
Wednesday 9 July 2014

summer of colour and happy mail.

Hi everybody!

Hope your weather is better than ours has been these past days - it has rained non-stop, and I now have no more dry shoes to wear, so am hoping it will be better tomorrow.

The colours for SOC this week did not make me feel happy either, but I am sure it is sometimes good to use colours we don't like so much.
I used another of the nudes drawn in 1995, a small pencil sketch that never got finished. I scanned it, changed the line colour to blue and printed it onto a dictionary page (I still have at least 300 pages in that dictionary to use up!). I drew and coloured her using oil pastels in dark and light blue. I was rather stumped for using red, so decided to stick on some poppies I got gifted from Donna, ( a wonderful and VERY talented artist!) and I like the overall effect now that it is finished. I did it all with my left hand again, but am hoping very much that the plaster cast will be removed when I go back to the doctor tomorrow!

I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, flower power, and Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.

 This is the second piece using the SOC colours.  I used the same scan that I used a few weeks back, just with different colours. I made rather a mess with the stencil and red ink, but I tried!

I got a lovely surprise in the post today. My dear friend Chrissie sent me a gorgeous card she made for our colours of summer challenge at TIOT, and placed it in this beautifully decorated envelope. It evidently got wet, so looks rather smudged here, but it is still gorgeous!

And here is the wonderful card with felt flowers. Thanks Chrissie, you are so kind!

 Last but not least, I took photos of 2 of the windows in the Basilica here, as they fit very nicely to the SOC challenge this week too!

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I LOVE what you have made, but you should be resting your hand! Great projects, though! Lovely card from Chrissie, too. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Well chosen background for your beautiful drawing! Eric

  3. I really love your blue\red art works. Especially with a woman figure one.
    The today's photos match well your works. Lovely all.
    Hope you get free your hand tomorrow.

  4. wunderbar gefällt mir das alles, besonders die Poppy Nude ! So schöne Chrissie Post für Dich! Tolle Fenster sind das!
    Für morgen drück ich Dir fest die Daumen, dass der doofe Gips wieder ab kommt...ich werd an Dich denken!
    Danke für's weitere Prachtstück für Art journal Journey!

  5. I love your artworks with the woman and the face, they look very good, very professional.
    Dear Greetings

  6. Oh so lovely - and what a fabulous idea to print on dictionary pages! Hope you are freed from the cast tomorrow.

  7. Valerie, hope your hand is doing better. Wow, that window from the Basilica is perfect for this week. It's beautiful, just love it! Nice job-take care of your hand.

  8. lovely soc pieces and gifts. I had trouble mixing the royal blue colour then I found some paint that might do.

  9. So schön, die Farben sind ein Traum, eine tolle Seite ist das! Die Fenster sind toll anzuschauen, genau so wie die schöne Post, die du erhalten hast, Klasse!

    lg Uli

  10. MMMMM LOVE these pages. Beautiful!!!

  11. I really love your sketches Valerie and those are fabulous poppies! Lovely card from Chrissie too. We've had a glorious sunny day today but forecast for rain tomorrow. Hope your shoes dry out in time for your hospital visit! Xx

    1. Thanks, so do I, I will probably need to dry them with the hairdryer!

  12. xo!
    (LOVE that stained glass too!) K

  13. Valerie, I love that you can't stop making art even though your hand is in plaster - it's fabulous that you can still paint - even the smudges are great. Love it. Jean.x

  14. I love these and think you've done a fabulous job with your left hand!! They definitely flow and are very beautiful!

  15. Great pages. Lovely stained glass too.

  16. HI gorgeous and visually intriguing..stunning the way you used the colors..and the art is wonderful!!

  17. So impressed with what you can achieve with your left hand!I love your reworked lady. The weather has been lovely here. Perhaps you are getting our rain..hope it dries up soon.

  18. Fabulous pages , love the blue with the pop of red poppy flowers.
    Hope you get the plaster off tomorrow, fingers crossed.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Great work, Valerie. I love your fantastic sketches, the colours and the lovely poppies. Really love all. Nice detail of Chrissie!
    Hugs, Mar

  20. Wonderful use of the colors even if you don't like them. xox

  21. I think your poppy picture is stunning Valerie and the second has such a lovely face. The stained glasss windows are so beautiful, so vivid.
    Your gift from Chrissie is very lovely and I hope you get good news tomorrow ((hugs)) x

  22. Am a huge fan of stained glass, the windows are stunning.

    Love your nude, you have made beautiful ArT with this weeks colours:-) x

  23. For not liking these colors, you did a marvelous job of applying them. Your nude went SO well with the poppies. I could never create anything this lovely, especially with my non-dominant hand. You did a marvelous job with both. And I really enjoyed the photos, too.

  24. Great use of the SOC colors! Awesome artist! I really love the stained glass pictures. Beautiful doesn't see to cover how magnificent they are!

  25. Love your artwork Valerie. The poppies jump of the page . And the face is outstanding. A talent I wish I had. Love stained glass Too.

  26. Fabulously brilliant creations, love the colour combinations always your creations brighten up my

    The Journey is the Start

  27. Your art is wonderful even using this weeks somehow difficult colors. and with your hand indisposed. Those stained glass windows are fabulous, I love such windows and would love having some in our house. Hope you'll get better weather soon, we've had the most lovely weather last couple of days.

  28. What amazing artwork again Valerie--nothing stops you creating wonders for sure.

    Pleased the card arrived ok and I think the envelope has more character after its soaking.

    The window pictures are wonderful with the very bright colours-what an amazing sight. Thank you for sharing them.

    Love Chrissie x

  29. As a former art teacher I give you an A+ for even attempting to do art with your left hand. I have a feeling mine our be a complete disaster. (i can do a few things left-handed, but not drawing, painting, cutting with scissors, or writing.

    Thanks for viewing my SOC for the week.

  30. You are doing so well with your left hand, maybe we should give it a try. I like what you have made with the difficult colour combination and you've made the colours look good.
    We've got hot sunny weather here, amazing.

  31. What a beautiful sketch, and what a creative idea to digitally convert it. Your drawing and poppies make me really like the SOC combo this week.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment.

  32. I keep offering to send you some extra sunshine for a little rain! Your sketch is fabulous and I love those poppies that have to give you a feeling of warmth! Hugs!

  33. Really nice use of the colors this week - I so love reuse of paper with writing, and your work this week makes such nice use of it! Sorry about your weather - I have glorious sun all week which always helps me be creative! I'll send you sunny thoughts!!!

  34. Those poppies look beautiful with your gorgeous nude, I love the colors together. Pretty pictures also. Try to rest your hand though. Big hugs, ~Diane

  35. Tolle Werke in Blau und rot! Besonders das zweite gefällt mir ganz besonders! Sehr schön auf dem Lexikon-Hintergrund! Schöne Post hast du bekommen ... ich freue mich für dich!
    Geht´s deiner Hand besser?
    Liebe Grüße, LonettA

    1. Danke fuers Nachfragen, es wird langsam besser, bleibt aber noch eingegipst.

  36. Both beautiful repsesentations of this week's colours but I admit to being partial to the second. I think that sassy lady is great and your red stencils are not too perfect, which I love.

  37. I agree this color combination was not the easiest to work with. Hopefully, I will have mine up tomorrow--it's pretty silly. I hope the cast comes off for you tomorrow, too! Hugs!

  38. Beautiful - I love the nude sketch in blue with those gorgeous red poppies and I can't believe you managed to put all this together with your left hand! :o)

  39. Deine beiden Seite sehen klasse aus. Die Farbkombi hast du super umgesetzt. Da poppige Rot zu dem Blau gefällt mir sehr.

  40. Gorgeous photos Valerie! Yes, they are perfect for this week's challenge colors. And I absolutely LOVE, LOVE your work of art. It is simply beautiful! And what a wonderful gift to receive in the mail. Thank you for sharing it with all of us!

  41. Hi Valerie, I am amazed at your art work even in a plaster cast. My goodness this is gorgeous too. And what a beautiful gift to receive in the mail. The Basilica windows are beautiful. Hope all goes well with your doctor appt. and the cast comes off and you are much better.

  42. Your artwork is fabulous, the choice of adding poppies was brilliant! Appropriate that the photos tied in as well. Well done! Happy PPF!

  43. What a lovely way of giving life again to some of your older beautiful creations. Very inventive.

  44. I hope you will soon have use of your dominant hand again. I can write legibly with my left but drawing is a different story. Your SOC art this week is gorgeous. I love the blue nude and red poppies..

  45. That delicious compositions with wonderful colors, I love poppies, great!

  46. Lovely work, card and photos!

  47. fantastic art Valerie- I LOVE how you made the SOC colors work with the addition of the poppies on the left-brilliant!

  48. Wow Valerie - what a fabulous painting - with your left hand too! Hope your cast is off tomorrow (hm - today). As always your photos are wonderful as well. Feel better my friend.

  49. Beautiful, especially knowing that you did this with your left hand. Your poppies are wonderful! We're having a heat wave this week in Washington State where most of the year it's dreary and rainy. i feel like I'm in heaven. I'll do my best to send some sunshine your way! :-)

  50. Wow I love the poppy touches you put on this piece. Wonderful This photos are perfect too.
    Hope you are healing well.

  51. You did so well with your left hand. The touch of red poppies was just the right element to finish your piece. Good luck with your doctor's appointment. Wishing you better weather. It's embarrassingly beautiful here in Southern California. 70's blue sky, slight ocean breeze.

  52. I really like how you have incorporated the SOC colors into this week's artwork! I especially like the drawing of the close up face with the fluid line work! Beautiful! Happy PPF!

  53. I'm loving the style of that face, like the changed up colors too!! Very nice!

    Hugs Giggles

  54. I know you may not have loved those colours but you did a wonderful job of using them... those poppies were really lovely...xx

  55. More fantastic projects, I love the blue lady and the poppies, wonderful work.

  56. Really lovely! I love the contrast of warm and cool color. It's bold and lovely!

  57. love your SOC pieces...oh, and send the rain this way!! we are HOT and so dry!!! Would love a few days of rain :)

  58. Fabulous drawings Valerie. The happy mail card is delicious - love the look of the felt flowers. hugs, Donna

  59. Valerie thanks so much for stopping by, There is just so much beauty in this post and your drawings are so artistic. Adore your photos of the church windows. Hope that cast gets removed soon xxx
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  60. Beautiful - I love your nude - you draw so well Valerie!
    sandy xx

  61. I love what you've done! I like how you printed them on a dictionary page, it adds a certain something to it for me :-)


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