
Friday 9 May 2014

Monsters, Circles, Mail-Art and More

Hi everybody!
The past few days have not been so easy here, as I have a flare-up of my auto-immune illness, and am being treated with a crunchy tablet cocktail every morning for breakfast, and on top of that some special injections into my neck to alleviate the pains there. The tablet cocktail always brings a lot of side effects, like dizziness, nausea, feeling 'strange' (yes, even stranger than usual!) and shaky fingers. The first days are always the worst, the medis are being reduced day by day, and I hope soon to feel more normal (?).

I have been trying to keep myself busy, and doing challenges although it is not really as easy as usual. At So Artful the theme is 'Friendly Monsters', and I suddenly thought of my lovely Mexican cotton scraps. I painted a piece or cardboard - what else - and glued the pieces on, and then did my best to sew it zig-zag on the machine. Not exactly well sewn, but sewn! They all look really friendly, and seem to be enjoying an outing with music and dance, so that's good.

At AJJ the theme is circles, and at Moo Mania and More 'Mail', so I have tried to combine the two. I am not really happy with this, I wanted to draw some little circles with gel-pen again, and to write my journaling on it, but I will have to add them when I am less shaky. It should have the message, 'Art, Mail and Music make the world go round'. 
I painted a music sheet from an old book with gesso, and drew the frame with pastel chalks. I made the collage with cut-outs, stamps, tissue-tape, a tissue-transfer bird (to sing the music) and some circles cut from a sheet of DP. I used some mail art stamps to add some more accents.
I am also linking to Artful Times, where the theme is 'mail-art'

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday and Manon's Paper Saturdays

Manu has a photo challenge on her blog Mikrokosmos. The theme this week is 'smell', taking notice of the smells - good and bad- around you. I have made a collage of photos showing sweetly perfumed flowers which I have photographed in the past weeks. In the middle is one of my angels, concentrating on a heart in his hand - the heart of the perfume?
There's a nice quote from Bernard Clive: 'Today, just take time to smell the roses, enjoy those little things about your life, your family, spouse, friends, job. Forget about the thorns - the pains and problems they cause you - and enjoy life'

The original collage:

And three versions digitally altered:

If you would like to copy and use the collage photos, please feel free to do so.

Have a great weekend, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Poor you... hope you are soon better.

    Lovely art still though.... so bright and colourful - I love it!

    Don't forget to take it easy ;)

    K x

  2. Sorry you are having to go through so much pain and discomfort again, hope you soon feel better. Love all you have made, the collage is wonderful with the flower photos, and the monsters and mail art pieces fantastic. Take it easy, and give yourself a break! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Gorgeous artwork Valerie and so sorry to hear you're not feeling great again.
    Hoping the meds cocktail sorts it out and that you get better very soon.
    Take care, Fliss xx

  4. Oh I can relate to the autoimmune thing...sure hope you feel better all the whimsy and color in this piece!! Gorgeous work!! Take care of yourself....I find pacing myself is my only saving grace!

    Hugs Giggles

  5. Oh Valerie, sorry to hear your feeling poorly, I certainly don't like the sound of those injections - sending you big cyber hugs! I love your Mexican patchwork and the fabulous effects you've created with your collage. Hope you're soon feeling your "normal" self! Take very good care! Xx

  6. Beautiful projects favorite is the mail art. I love how you arranged all the images into one great piece of art. I hope you are feeling better soon!

  7. I hope you feel much better soon. I love your projects, especially the first one. They're all lovely, but that one really speaks to me!

  8. Fantastic artwork Valerie, love the monster party.
    Hugs coming your way, take care of yourself and I hope things settle down for you soon.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Love your pages. The Mexican fabric is adorable- love those donkeys. And your journal page with the Frieda page is great too. Hope you feel better soon too.

  10. Terrific monsters and yes, I agree they are definitely having a happy friendly time. I like the little patterned donkeys too and the flower and lace border.
    Look after yourself, Valerie, and leave the 7 hour walks till the following week.

    1. Yes, I am looking forward to doing them again soon when my health and the weather are better!

  11. Deine beiden Seiten sehen klasse aus, es gibt eine Menge zu entdecken. Von deinen Fotocollagen bin ich total begeistert. So etwas kann ich überhaupt nicht.
    Ich hoffe, dass es dir bald wieder besser geht.

  12. Your skeletons are having such a good time - I would love to join the party. This is such a wonderful piece Valerie. I love all the bright fabric scraps. Sorry you're feeling bad at the moment but hopefully you will soon be on the mend. Happy PPF

  13. Beautiful work. I love the Mexican thing. I love the burros/donkey. Hope you will feel better soon.

  14. In spite of being unwell you have created lovely pieces of art again. I hope you are feeling better and everything is going well very fast. Take care of yourself my friend.

  15. So sorry to hear you aren't too well Valerie and hope you soon feel better.

    It hasn't affected your makes which are just terrific as always. My favourite has to be the wonderful skeleton canvas. The sewing is terrific. I love the digital piece and the swirling effect.

    Your mail art is fantastic and just right for our challenge Artful Times this week. Thank you for joining us.

    Have a lovely day--we have heavy rain and it is so dark I have the light on :(

    Love Chrissie x

  16. I hope you will be well soon, Valerie. You are such a wonderful artist that you can do excellent art despite of your illness.
    I really love your monster-collage. It's just superb. Your sewing is great and feeling in the work so joyful and the animals lovely.
    Your mail art is creative and seems good. And the digitally altered "odour"-art is lovely. The quote for them is so beautiful and touching.
    I Wish you are well soon!

  17. Erstmal wünsche ich Dir gute Besserung mit diesem Medikamentencocktail, der Dich so beeinträchtigt und für Deinen Nacken auch alles Gute.. Du Arme!

    Deine Kunst ist aber nichts desto trotz perfekt wie immer liebe Valerie und nicht strange!
    Die Mexiko Rhapsodie ist spitze mit dem genähten Stoff und Deine Mail Art Circle Frida Musik Seite ist sensationell schön!

    Gute Besserung...
    ich bin hier fast am Ende meiner Nervenkraft mit meinem Bruder, der diesmal megaanstrengend ist und erst am Donnerstag wieder nach Wien fährt....


  18. Oh dear, it can't be easy living with the pain and the side effects of the medication. I wish you a very speedy recovery. Despite all that, your artwork is quite fabulous.

  19. just love the vibrancy of these pieces. Hope you get better soon

  20. gute besserung,deine werke sind hammer,gefällt mir suuper gut.
    hoffe es geht dir bald besser.

    Knuddel Jeannette

  21. You really are good with your camera and digitally altering . The first altered photo is my favorite. Such a beautiful collage.
    Your piece on the cardboard is a riot! I understand why you chose this theme - You are looking illness in the eyes and singing party on - you don't scare me. Tomorrow is a new day and I WILL get better.
    I do like your mail art - it is interesting to follow you and watch your designs and seeing what you choose to use.

  22. Hope you are back to yourself soon! We have had several days of rain which make me feel my age, but the sun is supposed to come out tomorrow again. Your monster piece is so colorful and fun. I remember when you got that fabric--this was a perfect project for it! I love the next to last angel collage!

  23. Valerie, ich wünsche Dir alles, alles Gute und daß die Medikamente bald das tun was sie tun sollen - nämlich helfen! Ich denke an Dich!
    Umso mehr finde ich es so schön von Dir bei meiner Fotochallenge mitzumachen und ich bin ganz hin und weg von Deiner Collage. Wunderschöne Fotos!
    Und die Mailart Collage gefällt mir auch sehr und sagt mir ich solle mich auch mal wieder an mein Artjournal geben.
    Vielen Dank und alles, alles Gute,

  24. I am sooooo sorry you are flaring. I am just getting over one of the worst ones of my life. I will send healing energy to you and keep a candle flame going for you. I know several other people right now with lupus that are flaring too. I am here if you ever need to talk. beadwright AT=hot mail DOT Com
    I am sorry your meds make you so sick.
    Art helps doesn't it? I love your pieces each week.
    Please get rest and don't over do your daily routine.
    Big Hugs

  25. The mail theme is my favourite... :)

  26. Sorry you are having a rough go with the medicines, I know that is really hard on you. Your pieces are all stunning and wonderful today! I love the fab cloth from Mexico, it is gorgeous done up like that! Love also the beautiful mail art, your envelopes are always a work of art in themselves. And the collage piece is stunning in all versions! Take care and hope you feel better soon. Big hugs, ~Diane

  27. I like your interpretation of a friendly monster. And your mail are is just lovely with Frida Kahlo and song birds!

  28. Wunderschöne Fotos wie immer und Deine tollen Monster haben anscheinend mächtig viel Spaß auf einer bunten Party:-)
    Ich wünsche Dir weiterhin gute Besserung und viel neue Energie, ich weiss wie einen sowas fertig macht!
    Liebe Grüße Anja

  29. All quite incredible Miss Valerie - considering what you are going through. The photo collages especially fascinate me because I am so inept in that area. Love the way you used your scraps - such a happy little lot. Take good care of yourself. hugs, Donna

  30. Hi Val,
    Your art work is fabulous as always! Take a little time to relax and cozy up with your art and some good flicks and let the meds do their work. In no time you'll be better and return to your old routine. Take care Val!

    Annabelle : )

  31. I hope you are well soon, and you don't need medicines.
    Really love your monster piece, great idea the Mexican cotton scraps, this is terrific and fun. I like the Mail, great work you have done on it.
    What a wonderful collage! You are very talented.

  32. Hi Valerie so sorry to read you not to well at the moment I do wish you a speedy recovery. I just love your Monsters they are fabulous and your mail art is beautiful. No sign of shaky fingers on these projects. Take care Hugs Sandra XXX

  33. Hi Valerie, I am so sorry to read you are not feeling good. Prayers you will be better soon. You are amazing because even not feeling good, you still design the most gorgeous works of art. Love everything you create.
    Still having computer troubles so visiting from my cell phone.
    Have a good weekend.

  34. Valerie, hope you feel a whole lot better tomorrow. Your projects are fantastic, especially the one with the fabric. It would be perfect for "día de los muertos." So keep it handy to post again this fall.

  35. Your art is always so amazing, Valerie. The monster collage must have taken you forever - It's wonderful! Thank you for being soartful with us!

  36. Those side effects are a big nuisance, hope you´re going to feel soon much better.

    I love that monster collage, it's haunting but the colors make it very lively.

  37. Hope you feel better soon, Love your collage work and thanks for visiting me and leaving a lovely comment. Stay positive...

    Hugs Eliza

  38. Great mail art, I really admire collage work and yours is quite lovely. Hope you are feeling better soon.
    Julia x

  39. Your monsters are fantastic and so are all your other collage...beautiful work.

  40. Über Manuelas Foto-Challenge bin ich auf deinen Blog gekommen und bin begeistert von deiner Frida-Mail-Art, wirklich mal ganz anders und anregend!
    Liebe Grüße v. Ulrike

  41. I'm all behind like a donkey's tail love your mail art and your fabric collage :)
    Thanks for sharing with us at Artful Times
    Von ♥


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