
Monday 28 July 2014

Tag Tuesday

Hi everybody!

We had strange weather here again - this morning it was hot and humid, and this afternoon thunder, storm and torrential rain and hailstones, a real contrast programme again. I went for a nice bike ride along the Rhine this morning, this time in the other direction, so I got to see the white cows but no sheep. And in the afternoon I just got home from my walk when  the storm started, that was good timing.

At Tag Tuesday our theme is Statues. We do have some nice statues around here, but I decided to do something like a prehistoric statue, and chose the menhir (standing stone) which stands at the corner of our road. It was erected about 2000 BC, and is 1,70 meters. There are scratches and marks on it which may date back to the middle ages, when it was custom to lead condemned prisoners past the stone, and bang their heads against it.... The residents here were scared of this heathen stone, and the Church of St George was built nearby to protect against the bad vibes. The Church was unfortunately destroyed back in 1649.I often wonder what stories the stone could tell if it could speak....

I made a very simple tag using a photo, matted onto green card and some floral card to make it look more cheerful, and added a textile flower to soften it.

Here is the original photo, can you see the face on the stone?

Here is a close-up - I am sure there is a face looking at me:

Okay, back to normal - a few photos from today:

The cows stayed under the trees in the shadow:

The Rhine was fascinating - for me - as always:

This is the old pump house from 1773 on the tow-path:

This container ship was chugging slowly along the Rhine, and travelling at the same speed as I was riding my bike:

The motor-boat was so quick it was almost out of the picture before I could press the button:

And the horses were taking things easy in the heat:

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Definitely a face! There is a lovely ethereal feel to the card, really beautiful.
    Valerie, thank you for the info on the stencil design - I'd have been on a wild goose chase if I had been looking for that stencil in on-line shops!!!

  2. Love the spooky stone and the story, and yes, I can see the face too! Hugs Sarah

  3. Very interesting history lesson today, Valerie. I enjoyed reading about the standing stone and your art incorporating it into your design. As always loved the photos.


  4. Hi Valerie, is a great idea to use a background photo on your fabulous tag, and also with that impressive history. I adore those beautiful horses.
    Hugs, Mar

  5. What talent you have Valerie. Stunning creation yet again and that face is really fascinating. Love the pictures as always. Hugs Rita xxx

  6. Fabulous, brilliant and yes the face is there, funny what we see. I always see faces in the tiles etc here at home, mostly of my mum is that weird. She is always on my mind and she is an angel...I really see♥aNNie The Journey is the Start

  7. I definitely see a face in that statue as well... yes, what would the rock tell if it could speak? I like your tag, it was good that you added some cheerfulness to it.

  8. Fantastic idea for the tag Valerie and love the colour you used to make the stone look even more special.

    Great photographs of your journey today. Always something new to see and share with us

    Love Chrissie x

  9. I do see the face, nice tag. And is that leaf turning already?

  10. Dein Tag ist toll ... eine wunderbare Idee! Und ja, ich sehe das Gesicht des Steins und jetzt ist auf deinem Tag verewigt!
    Schöne Fotos sind das ... besonders dieses feurige Blatt! Vielen Dank für´s Zeigen!
    Liebe Grüße, LonettA

  11. Yes, I found the face, thanks for sharing the history. The tag looks great, a bit sinister but what a story it has to tell. Fabulous photos again
    Yvonne xx

  12. Hello Valerie! I took a short break from blogging as we've very hot weather here for long time. No rain at all. Your statue tag is beautiful. I can easily see the face on the photo. Thanks for interesting info about it.
    Hugs :)

  13. Love how you designed this tag/card and story you shared. The photos are fabulous again and we have been hot and even a bit humid, but still no rain!!!!!!

    1. I sure wish we could send you some, it comes down here in torrents!

  14. OH how I love the stone and the story behind it - yes I see a face! Isn't it odd that the Church was destroyed. I love stories like this ---- it makes you wonder. Your tag is so creative and unique.
    Loved all your pictures - have I missed something? All of a sudden you are ridding a bike!!! Hope your thumb is doing well!
    Sandy xx

    1. I usually use the bike to do my errands, but when the weather is nice, I make some tours. I did keep off it when my arm was in the cast!

  15. I am so impressed at were you live. You make it look so inviting. The rock is amazing and yes there is a face. Adding your art to that photo is something very special.

    1. I go past this stone every day, and it always draws me in.

    2. I can certainly understand why- Sandy

  16. Ein super Tag ist das und ganz tolle Ausflugsfotos ich sehe das Gesicht!
    Ich wünsch Dir einen schönen Abend!

  17. Interesting take on the stone. Love what you did with it and the card. Always interesting pictures. - Jim

  18. Was für wunderschöne Fotos, die Radtour hätte ich gerne gemeinsam mit dir unternommen. Ich stelle es mir total schön vor am Rhein entlangzuradeln.
    Ein Gesicht kann ich auch erkennen. Dein Tag gefällt mir gut.

  19. Cool tag! You know me by now--love the dimension and yes, I can see the face! Hugs!

  20. A fabulous tag and beautiful photos. I love the story of the stone and yes I saw the face.
    xxx Hazel.

  21. What a fabulous tag Valerie using one of your wonderful photos. Yes, I see the face. Lovely walking pics too.

  22. Great tag, love that statue and the story to go with it too! Beautiful pictures from your walk and I can definitely see the face. Big hugs, ~Diane


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