
Tuesday 29 July 2014

Flowers, birds and happy mail

Hi you all!

I think Germany has been moved to the tropics without us noticing. The weather is really hot and humid, and we keep getting really violent rain and hail storms - not so pleasant. We have had as much rain in a few days as we usually get in 2 months! I managed a dry walk this morning, through the fields and and along the Rhine, but this afternoon I just stayed home and watched the rain coming down!

I made this cardboard piece some weeks ago for a challenge, and it got 'lost' under the heaps on my table .... last week when I cleared up I found it again.
I used corrugated cardboard, partly peeled, painted white, and then used a napkin for the summer flowers, as it reminded me very much of the meadows here. 
I am linking to AJJ, flower power and Moo Mania and More, texture

This beautiful card arrived in my post box today, from Ulrike.
She saw an old letter on my blog last week, and asked if she could have a copy to make a brush. I mailed it to her, and she made this wonderful card, with flowers, butterfly, and the white script. Thanks Ulrike, it is a treasure!

The meadows are flourishing with the warm and wet weather.

This is the field where I watched the farmer bailing the hay at the weekend - he evidently finished the job really neatly!

These 2 are rather grainy as I had to zoom a lot - can you see that long necked bird on the field? It  looks like a heron.

And these ducks and the swan were enjoying their morning swim!

Have a great day whatever you are up to, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow - dein Mohnbild ist wunderschön - ebenso dein erhaltener Brief! Die Fotos sind wieder toll . hier war es heute schwül warm mit kurzen Regenschauern - zum Glück keine Unwetter, Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  2. Really beautiful artwork Valerie and lovely pics too.
    We had local flooding yesterday after a month's rain in 2 hours plus lots of hail which caused havoc for rail, bus and car travelling.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

    1. This bad weather seems to be widely spread, let's hope it will soon dry out! Take care when you are travelling.

  3. Hi Val, sorry the weather is still bad! I has to get better sooner or later! Love the hanging you made, and the postcard from your friend. Have a good day tomorrow, hugs, Sarah

  4. South of England have had some terrible storms too but, touch wood, we've been fine up here! Love your poppy piece and your summer flower pics. Hope tomorrow stays dry for you. Xx

  5. See, there is some benefit to cleaning if it uncovers art as beautiful as this! We had a bad storm last evening, then the sun came out again. Then the power went off! Fortunately only for an hour this time!

  6. Love this beautiful card Valerie. The flowers look stunning. Hugs Rita xxx

  7. Was für ein wunderschönes Mohnbild (meine Lieblingssommerblumen), klasse leuchtende Farben. Ich glaube gerne, dass du dich über die Karte von Ulrike gefreut hast :)
    Bei uns regnet es seit gestern Abend durchgängig, nicht so toll.... eigentlich sollte ich heute Rasen mähen.

  8. what a pretty napkin of summer flowers! Beautiful wildflower photos too.

  9. oohh dein Mohnbild ist wunderschön,ebenso die karte von ulrike.
    schöne bilder hast du wider für uns..hier ist es schwül warm mit kurzen regengüssen,aber kein unwetter.
    wünsch dir einen schönen tag :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  10. So lovely flower power here! I really love your flowers on GCB and photos. Lucy you to have so beautiful post, hugs!

  11. hello Valerie-Jael. I have been popping back to your blog every now and then since the beginning of the year. I'm temporarily living in the Eifel region, and your landscape photos are similar to what I see around here - minus the river of course! I love going on your walks with you :-) One thing I wanted to ask - do you use a camera or your phone to take photographs? I love taking photos of the area, but I feel a bit self-conscious with my camera (as small as it is) when I walk around my village. Right now, there are some lovely geraniums out, on balconies and in front yards, but I'm worried what people might say if I'm photographing their front door!! Everyone knows everyone here, so us temporary residents are easily spotted (although I do have to say, it is very friendly here too!). Thanks for sharing so many lovely images.

    1. I us my little Samsung camera, just a very cheap one, but small enough to fit in my pocket and takes good photos. People don't usually comment on me taking photos. If they say something to you, you could just tell them how beautiful their flowers are....

  12. Sorry to hear that the weather is being difficult Valerie but pleased you fitted in such a beautiful walk before the rains came-thank you for hsraing it in pictures.

    Love bright poppies on your lost piece of artwork and a beautiful card to receive in the post as well.

    Have a really great day

    Love Chrissie x

  13. Sooo ein schönes Mohn-Werk, die Karte die Fotos - einfach wunder-wunderschön, Valerie.

    Vielen Dank für's Mitmachen bei MOO-MANIA & MORE

  14. Wunderschöne Karte mit den Mohnblumen! Eine bunte Sommerwiese ... wie auch auf deinen Fotos!
    GLG, LonettA

  15. Fabulous art project, love those bright flowers, makes you eel happy to look at it. As always enjoyed seeing your photos. We still have out heatwave and wonder when things will get back to normal.
    Yvonne xx

  16. A lovely entry for AJJ. I love the use of the corrugated card and the meadow flowers are beautiful..

  17. Ganz Wunderwunderschön Valerie diese Blumenkomposition auf Wellpappe! !
    Die Fotos sind himmlisch und die Post , die Du bekommen hast, ist schlichtweg Hammer!

    Hihi.. wir sind uns ein wenig ähnlich..ich finde pausenlos angefangene Projekte irgendwo..
    welch ein Freude, wenn ich dann was draus machen kann, ohne ganz von vorn anfangen zu müssen.
    Inzwischen nehme ich diese Vergesslichkeit als Geschenk an....

    besser als mich zu ärgern, oder?

    1. Oh ja, Recht hast Du - ich fand auch Schokolade und Geld unter den Tausend Sachen, immer gut!

  18. und a big THANK YOU dear Valerie for sharing this BEAUTY with us at

  19. A wonderful creation, the flowers are beautiful and I love the corrugated card.
    xxx Hazel.

  20. such a beautiful piece, and amazing photos as always! You always give us such beautiful visions,

  21. It seems weather patterns everywhere are unusual.
    Today here near Washington DC we are having October weather instead of our normal hot hazy and humid...but it will be back soon enough ;-)
    Your beautiful poppy and daisy collage really speaks to me of summer and using the corrugated cardboard as a substrate is extra cool.
    Happy almost August = Wow!

  22. Perfect timing to upload your 'summer' card. It is bright and beautiful with the flowers. Sorry your weather isn't perfect but ours isn't either. It is cloudy and humid but very hot today. I'm off to work in the yard and trim some bushes.

  23. What a beautiful piece of art you found under your stash. It is gorgeous and so summery with the pretty flowers. You works are always amazing. Love the card you received from your friend. Very creative using your letter.
    Sounds like you are really getting the rain. Please send some our way. It is raining finally today but we still need more. The gardens are a challenge.
    Lovely walking pics. The fields of hay are beautiful.

  24. Stunning piece, love the beautiful bright poppies and the contrast is gorgeous! Lovely post from your friend too. What a beautiful set of pictures today too, the flowers are gorgeous and the hay is fascinating too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  25. Wow Valerie, this work looks so amazing, the poppies are wonderful, and lovely composition! I really love the beautiful postcard from your friend.
    Hugs, Mar

  26. I am sorry you are having such hot and humid weather - summer is my least favorite season - winter is my most favorite. Hope it is not buggy as well.
    Wonderful make Valerie - the colors are so pretty and they look really good on the corrugated cardboard. As always beautiful pictures and the water looks so cool after seeing the hot colors of summer.
    My best to you kid!

  27. Wacky weather everywhere. We had a small tornado in a city close to us and some bad thiunderstorms as well...unusual at best. Nice flowers on your kraft background, seed heads sprouting. All the field flowers are bloomng now. xox

  28. amazing meadow on your card and photos :)


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