
Friday 11 July 2014

This, that and feathers.

Hi you all!

I am pleased to say it hasn't rained yet today, but it is hot and very humid. Just the weather for doing nothing! We had thunder storms all night, but the lightning did look pretty. I went to the doctor yesterday, and still have to wear my cast for another week. It got taken off, but only for 5 minutes. Next week I will be getting a removable support, which hopefully will be a bit more comfortable and allow me a little more movement.

I have managed to finish a double spread in my journal. I painted the background and did the stenciling some time back. As I can't cut anything with scissors just now, I looked through my bit boxes for stuff already cut out, and found enough to paper several walls, so made a small selection for these pages. I put some strips of tissue tape onto the background first, and then glued on some fragments of old letters, before arranging the figures. I needed the most time for the sentiment, I had to hold the stencil with my right hand, and fill in the letters with my left, and have frequent breaks in between - but I did it! 

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Kristin and Eva.

At Soartful challenges the ladies want to see feathers and bright colours - get your shades ready! I scanned some duck-feathers I picked up a couple of weeks back in the park, and then had digital fun playing with them at Tuxpi.

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by. 
I always appreciate your comments and support!


  1. Love what you have made, the journal pages are great, and so are the digital feathers. Little S is on my lap and wants those bright feathers! Have a RESTFUL weekend! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Wow, for having your hand in cast you've really outdone yourself. Awesome pages and love the digital feather look. Very nice Valerie. Hope your hand gets better fast. Take care of yourself, have a great day.

  3. Oooh, you have found wonderful images to your spread - and managed to adhere them with your poor finger! Love the pages and your great digital works.
    Take care yourself and enjoy a weekend!

  4. Wow on the feathers!!! Beautiful journal pages, too. Valerie, your link to this post does not work. I had to go directly to your blog to get here.

    1. Thanks Faye, I have corrected it! I have problems with typing, my plaster cast gets in the way!

  5. lovely pages and featherwork Valerie! Glad to hear you are coping with the cast, etc.

  6. Love the feathers, you are invited to share this with my new meme here:

  7. Very nice work on the pages especially since you are still in the cast. Very artful and interesting digital feather art. I am always amazed at what can be done digitally. Excellent.

  8. Great collection of images on your dream spread. I love how it came out. And your scans made some knock out fabulous images.

  9. Oh wow - deine Journalseiten sind ja wieder super klasse - und das trotz Einschränkungen . Die Farben sind spitze und die Gestaltung Titel schön.
    DeinevFotospielereien sind genial!!! Ich wünsche dir weiterhin gute Besserung und hab ein schönes Wochenende. Liebe Grüße, Dagmar.

  10. Valerie, I can't get over how you're still making fantastic art with your hand in plaster. Well done. Love the photo effects! Jean.x

  11. very very interesting; have a good weekend

    much love...

  12. love your collages and digi feather

  13. Gosh Valerie, I thought I knew Tuxpi, but what you have done with the feathers there is miraculous. This may sound strange coming from a dedicated photo-editor but I actually prefer your own layout, in the second feathers picture with the pink lace, I think it is rather nice.
    As for your dream pages, are you sure you are not actually left-handed???!!! These are fantastic, I could look at them for ages.

  14. Well, my political thinking might be more left that right, but that's about it!

  15. Great pages and I love the digital art so so colorful. They make me soooo happy! I swear my heart beats faster when I see color put together like that!

    Hugs Giggles

  16. Well poo to your cast being on another week but you've certainly created some fun and colourful art! Those feather images are fab and a super collage, I had a strange dream last night about an old lady, don't know who she was! Xx

    1. Did she have a cast on her right arm and flowered trainers?

    2. Ha, ha,no! I went into her house and was calling her name (can't remember what it was), her bed hadn't been slept in but I found her in the living room under a blanket with her eyes closed. Well, I thought the worst until I called her name again. She opened her eyes and smiled. She was okay! Phew! X

  17. Amazing pages and without the use of your right hand! Love those digitized feathers. The colors are mind boggling - in the best possible way.

  18. Deine Doppel-Journalseite ist wunderschön. Hut ab... alles mit einer Hand. Immer gut, wenn man schon ausgeschnittene Scraps auf Vorrat hat (ist mal eine Überlegung wert).
    Deine digitalen Werke sind stark, so etwas kann ich überhaupt nicht.

  19. Wow, Valerie, these are fabulous, even more fabulous because you have only one good hand to use at the moment. Lets hope this next week passes smoothly and the doctors let your arm from the cast.
    Take care.
    Yvonne xx

  20. Those journal pages are fabulous but the digital feathers are very very fantastic, especially the feathers with lace. Lovely works, Valerie.
    Hugs, Mar

  21. This is one beautiful creation such a lovely scene and gorgeous additional beauties.Wow what else can I say , inspiring, ♥aNNie
    The Journey is the Start

  22. I just love that dreamy page and the words on it! Thank you for sharing it with us! The feathers are so breathtaking !

  23. Wow, completely fabulous, love, love, love your pages and unbelievable you managed to do all that with your good arm in plaster!! Love the different images and the way you have fitted them together on the pages! Brilliant photoshop work with those feathers too!

  24. Wow,deine seiten sind klasse,tolle collagen.
    die federdigital find ich großartig,sowas kann ich gar nicht,und das alles mit einer hand,hut ab,wünsch dir gute besserung.

    GLG Jeannette

  25. Pleased that some progress is in the pipeline for your thumb Valerie.

    Your idea to have things prepared is fantastic and I plan to cut things out and paint more background just in case.

    Love the feathers and what you did with them and especially love the digi work you did with the photographs.

    Hope the weather is great for you today

    Love Chrissie x

  26. Ganz tolle Werke wieder allesamt! Die Journalseite ist Spitze und auch deine digit. Spielereien finde ich Klasse, ich mache so was auch ganz gerne mal.
    Hab ein schönes Wochenende!
    lg Uli

  27. Love the digitalized feathers Valerie :)
    Just love a good thunder storm
    Von ♥

  28. Hello Valerie its lovely to have such a warm welcome back to blogland. thank you my friend. I am loving your journal spread and sad to hear you have had an injury but am amazed that you could still put together such a brilliant journal spread. Wow you are talented. Hugs June x

  29. Great art journal page layouts. So cool what you did with those feathers too.

  30. Fantastic collage journal pages and the digital art is quite beautiful. Yes hot & humid is good for just doing nothing. It's hard to work outside when it's hot that's for sure. We have been working hard here. Take good care, Shirleyxx

  31. I'd say I am amazed at what you accomplished even with the brace on your arm...but then I already knew you were awesome. But what I am amazed at is the digital work with the feathers--just blows me away, LOL! Hugs!

  32. Great journalpages! You brought it all together really well, and I love how you did the quote. Great job with your non-dominant hand! And those feathers look intriguing! Amazing the effects you can achieve with digital manipulations ....

  33. It's all simply spectacular, Valerie! Your journal pages are stunning and what you have done with the feathers is so exciting! LOVE LOVE LOVE. hugs, Donna

  34. Your journal pages are fabulous, but what you did digitally with those feathers is so intriguing to me! Hope you weather over the weekend is beautiful. Hugs!

  35. You amaze me at what can be accomplished using your left hand. WOW. This spread is wonderful, lots of details and great stenciling. Another week in the cast...ugh. However, in the end it will be worth it to be pain free and have the use of your right hand.


  36. Wow Valerie, I popped in here from Diane and what a lovely surprise. Your art journal pages are stunning with wonderful mixed media effects. Also love the digi fun with the feathers.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  37. Tolle Federn und eine ganz tolle Doppelseite Valerie! Du Arme! NOCH eine Woche... dumm ist das !
    nuddle Dich!

  38. hab das "K" unterwegs verloren lol!

  39. Love your made up world of dreams, I could hang out there for quite a while. Sorry about the continued cast wearing, hope you can be done with it soon. xox

  40. WOW die Seiten sind der Hammer!!!Ich liebe sie, was alles drauf zu sehen ist und die Farben, so viel Blau-türkis, meine Lieblinge, ich bin total begeistert Hast Du alles toll kombiniert.
    Deine Federspilereien sind auch super.
    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Abend und Sonntag,
    lG Anja

  41. Hi Valerie, love your double page. Just so many wonderful details. I could look at this over and over and see something else new.
    Love seeing the fun you had with the feathers too. So sorry to read you have to wear the cast a bit longer. Hope the time goes quickly. Have a great day!

  42. Very interesting & unique idea with the feathers! Plus your collage journal pages I really liked! Have a good week.

  43. Totally fabulous journal pages Valerie. Wonderful layering and design.

    Wonderful feather images

    Hugs Annie x

  44. Tolle Kollage mit so vielen schönen Details! Deine Bilder mit den Federn sind großartig und sehr creative Digital-Kunst!
    Weiterhin gute Besserung ... ich denke an dich ... die kommende Woche schaffst du auch noch!!
    GLG, LonettA

  45. Fabulous pages, such depth and interest in them xx

  46. Wow! You are super good with the computer kid! Just passing through to take a peek - I do enjoy your artwork and walks. Just keep on taking care of that right thumb!!!!!
    Sandy xx

  47. This is astounding and would be amazing even if u were not injured. You are so incredibly talented! Thank you for taking the time to be Soartful with us!

  48. Brilliant pages Valerie, so much to look at, and all this with your arm in a cast! Your feather pieces are stunning too LOVE the colours xx

  49. Your journal pages are simply wonderful. I love the style. Your digi art is amazing. I work with feathers all the time in my Native art.... but this is stunning.

  50. Your journal pages are always amazing and these are no exception! They look stunning, love all the great details you manage to add! Love the fun with the feathers too. ~Diane

  51. Beautiful Val! Really lovely, lovely work! Wishing you a speeding recovery dear friend.

  52. Thank you for linking up to Feline Art Friday, hope to see you back soon:


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