
Tuesday 27 May 2014

Singing in the Rain

Hi everybody!

I hope you had better weather than we did today; it poured non-stop. I put my waterproof  jacket and cap on and went out in spite of it, and enjoyed my solo walk along the Rhine. Nobody else was around, so I walked along singing 'Singing in the rain' and came home dripping but happy. These are times when I appreciate how good it is to come home to dry clothes and a hot coffee!

 I made this accordion book a couple of weeks back, and never got round to showing it. The covers are made of painted chipboard. I used my fave mix of green and blue metallic paints, and decorated it with diamonds embossed in white structure paste. The rest of the background was stamped with my script stamp, and then I glued some letter fragments on. The bird is an image from Gecko Galz.
I fussy cut it and crackled it. I added a scrap of lace, some flowers, ribbon and a small metal sentiment. I am linking to Craftroom Challenge, things with wings

For the back I used one of my hand-painted umbrella men.

The inside pages have small, sewn inserts, one on this side and two on the other.

And as I already said, it rained:

And rained:

And rained:

And rained:

And rained!

I hope I did not grow webbed feet like the ducks!

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love what you have made again, the book is fantastically beautiful, a real work of art! Hope you didn't get too wet, we had rain all day, too! Hugs, sarah

  2. That IS a lot of rain! But still your pictures of it are beautiful. AND I love your book! The metallics in it really got me, love that! xoxo

  3. Hi Valerie :-) This is a beautiful album. The bird looks quite happy on the florals and I love the colour and texture of the background. The umbrella man is one of my favourite TH dies and I love the colours

    Your poor plants look as though they are fed up with so much rain....hope the sun comes out soon

    Thank you for sharing at Craft Room Challenge this fortnight
    Crafty hugs Annie x

  4. What an amazingly bright and colourful accordion book. I like the bird image and all details.This is just gorgeous!
    Hugs, Mar

  5. A gorgeous book Valerie, Mr/Mrs bird looks delighted with their beautiful nest. I hope you weren't swinging round the lamp posts a la Gene Kelly when you were "singing in the rain"! Xx

  6. Wow...beautiful front and back covers Valerie. Love all the texture and dimension you achieved. Beautiful embellishments!

  7. Hi Valerie, What a wonderful booklet with your stunning creations front and back. I always love seeing your rainman image with the umbrella.
    Beautiful snaps and the raindrops on the leaves are stunning.

  8. Good Morning Valerie. What a fabulous book this will be, I love the front and back covers so much. Hope your weather improves soon. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  9. Da sieht man mal wieder... REGEN kann genauso beflügeln wie Sonnenschein...
    der Schirmmann auf der Rückseite dieses tollen Buches beweist es und auch Deine himmlischen Fotos..
    die Frontseite des Buches ist besonders charmant in Deiner bewehrten meisterlichen Komposition!
    bei uns ist auch der Regen Regent ..
    was soll's?
    Wasser ist Leben!

  10. What a wonderful book you made Valerie and a fab idea to add the sewn in smaller pages. Mr Umbrella man looks very jolly with his beautiful colours and I always love to see how you use him in different ways.

    Really stunning pictures of the rain--it is like that here at the moment and forecast to get even weather throughout the day. I am not going anywhere--you are so brave to go out in it all.

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. Hello Valerie! First of all, you have a new outlook on the blog. It's beautiful and so easy to read.
    You have done very special artworks again. The accordion book is clever and so well done.
    I love your colours and decorations on the artpieces, and rainman is fabulous and it matches so well your photos. It's said that after rain the sun will shine... so hope the weather is better soon.
    Happy day to you Valerie,
    P.S. Thanks a lot for your lovely comments xxx

  12. wow,wie grandios,gefällt mir seeehr gut.
    bei uns ist auch regen,aber das macht nichts,ich liiibe regen und gehe trotzdem raus,einfach passend kleiden und regenschirm mit,finde regen romantisch.
    hab einen schönen tag,ich gehe gleich raus,aber erstmal frühstücken.

    knuddel jeannette

  13. The little book is gorgeous as are your rainy day photos!

  14. These are gorgeous I love the diamonds, you are right, diamonds are a girls best friend! ~Diane

  15. Another beautiful book Valerie. And accordion too! Super! The cover is grogeous and the umbrella man very dapper. I bet you really appreciated the warmth of a dry home by the time you got back. I hope it's drier for you today :o) x

  16. The rest you created for the bird is marvelous. You do such a terrific job adding extras to your journals. This one is super. Wow, it did rain and you captured it well with your photos.


  17. This is really beautiful. I like all the embellishments. It is pouring rain here in Florence, Oregon US too. Our coast gets more rain than sun all year with cold wind so walking in it just doesn't work for me. LOL
    Have a happy Wednesday

    1. We have a lot of wet weather here, so I have to go out in bad weather or good!

  18. Ich liebe den Regen und dann ab hinaus in den Wald mit Herrn Hund. Dann ist dort so eine besondere Stimmung, man hört nur die Regentropfen und der Wald wirkt so beruhigend.
    Dein Akkordeon-Buch sieht Klasse aus, gefällt mir sehr. Die Metallfarben haben eine tolle Wirkung!
    lg Uli

  19. Uoooo I want to touch this love all that texture and those metallic paints are luscious adding added the crackle to the bird love that. Wonderful book, very glad you did not share it until our challenge theme came up. Thank you for joining us at Craft-Room Challenge XOXO

    btw it has rained solidly here in Grimsby for 2 days and no sign of stopping, the Humber is looking very grey.

  20. Hut ab, dass du auch fleißig bei diesem Dauerregen deine Runde machst. Ich kann dem Nass mal gar nichts abgewinnen und war froh, dass ich mich mit dem bevorstehendem Besuch rausreden konnte ;) Es gab einiges vorzubereiten :D
    Deine Fotos sind wieder wunderschön, besonders das mit dem Regenrohr finde ich klasse, tolle Perspektive. Und deine kreativen Werke sind ebenfalls genial.

  21. Love the covers on your accordian book Valerie, yep its rained a heck of a lot here as well. Annette x

  22. Your collage art is very beautiful, love the textures. The crackling on the bird is wonderful. It's great that you get out rain or shine. I have a very large umbrella for rainy walks. Take care, Shirleyx

  23. Oh my this is totally gorgeous, Valerie! I love how you have combined all the textures and that bird is beautiful! Love it! I wish we got more rain, but I don't know how much I would enjoy pouring rain. However, that is why you can share such wonderful scenery with us! Hugs!

  24. Hi Valerie! I loved the image in my head of you singing in the rain. And how wonderful you enjoyed your song and the rain when no one else wanted to go out. Oh you are my kind! Your accordion book is lovely. I need to make one in the near future. Yours looks like so much fun. Glad you are making the best of the weather and finding the happiness in everything! Enjoy the rest of the week and thank you for such a happy post. Hugs, Rasz

  25. The Covers of your Book look wonderful. I am Loving all the wonderful layers. And wow that is a lot of rain. Good for you getting out and about in the rain...


  26. Finally here I am - I had a bunch of errands to do yesterday and an appointment with my eye doctor - watching the cataracts grow. New glasses for me - will get them next week.
    I do love your accordion book. Every bird should have lace in their nest! The colors on you umbrella man are gorgeous. I need to learn how to make one of this little books and I love the little pages in the middle.
    I do hope that while you were "Singing in the Rain" you jumped in a couple of puddles too! Or flung yourself around a lamppost.
    Bye for now - Sandy xx

    1. Sorry about the cataracts, I am glad mine are now gone! I did jump into puddles, and trod (accidentally) in the Rhine, but I left the lampposts alone!

  27. A fabulous accordion book, I love the textures and colours, thank you for sharing it with us at Craft-Room challenge.
    xxx Hazel.


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