
Saturday 19 April 2014

A triptych, Paris and blue skies over the Rhine

Hi everybody!

Today we were able to enjoy blue skies and sunshine, just made a trifle chilly by a cold and biting wind - oh well, you can't have everything!Thanks to all who sent well wishes for my poor computer - I am doing my best to keep it alive and running!

My  piece today is a triptych, made for 2 challenges - Fashionable stamping challenges, where they want to see our favourite techniques, and for Moo Mania and more, where Susi wants to see a triptych. My fave techniques are using recycled materials, especially cardboard, painting, distressing, stamping etc.
I started off with corrugated cardboard, recycled from the container, partly peeled it, painted it with gesso, and then added some colours with DI and background stamping. The top tags have been cut from my müsli box, distressed with Victorian velvet and vintage photo, and stamped with a French script stamp and a flourish, both from LaBlanche. The Paris sights, post-mark etc have been stamped with black Stazon onto foil from another piece of packaging, and cut out. This nearly drove me mad, as the Stazon didn't stay on, or came out patchy, and it needed several attempts before it looked right. I fixed them onto the top tags with clear sticky pads. I used some floral rub-ons as embellishments, and tied the three part together with string. The Paris stamps are from a set by Artemio.

Blue skies and blue water:

Ships large and small:

Sheltered paths to walk along:

Here's hoping that the sun shines for you over the Easter weekend. 
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Stunning triptych Valerie!! Love those stunning stamps and the collaged flowers in front of them five it such a beautiful romantic feel! Absolutely amazing photos too, wow, that blue!! Mind you, not complaining, we have actually had three sunny days in a row, maybe Spring is finally reaching Scotland!

    Hope you're enjoying a lovely sunny Easter weekend with friends and family

  2. Love the soft colours, as though we are strolling through the Parisian streets in Springtime especially with the addition of the flower.
    Oh I really do love this.

  3. Your triptych is so pretty Valerie, those stamps are so detailed. Still a chill in the air here too! Have a lovely Sunday. Xx

  4. Love the triptych, it has a very romantic and Parisian feeling. The photos are beautiful, it was cold and very windy here, too! Goodnight! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Oh how lovely! The art is so beautiful and so are the photographs. Paris seems like it would be so wonderful, I love your art of it. I especially like the photographs with pathways, so pretty.

  6. Stunning trypich Valerie. Love the images and embellishments and such soft colours. Great recycling too.
    Thanks for sharing those gorgeous photos.
    Lovely to see you sharing with us at FSC. Avril x

  7. so nice to be near the river like that. And lovely tripyich. I love Paris.

  8. A very stylish triptych Valerie with wonderful backgrounds made with the corrugated card.

    Amazing colours on the photographs and it looks quite calm on the Rhine-it was too windy to take photographs here yesterday and looks like being the same again today though it is lovely and sunny

    Enjoy your day

    Love Chrissie x

  9. A beautiful triptych with wonderful images for that Parisienne feel. Love your photos too, they are always so clear and sharp. Have a great Easter weekend hugs Brenda x

  10. Oh wow... MEHR ALS GENIAL schön ist Dein Triptychon Valerie und die Fotos sind erfrischend schön..schwärm!
    Schönen Sonntag meine liebe Valerie!

    Ich bin wieder unbebrudert..oh Mann der war diesmal anstrengend....
    lieb aber anstrengend!



  11. A fantastic tryptich with a wonderful Paris feel! And thank you for sharing your photos, they are lovely. Wishing you a very happy and hopefully sunny Easter!

  12. Beautiful French theme triptych and super recycling.
    Have a good Easter weekend.
    Yvonne xx
    OOoops forgot to thank you for sharing this with us at FSC.

  13. Oh, das ist ja so zauberhaft schön!! Gefällt mir sehr!
    Und was für ein tolles Osterwetter wir haben ... tolle Fotos!
    Ein lieber Ostergruß, liebe Valerie!

  14. Hi Valerie, gorgeous artwork as always. Love all the texture and the colours are gorgeous. Beautiful photos too, wish we had some of that lovely blue sky and sunshine here. Thanks for joining us at Fashionable Stamping Challenges time
    Claire xx

  15. Paris a great theme for your beautiful tags. Enjoy the day.


  16. Das Paris Triptych ist wunderschön, liebe Valerie! Ganz toll gewerkelt!

    Ich wünsche Dir noch ein schönes Osterfest und ein paar erholsame Tage.
    Bis bald.
    Liebe Grüße

  17. Stunning triptych, Valerie. I'm sure you are the corrugated cardboard Queen - fabulous. How beautiful the photographs. Made me want to walk with you. Happy Easter. Hugs, Donna

    1. Now wouldn't that be nice if you could walk with me!

  18. Hi Valerie, Love your gorgeous triptych and the French theme. So chic!! I have a wooden triptych just waiting for something creative to strike. Thanks for the inspiration.
    Lovely sunny pics too.
    Happy Easter.

  19. Stunning triptych Valerie, your stamped foil is gorgeous, sorry it gave you fits but your perseverance won out as it looks stunning! Beautiful walk too, lovely photos. Happy Easter, big hugs, ~Diane

  20. wunderschönes tryptich hast du gezaubert,ich liebe paris.
    schöne österliche impressionen hast mit gebracht,wir haben ja auch tolles wetter.
    wünsch dir noch schöne ostertage,liebe valerie.

    GLG Jeannette

  21. Gorgeous triptych, and just look at that blue water! We are once again in Spring mode here in NY....let's hope it stays this time!

  22. Your triptych is gorgeous, Valerie! Each panel is amazing and so romantic! I am always so impressed with the beauty you share with us. Hope you had a wonderful Easter. Hugs

  23. What you can do with corrugated cardboard and your muesli box is pretty amazing. I like this triptich very much, I like how your have rescued and beautified the corrugated cardboard, you've made very ordinary look beautiful and your Paris tags are really good with the scenes and all the little patterns you've added. Superb work, Valerie.

  24. Gorgeous triptych - Your backgrounds are always fantastic! The corrugated cardboard looks really good. Love your design work with this too.
    Beautiful bright and clear pictures.
    Sandy xx

  25. Fabulous triptych Valerie, the colours on your corrugated card are amazing and they go so well with the pinks of Paris. I envy you your blue sky, we've had wind and rain again here xx

  26. Love your pinks and browns and great choice of stamps. x


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