! The colours, the texture, the wonderful witches round the cauldron, fabulous! Your other piece is looking wonderful too, such texture, it's shining and alive with colour!

  27. Hope you feel better quickly. I hate sore throats more than anything. Marvelous piece with all your "witchy" elements. Cute draft pony too. xox

  28. What a wonderful creation and the use of the song lyrics. Gorgeous background works too. Looking forward to how you use them. It is beginning to look like fall there.
    So sorry you have a sore throat. Hope you feel better tomorrow. You probably already know this, but gargling with warm salt water really helps.

  29. Those witches certainly do look as though they are brewing up a whole lotta trouble!
    A great background you created with the Bister.
    Valerie, sorry to read you have a sore throat and also sorry for my lack of visits. I have been absent from on-line activities aside from DT commitments and certainly missing visiting my favourite blogs.

  30. Love your witch piece. I love playing with witches. I think they're my favorite theme for Halloween. You combined all the pieces so nicely together and I really like the texture of your background.

  31. What a fun Halloween piece and I love the colours and textures of the canvas!
    Thanks for visiting :)

  32. The witch page made me smile, and the textural one I cant wait to see finished! Ducks and horses to boot, what a great post, hope your throat improves!

  33. Gorgeous girls just wanna have fun page... Susi writes on tissue first then modge podges it onto her piece, you may want to try that when you have loads of texture...still wonderful though!! Love all those colorful textured wip too.!! Feel better soon, sending healing thoughts!

    Hugs Giggles

  34. love the colourful halloween pages and Valerie your canvas is gorgeous as it is. Hope you feel better soon. Happy PPF, Annette x

  35. Very creative post with different styles.
    Hope you feel better already...
    Happy PPF!

  36. Great art works and great photos as usually:)

  37. your Halloween canvas is marvelous Valerie! And the WIP- those layers of colors etc. are brilliant!! I'd be happy to be in a quiet corner like yours too:) Feel better!

  38. Such beautiful autumn colors, Valerie.

  39. Hope your throat is getting better already!!!! Love the witches ! Your WIP painting is amazing ...all of the bold colors and textures are fantastic. I can hardly wait to send the finished piece. Your photos always please me and that is a great looking horse. Have a great weekend and feel better my friend. I just might have to try and draw your horse :)

  40. What beautiful photography. I also LOVE your sparkle painting--and your autumn artwork. Just lovely. I'm so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Be sure to drink hot water with three or four teaspoons of honey. Honey is a natural antibacterial and in a hot drink it can be very comforting. Hope you feel better soon!

  41. Lovely creations full of autumn energy! Happy PPF!

  42. Lots of wonderful things to see here today Valerie,
    But surely it's not that time of year already is it? Halloween images are great but that textured canvas is beautiful. The colours are stunning plus your photographs are a delight.
    I love the little duck ladder. So cute ;D

  43. Oh how wonderful! I adore adore adore your painting! Your pictures are so wonderful!

  44. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit here today. Beauty of your art and of your environment, the ducks and horses revived me...and gave me a big smile. Have a lovely week.

  45. Your witches are wonderful, some of my favorite people are witches!
    The texture you have developed in both of these makes is fantastic as well as the colors!!!
    Sandy xx

  46. I am sorry you are feeling bad! I have a pretty bad cold too but we will get through it. Ever since I moved to USA I feel very excited about Halloween as it is such a big deal here and adults wear costumes too. I love that witchy collage and the textures you have created in the background superbly convey the WOOSH as the witches fly past on their broomsticks. I love your other sparkly artwork too. Happy PPF

  47. The Halloween pic is truly a work of art. Yep, Love the Girls just want to have fun. . . excellent. The metallic picture is unique, different and Gorgeous. I love the park, it looks so peaceful and a stream running through it with ducks. . .absolutely perfect. I have canals where I live, not many streams. You live in a beautiful place. Blessings, Janet PPF


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