
Sunday 14 September 2014

Heavy metal, sunshine and stencil play.

Hi everybody!

Had another busy but happy day here. It started off cool and very misty, but the sun came out and dispelled the mist, leaving us with good weather. There was a festival in our little town today, with an arts and crafts market, a book market along the main street leading down to the river, and loads of stalls selling foods and snacks wafting tempting aromas under my nose. But I stayed strong and just had a coffee at the baker's. In the grounds of the 'Diakonie', a large church based social, welfare and health-care company, there was a huge party, with loads of stalls selling goodies, more food and drink, live music, and fun and games for the kids. I spent quite a long time talking to an artist called Michael Laux, who works with oil drums, old farm implements and scrap metal to make wonderful objects, and with plastic bottles to make creations like tropical underwater plants. You can see more of his work on his web page.

The mask was my fave:

And I got this as a present. It's A4 size, and will look wonderful with a light or candle burning behind it. There are so many colours in the burnt metal, it is fantastic.

And meantime, down at the Rhine, the swan was swanning:

The ferry was ferrying visitors across the water:

And this charming man was playing the violin for the swan, ducks and all who pass by, as he does every Sunday:

Yesterday, when I got back from the craft fair, I needed to go for a walk, and picked some leaves and ferns on my way home. I used them as masks and stamps, spraying them with blue and brown, using a sheet of paper I had already used as underground while stamping and distressing.

When it was dry I just  had to try out the new stencils I got from Dinah Wakley, and kept to a reduced colour palette - black for the birds and rust (Viva) for the moon faces.

I added some white doodling, music notes and a quote:

This is something different to usual, but it was fun making it! 
I am linking to Art Journal Journey, living beings; Mix it Monthly, trees; Artekarten, Stencils and Moo Mania, Music is in the air - and my music is literally in the air!

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, just saw this before I switched off for the evening. Glad you had such a fun weekend, I am sure you need things like that more often! Love the photos, and your new journal-page is beautiful, it has something magical about it! Take care of yourself, ad have a great evening! Hugs, Sarah

  2. da hast du ja einen schönen tag gehabt,deine Seite ist super und interresant sind die kunstwerke.
    hab noch einen schönen Abend.

    GLG Jeannette

  3. What a wonderful festival, thanks for sharing. And lovely fall art today!

  4. What a lovely post Valerie and what a lot goes on in your little part of the world. Those oil drums look fabulous. Xx

  5. The photos of the festival looked great, the oil drum and mask Wow, the talent to use such items to make art. Fantastic art from yourself, love the masks, I have that face one just been using it today.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Sounds like you had a fantastic day. Excellent stencil art too.

  7. Your art is so peaceful! I also love your photographs! They always manage to take me far away from where I am! A little dream vacation! Thank You!

  8. what a wonderful fair you attended in your own home town. i love it. the artist you discovered is phenomenal. your journal pages are dreamy and delightful. thanks for all you do. have a lovely week. xo

  9. I've had difficulties to leave comments here. Now try with my tablet, let's see what happend now:
    You have had a gorgeous day yesterday. Wonderful places and people, and art.....
    I love your leaves and ferns and the artwork is fabulous. Thanks for great photos.
    Have a pleasant week, hugs!

  10. Really brilliant and gorgeous creation and display of photos the heavy metal and what an artist....just brilliant for me to view it has cheered me up immensley....been with my dying dad all day..
    The Journey is the Start

  11. Hammer Hammer Hammer Dein heutiger Post Valerie.. was für ein interessantes Starssen fest --ein toller Recycling Künstler und eine sagenhaft genail schöne Art Journal Seite ---schwärm!
    Bin hin und weg!

    Hab eine tolle neue Woche! Ich hoffe Dein Hals ist schon wieder ganz in Ordnung..ich fürchte Du hast meine Tochter angesteckt!
    Sie jammerst seit gestern mit dem Hals!


  12. sorry .. ich tippe hier lauter Käse... bitte verzeih mein Fehler!

  13. Looks like you had a super day. I thought your heavy metal was going to be some loud music like my son plays just now!! Much prefer your arty heavy metal!! Love the fern masks. x

    1. Thanks! I am not really a fan of that sort of music either, but the title was appropriate here!

  14. I wish there were more fairs near me, but over the years they have really dwindled down. What an interesting artist Michael is....I love the drums with fire burning inside!

    Just love the background of your page! I just got some distress inks and can see myself out collecting leaves today to see if I can achieve something similar.

    1. Oh yes, do! It was great fun with the leaves and ferns, I will definitely try it again, too!

  15. Your artist friend has beautiful work! Lovely stenciled piece you made too, the leaves made great stencils for you. Looks like you had another full day. Big hugs, ~Diane

  16. WOW deine Blätterhintergrund ist eine Wucht!! Gefällt mir super gut. Tolll ist natürlich auch der Metallkünstler, es gibt schon viele kreative Leute. Männe war neulich auch bei so einem Stadtteilfest mit seinen Faltbüchern eingeladen, da waren auch sehr interessante Recyclingkünstler.
    Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne Woche,
    lG Anja

    1. Danke, es macht Spass mit Naturmaterialien zu arbeiten. Ich bewundere die Kuenstler die mit recycling Produkte Kunst schaffen.

  17. What a colourful market and how extra lovely it looks with the sun shining!
    The metal art is fantastic, and I agree with your taste in the mask. Such talent.
    Your leaf and fern painting is beautiful Valerie and the moon face is so sweet :D ((hugs)) xo

  18. Hi Valerie, looks like you had a fun and interesting day at the festival. The metal artist is very talented and I love the mask too. Your creation using the leaves and fern is gorgeous.
    Lovely walking pics also.
    Happy Creating!

  19. You do pack a lot into your days! Loved the market photos, and coming from a family with metalwork heritage I love the "heavy metal". Also love your leaf stencils - very cool layering effect.

  20. Wowww, dein Stencilwerk sieht total klasse aus. Tolle Idee, echte Blätter für den Hintergrund zu nehmen. Gefällt mir sehr gut. Ich freue mich sehr, dass du bei ACC mitmachst. Dankeschön!

    Interessante Kunstwerke gab es bei euch zu bestaunen. Kann mir gut vorstellen, dass das ein toller Tag war.

    LG Carola

  21. Schöne Fotos und toller Einsatz der Gesichterschablone :)

  22. Fabulous steel drum piece. I love work like this. You inky pages are quite lovely too. Like your birds. xox

  23. Ahhh so cool, mit Dir auf den Kunstmarkt zu gehen :) Die Metall-Licht-Tonnen sind ja genial! und dann erst Deine JournalSeite mit den traumhaft schönen Blatt-Inspirationen...sieht so magisch aus mit den süssen Gesichtchen :) Mix It Monthly ♥ Conny

  24. Schöne Fotos und dein Herbstkunstwerk gefällt mir auch. Solche Feste sind immer schön und es gibt Interessantes zu sehen. Ich mag die tollen Kürbisse auf Herbstmärkten immer besonders gern.
    Liebe Grüße


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