
Saturday 10 May 2014

Mothering Sunday

Hi everybody!

Happy Mothering Sunday to all Mothers, have a great day!

I have a collage made with photos of my Mother and our family. The photos were on 2 different Layouts, which were rather damaged, so I took them apart and put them back together again to make one. The background has been stencilled, sprayed and distressed. The stencils are from My tattered angels. The photo on the left was taken a few years before I was born, during WWII. My eldest sister (left) is still alive, the sister next to her died some years back, and I don't know if my brothers are still alive. The photo on the right shows my Mum with me when I was just under a year old. 

Yesterday evening we had some heavy storms here, with rain galore, thunder and lightning. Some trees came down near the Church, the path was cordoned off this morning while they were sawing up logs. Today was grey and cloudy, we just had a few peeps of blue sky for a few minutes this afternoon.

I love this rose arch:

I am glad I decided to wear my rubber boots this afternoon:

Thanks to all who left get well wishes, they are much appreciated. I feel a little better today, the nausea is a lot less, so I am hoping that I will soon be back to normal. Being able to be creative is also a big help.

Have a great day, take care and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful work, Val - I remember your Mum and sisters. Lovely tribute! Take care of yourself, and get plenty of rest! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Such a wonderful tribute to your mum and family, - love it!! Wow, that is some sky and some rain you have had, - looks even worse than it has been here...

  3. A fantastic page and nostalgic family photos , a wonderful way to store memories.
    Super photos, it looks it rained worse than here. Take carer of yourself and hope tomorrow is better for you than today.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Your collage tribute could not be more beautiful or meaningful and what an adorable child you were.
    That rose arch looks as though it has stepped out of Alice!
    Beautiful post and an apology for not managing to visit quite the same at the moment.

    1. The rose arch is beautiful, and part of a wonderful close which takes me back to another time every time I visit it.

  5. Nice weather for ducks, as they say Valerie. It's pretty wet here too but no storms. You've created a lovely layout and I'm glad you're feeling a wee bit better. Take good care. Xx

  6. Gorgeous collage Valerie and great pics as always. It's blowing a gale here and has been all day!
    Glad to hear you feel a bit better today.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  7. What a lovely tribute to your Mum and family. The collage is beautiful with its vintage style. Hope you feel better soon.

  8. Pleased you are feeling a little better Valerie and hope you continue to improve.

    We got your storms yesterday evening and this morning everywhere looks fresh and clean if a little wet. Sorry about the tree coming down and the wet paths but I am sure you enjoyed it all just the same.

    Your page is wonderful with the pictures of your mum and your family.

    Love Chrissie x

  9. hallo valerie,

    das ist ja richtig blöd das du dich zur zeit nicht wohl fühlst,ich hoffe sehr das es dir bald wieder besser geht,wie lange musst du die medis noch nehmen ???
    ich drück dich ganz fest und denke an dich *knuddel*
    die himmelsbilder sind fantastisch,und der rosenbogen ist soo romantisch,das mag ich seeehr,deine seite ist wider ganz großartig,gefällt mir ganz super.
    hab noch einen schönen sonntag :-)

    Knuddel Jeannette

  10. Hi Valerie. Beautiful layout and gorgeous happy pictures too. You certainly were a beautiful baby. Lovely pictures, but doesn't bad weather leave its mark on the countryside. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  11. Die Collage ist so liebevoll und toll gestaltet. Besonders die pinken Blätter haben es mir angetan. Und der kleine weiße Gartenzaun darauf sieht auch so putzig aus! Das Foto mit dem Rosenbogen ist phantastisch. Es strahlt so viel Wärme und Gemütlichkeit und Willkommen aus. Da ginge ich ja jetzt gerne zu Besuch hin :)

  12. Lovely collage of your family. It certainly did rain - and I'm certainly glad you wore your wellies. I don't own a pair here. It rains torrents, then it's gone. High desert stuff I guess. Glad you are feeling somewhat better. Continue to improve please! hugs, Donna

    1. Here you are lost without wellies!! We are near the river, so it's often really wet!

  13. Eine ganz traumhafte Collage hast Du da als Muttertags Tribut zusammengestellt liebe Valerie.. Du warst ein ganz entzückendes kleines Mädelchen!
    Die Fotos sind auch wieder sehr gelungen ... bei uns ist jetzt das Schlechtwetter auch eingetroffen...
    nun gut machen wir das beste draus-
    schön dass Du Dich etwas besser fühlst!
    Weiterhin gute Besserung und einen gute neue Woche ab morgen!

  14. Wonderful tribute to your mum, Valerie, and a piece for your memory wall. It rained really hard here yesterday too, but the sun is shining brightly today.


  15. Thank you Valerie for sharing your beautiful familymemories with us. You put them so lovely together with vintage embelishements. On this kind of special days we have also sad memories about the familymembers who has already passed away. It's natural and beautiful, too.
    Wish you a happy next week,

  16. Beautiful tribute to your family. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Take care out in all that damp weather!

  17. Beautiful page Valerie, you look so much like your Mother too. Beautiful photo of all of you and I love the lace and flowers too. Good thing you wore your boots, what a muddy mess, lol. ~Diane

  18. Hi Valerie, Just a beautiful art piece to honor mothers and your family. Love the section with you and your mom. So very dear and what a keepsake. Looks like it was a good thing you wore your rain boots. We are expected for storms today.
    Have a great and creative day and so glad you are feeling a bit better.
    Happy Monday!

  19. Did I miss that you were not feeling well, did I miss a post. Hope you are better. Love the old family photos......are your relatives still all in the UK?

  20. Eine wunderschöne Collage - schade, dass du keinen Kontakt mehr zu deinen Brüdern hast. Die Wolken-Fotos sind klasse, ich mag solche Aufnahmen total gerne.


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