
Friday 18 April 2014

Maps, London, and Happy Mail

Hi everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
We had a cool and blustery day here, but I am not complaining - it was still possible to get out for walks, and I am really thankful for all the mild and sunny days we have had.

I have been spending a lot of time with my computer, and I am pleased to say that it is not having so many serious glitches just now, and I hope that I have given it enough tender, loving care to keep it it running for a few months more. It's still having delayed reactions, but the delay is now seconds and not minutes or hours, and the big hissy fits have stopped!

I also managed to get some stuff finished that I have had on my work desk all week.

This piece has been made with corrugated card. I partly peeled a piece 14x13" and painted the background with white  acrylic paint. The image is  an old map of Whitechapel in East London, near where I was born and grew up. I added the borders digitally, and then coloured the carboard edges to match, using 'cake' colours, as Conny wants to see maps and these colours over at Mix it Monthly.

I printed out some photos of me as a child, and of some of the places where I lived, went to school, worked at a library as a student etc. I connected the photos with lines and used beads to show the places on the map, making it a map of my early years. I was born near the Tower of London, and went to infant school near there, too. The street at the bottom next to the Tower is where I was born. In the top photo on the left I am with a group of girls at Grammar school. The top photo on the right is the sweet shop on the corner where we used to go  when we had a penny to spare. Mr Umbrella Man is accompanying me on my journey back to past times.

I am also linking to PPF, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and to
Manon's Paper Saturdays

Today we had  a mix of sun, wind, clouds and here and there a spot of rain, but not while I was out!

Looking along the Rhine from the Church:

Towering clouds:

Another Easter tree:

 Horses by the river:

Last, but not least,  a lovely Easter card sent to me by dear Jeanette - thanks a lot!

Have a good weekend, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love what you have made here, people will think that you love London! Great photos, too, and a nice card from your friend. Havea great weekend, P's mother is visiting us here! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Hi Valerie - I love your map of where you grew up and I like how Mr Umbrella man is accompanying you on your trip down memeory lane(s). The swirling colours around the map make it look like a vortex - very cool! The Easter tree is lovely. What a fab way to decorate ones garden tree and how nice to see them along your walks :o))
    Can I pick your brain please Valerie? How did you get the Tag Tuesday button on your blog and get it to open up the TT blog? I've tried various things but none are working *sigh* Thanks, Mo :o) x

  3. Gorgeous map Valerie, I love all the beautiful photos and how you used the tiny seed beads to connect everything too. What a pretty Easter egg tree too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  4. Love how you incorporated the umbrella man, Valerie!

  5. Really fabulous creation Valerie and great pics too.
    Have a lovely Easter.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  6. A wonderful piece with so many memories for you on it. Love the way you connected them.
    Yvonne xx

  7. That piece with maps and photos is wonderful, so very well done, a treasure!

  8. Fantastic collage showing your neighborhood hang outs! Nice photos-although the sky one sure does look ominous. Love the Easter tree.

  9. I'm glad your computer is cooperating more. I love your collage, so many beautiful connections. Beautiful photos too, the Easter tree is very neat!

  10. Excellent memory lane time. Enjoyed your neighborhood and where you were born. Well done. Lots of memories. Have a great weekend. Great post.

  11. I always enjoy your art. The rabbit is awesome and your photos are such a joy to see. I like where you live.
    Happy Easter

  12. What an absolutely lovely collage showing your heritage. You make me yearn for the days of the penny sweet shops. Do you remember they even sold candy cigarettes? Those were the days my friend. Happy PPF

    1. Yes, we used to love to share a pack of those candy make.believe ciggies. Gobstoppers were also fun!

  13. A wonderful photo collage of memories. The background texture is wonderful. And again all your photos are fabulous, I like the tree with eggs. Enjoy the Easter weekend, Shirleyx

  14. oh this is beautiful, Happy Easter!

  15. lovely mixed media piece! Those Easter trees are so cute.

  16. A very special piece, Valerie! A snapshot of your history... very well done.

  17. Another beautiful piece for your memory wall. It is fun to look back and view photos from years past. For me, I'm glad to be in the future. Have a great weekend, Valerie.


  18. Good Morning Valerie. What a beautiful piece of art, with all the childhood memories that mean so much to you. The way you have put it together is wonderful. Lovely pictures as always. Hugs Rita xxx

  19. What a wonderful piece of art! Art can be such a great way to express emotions and memories.

  20. A wonderful idea for your collage with all the memories of the past :)

    Terrific photographs as well with yet another Easter Tree--just love that idea and this one has such terrific colours.

    Nice Easter Card as well.

    Bitter cold here today and it has been for days but I must brave the elements today and do some shopping.

    Happy Easter Dear Valerie

    Love Chrissie x

  21. Lovely work Valerie.... I enjoyed catching up on your posts. You do so much walking! You could be a tour guide :)

    Love those pretty 'Easter' trees.

    Karen x

  22. What an inspired idea for the Maps theme, full of pictures and details and so interesting to read about. You are so inventive. Lovely photos too. I have never seen or heard of an Easter Tree, so the Magnolia with all its hanging eggs is a first for me. It's a great photographic composition with the blue railing spike pointing up to the tree like an arrow, and such a rich blue. Always enjoyable to visit you Valerie.

  23. That is a very special piece of art, beautiful created! You are quite an artful photographer, too--I love the blue iron piece in the egg tree photo!

  24. Awww Valerie Deine Werke sind immer so speziell und voller Herz!! Ich liebe es, wie Du all den Bildern einem Platz in der Stadt zugeordnet hast und der "Regenmann" mal wieder in interessantem Kleid, teilweise sogar getarnt!! Grossartig und die Farben und Texturen passen auch so schön zusammen! Immer eine Augenweide Deine Bilder auf Mix It Monthly ♥ Conny

  25. ****fabelhaft**** ist das Tribut für London liebste Valerie... auch die Bilder sind wieder toll und ich freu mich dass Du auch so ein hübsches Kärtchen bekommen hast wie ich!

  26. Wow..such gorgeous much beauty to take in and absorb..quote magical! And I always love your beautiful photos..stunning..blissful and poetic!! Thanks for shining your magic!

  27. What a grand way to walk down memory lane!

    Your photograph of the the walk down the Rhine is so appealing. All of the diagonal lines invite us in for the walk! Thanks for sharing and happy Easter weekend!

  28. Your map collage is amazing! I loved the photo of the dark clouds and the tree decorated with eggs. How fun. Happy Easter!

  29. Great map piece Valerie. Cute you as a child...Mr. U brella man is perfect for this piece....Sunny and blustery here too. xox

  30. Loving your beautiful memory page. The little photos are brill. Umbrella man must be there to remind you of the rain! x

  31. I love your very special piece for MIM, am sure you need to frame this Valerie, such a wonderful keepsake. Happy Easter, Annette x

  32. Love the peeled cardboard and you were an adorable little girl!

  33. Hi Valerie, what a great piece you created. Your talents and imagination always bring something special.
    Love your pics today and the Easter egg tree.
    Lovely Easter Card from Jeanette.
    Happy Easter!!

  34. Fantastische Karte! Einfach eine wunderbare Komposition ... Tolle Farben und Details!
    Wunderschön ist auch die Osterkarte von Jenny ... ich freue mich für dich ( ich habe auch eine bekommen!)
    GLG, LonettA

  35. I love maps. You made quite a great collage out of your adventure. The photos show beauty.. .. love the Easter tree and the horses by the water. All lovely. Blessings, Janet PPF

  36. Fantastic - what a great walk down memory lane. I blew it all up so I could see the pictures a little better.
    Isn't it odd how those egg trees seem to bloom every year!
    Stormy skies - and such a neat card you recieved!
    Sandy xx

  37. What a wonderful piece Valerie, I blew all the pictures up too for a closer look. Your love of London always shines through and you live in such a beautiful place now. I wonder which feels most like home? xx

    1. I love it here, but London is my home, and always will be!

  38. I would love to live in London! Great idea making a map with the photos and beads attached. Something wonderful to keep for generations. Happy Paper Saturdays ManonX

  39. I love your map piece. Very clever how you assembled it.


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