
Tuesday 16 September 2014

Dina Wakley Stencils for Tag Tuesday and Recycling for TIOT

Hi everybody!

It's Double Tuesday again, which means new challenges at Tag Tuesday and at Try it on Tuesday.

At Tag Tuesday our theme is stencils, and I have used the lovely stencil from Dina Wakley again, 'moon faces'. I used a piece of recycled card from an old calendar, and used a small diamond stencil sprayed with blue and brown to make the background layer. Then I added some numerals and alphas with a CWS stencil. The Moon faces were added with Viva Rust and lightly sprinkled with fairy dust. I machine-stitched some fibres for hair, and then sewed the tag with zig-zag stitch to a corrugated card background. I still had the feeling that it needed something, so I cut a little roof out of the same cardboard and stitched it on. The little window face has been made with shrink plastic. I had fun making this one!

For Try it on Tuesday I have used only materials which had been used on other projects. The brown paper bag was punched with my owl punch to make the fancy top. It would also be possible to use a little sandwich bag. The tags and pockets were all on old Halloween projects which I dismantled and re-used  -  make new from old! The black card is from an old calendar. Inside the bag there is plenty of room for scary little presents or treats. This pretty bag was not my idea. Sandy recently sent me one like this, which inspired me to make some of my own for Halloween , and I think it is a really neat design - thanks Sandy!

And last but not least, some photos of the wonderful sky this morning at 7 AM.

Here's wishing you all a great day. 
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Moin Valerie,

    Deine tag sieht richtig klasse aus,gefällt mir sehr.
    schöne bilder und halloween tag.
    ich muss nachher zum arzt,hab keine lust.
    schönen tag dir.

    GLG Jeannette

  2. Tolle Halloween-Projekte! UNd wunderschöne Himmelsbilder. Dir auch eine schönen Tag.

  3. stunning skies today Valerie. Cute moonface tag and Halloween art.

  4. Both pieces are beautiful today. Love the quirky tag with the stitching and the Halloween bag-tag is gorgeous. Beautiful photos, too. Hugs, Sarah

  5. Your creativity just Rocks, love these and the awesome tags...another journey through wonderland.xx
    The Journey is the Start

  6. that owl punch really makes a feature doesn't it! like the corrugated card and stitching on the moon face tag too.

  7. Great projects Valerie. Wishing you a wonderful day and more happy skies.
    hugs Brenda xxx

  8. fantastische Tags Valerie- ich mag diese genialen Haare bei dem Dina Wakley Gesicht! Grossartige Idee!
    Tolle Stimmungsbilder!
    Hab einen schönen Tag!

  9. Gorgeous projects! Both pieces look fantastic, Valerie. Love your sky photos. Great shots!

  10. Das ist eine echt coole Idee mit den Haaren :-). Deine Halloweentüten sind mega stark!!!! So toll sah unser Himmel heute früh auch aus - es ist Altweibersommer. Hab einen schönen Tag, liebe Grüße, Dagmar.

  11. What a terrific tag--just love the image and the addition of hair is inspiring for sure.

    The bag is beautiful with the fancy top and the Halloween colours-a great recycling project.

    What beautiful photographs with lots of atmosphere-wish our sky was the same we have fog at the moment.

    Love Chrissie x

  12. A wonderful tag, I love the moon faces and the addition of the stitches and the Halloween gift bag is lovely.
    xxx Hazel.

  13. Great tag and fantastic design with the moon faces and I love the hair. The recycled bag is really pretty and very creative, I love love the tags and all details.
    Hugs, Mar

  14. Two fantastic projects! I love how you did the hair on your tag and your Halloween bag is so cute!! love em both!

    Hugs, your new TioT teamie :)

  15. Thanks for the beautiful sunrise--it is raining here today! The top of your Halloween bag is great!

  16. Both of your projects today are very, very clever. The hair for the moon faces is a fantastic effect. Your owl punch really set off the Halloween treat bag too. AND, of course, gorgeous photos of the morning clouds. I woke up to rain but the sun is coming out for a nice day.


  17. Wonderful Tag Valerie. Love all the Halloween creations too. Perfect pictures for this time of year. Take Care. Hugs Rita xx

  18. Love the ladies on your tag,that's a super stencil and your Halloween bag is great fun, I bet your workdesk is now becoming covered with spiders and witches! Xx

    1. As long as the spiders are made of plastic or paper I don't mind!

  19. Das ist ja ein superschönes Tag geworden! Vor allen Dingen, die Haare finde ich so klasse und überhaupt die Materialzusammenstellung - tolle Idee, Valerie.
    Ja, das Wetter ist momentan wirklich traumhaft - du hast es schön eingefangen.
    LG Ulrike

    1. Ich hoffe es bleibt uns ein Bisschen erhalten....

  20. Love the idea of this treat bag Valerie, great recycling too. Love the tag, faces look super with the 'wired hair'. Gorgeous pictures.
    Avril xx

  21. Love your faces, the hair is very clever and looks great! Looks like a fun treat bag too! Big hugs, ~Diane

  22. Fantastic projects, great treat bag and I loved the hair you added to those stencils.
    Yvonne xx

  23. Thank you for sharing your heavenly photos with us = so beautiful!
    I was out snapping pix of the clouds today too :-)
    Your super owl treat bag has it all going on = that phrase Eat Drink and Be Scary is such fun and the cut paper trim at the top is super!
    Corrugated cardboard is so versatile and fun to use isn't it.
    You are so busy!

  24. Hi Valerie, both your creations are wonderful. Your talents always amaze. Darling treat bag too.
    Your early morning sky pics are beautiful

  25. I never really got into the shrink plastic thing, but you make it look great. Fun tag. xox

  26. Fab projects Valerie, great fun for Halloween xx

  27. Wie klasse - ich liebe Werke zu Halloween - auch wenn ich mit dem "Fest" als solches nichts am Hut habe. Aber gruselig geht immer :D

  28. I love this all the recycling and the adorable moon. beautiful work adore the fibers...Beautiful fall pictures.
    susan s

  29. Great projects - love the theme and love the creativity! Nikki x


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