
Tuesday 27 May 2014

Double Tuesday again

Hi everybody!
It's Tuesday again already, time flies by soooo quickly, and this time it's a double Tuesday again, with a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday as well as being new tag time at Tag Tuesday.

The theme for the next fortnight at TIOT is 'feminine and fancy', so I am sure a lot of you ladies will have some sparkling ideas for it, and you have 2 weeks to link up.

I made a giant and rather wild tag, with lots of shoes and accessories on a rather bright background. I know a lot of us love shoes and clothes, and never have anything to wear at home.... I don't buy much these days, and my shoes are limited to boots, trainers and sandals, but I do like window shopping!
The dress form and shoes have been stamped and white embossed, then fussy cut. The shoe stamps are from Hampton Art.
I am looking forward to seeing what you think up for this challenge!

At Tag Tuesday our theme is white on white - not a fave of mine, as it leaves little room for nice, dirty distressing....although I did enjoy the cardboard and gesso!
But I did my best. I painted a corrugated cardboard tag with gesso, and used some white Utee down the right side. I could have spared myself that step, as it is all covered up with the embellies! Then I threw on all the white stuff I could find. The bird-cage, bird and large flowers are TH die cuts. The heart is really white, not pink, it is made from Holographic foil which reflects lots of colours.  I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, cardboard.

And last but not least, some photos of the blue skies yesterday - today it rained nearly all day.

Here's wishing you all blue skies and sunshine!
Have  a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beim Pink Beauty Tag hast Du geschwelgt... toll sieht das aus -auch Deine Weiss in Weiss Kreation ist mehr als wunderschön..sehr elegant!
    Tolle Fotos Valerie!
    Schönen Doppeldienstag !

  2. wow,deine tags sind umferwend schööön,besonders das pinke gefällt mir besonders gut,hast du sehr schon gewerkelt.
    wunderschöne creatoinen.
    schönen tag für dich :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  3. Wonderful tag, my daughter is ooohing and aaahing over that pink one, as it's her fave colour. The white one is gorgeous, most elegant, and I love he photos - it's wet and grey here today! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Amazing depth of colour in your wonderful photographs Valerie-what a wonderful place to sit and contemplate nature's beauty

    The projects are both terrific. You come up with such different ideas for every project and love these.

    Have a good day today and I hope the sun shines

    Love Chrissie x

  5. Two fabulous creations Valerie, it looks as if you had fun with them! Great photos too of course and what a surprise to see the new look on your blog.....

  6. Your white tag is so pretty Valerie, very feminine and subtle. Your pink tag on the other hand is definitely not subtle! You've shown both sides of your personality here Valerie! Lol! Have a lovely day. Xx

  7. Good Morning Valerie. What Wonderful creations. I love the fabulous clothes and shoes etc on the first one. The white one is so pretty and you have created it so well. Beautiful pictures as always. Hugs Rita xxx

  8. Terrific works, Valerie! The first one is the most feminine I've seen. You have a great sense of decoration. The second one is so wonderful with all those embellishments.
    Great photos too.

  9. Sexy collaging with the black and pink and I love the second one :)
    Von ♥

  10. Hier regnet es heute auch, aber Deine Fotos mit blauem Himmel bringen gleich gute Laune. Und Deine Kunstwerke! Das Pink haut so richtig rein beim ersten Tag und gerade in der Kombination mit Schwarz. Den Rat finde ich auch gut, allerdings wären es bei mir keine Schuhe etc, sondern eher Stempel etc. ;)
    Also mir gefällt das Weiß in Weiß auch ziemlich gut, gerade weil es soviel zu entdecken gibt und soviel Struktur da ist.
    Ich wünsche Dir alles Gute, Manuela

  11. Pink, black & full of shoes--very girlie! I do like the white one with all the dimension. Our skies are clouding over now so I expect a few showers today, too.

  12. Good morning Valerie. The wild pink tag colour is unusual for you; however, I love all of the shoes and your design. Your white on white is outstanding. "You know the saying when you find a pair of shoes you like, buy all of them."


    PS Beautiful blue skies and wonderful photos.

  13. Hi Valerie, Well I agree and get it in every color. LOL Love your tag with the shoes!! So birght, cheerful and fashion chic. Love the white and on white too. Beautiful design!! Great sky pics after the rain. We are having lots of rain here too and in Texas it is like gold to receive!!
    Happy Tuesday. XO

    1. We get a lot of rain over here, you could even say toooo much!

  14. Love this tag Valerie, great images and of course that quote is perfect.
    Wouldn't know you didn't like White on white, its a gorgeous tag, love all the texture and details.
    Great photos too, thanks for sharing.
    Avril xx

  15. Oh my Valerie! A very bright first creation (need my sunglasses I think!) and lovely white on white too.
    Lovely blue skies too although we've had nasty rain all day and it's turned somewhat chilly again feeling like March.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  16. One thing we do not have in common is shopping for anything in the clothing department. I don't like the style of clothes or shoes today at all. But I love to shop for craft stuff. Certainly is a fancy tag for ladies - why is it that so many women like to have a lot of shoes.
    Now I love your white make -- you sure do know how to throw really well!
    Sandy xx

  17. I love th color palette of the first two pieces, those are my favorite colors, the second piece is so lovely and feminine , the lat piece is pure fun!!!! I really enjoyed the walk in the rain,

  18. Love the hot pink and the second one as well.
    Hugz, Z

  19. Ooh la la, love the tags, both are beautifully feminine too! ~Diane

  20. Verschiedener geht gar nicht ... Das pinke Tag ist der absolute Oberknaller, meine Tochter wäre begeistert. Natürlich gefällt mir auch das zweite Werk :)
    Vor den Bildern könnte ich jetzt sitzen bleiben und von besserem Wetter träumen ;)


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