
Friday 28 March 2014

Words are magic

Hi everybody!

Hope the snow is slowly disappearing for those of you who have been in the 'ice-age'; here we are having wonderful spring weather, which I am enjoying.

This journal page has been made for the Vintage Journey challenge number 2, where the theme is words.
I straightaway thought of this quote, spoken in 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows' by Professor Dumbledore, “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, 
and remedying it.” 

Words are really something very special. I wrote a lot of words about things that are worrying me just now, and then painted over them with acrylics, added some fairy dust to help the magic, and then collaged the rest. There is also a lot of background stamping, which is hard to see here, but that's part of the magic - making things invisible!
I collaged some torn paper, pieces of old letters from the 1930s, and some images. The alphas are from Tim Holtz, as is the Tissue Tape. The rest of the quote was computer generated. Of course, Mr Umbrella Man sneaked onto the page when nobody was looking. I painted his shadow using the die-cut negative, and gave him plenty of words. I had fun making this one, and it turned out as I wanted it to, which often doesn't happen, so the magic seems to have worked!
I am also linking to AJJ 'Fantasy Scene' and to Paint Party Friday and to
Paper Saturdays

There is lots of text in the background, too.

The owl seems to be another connection to Hogwarts.

A close up of the background to show the fairy dust.

Today this wonderful tree surprised me on my walk, the blossoms were not open yesterday. Spring has its own magic!

I showed a photo of these stairs near the old mill by the Rhine some time back, and wondered that they seemed to lead to nowhere. Now they have been freed from the grass and plants growing over them, and I learned from the local paper that there used to be some bathing huts in the Rhine back in the 19th century. The nurses from the Florence Nightingale Hospital here   (F.N. did her training here) used to escort the sick people to their baths, and at the top of the stairs was a waiting room, where they could get ready for their dip. They were brought from there to the huts to bathe in Victorian propriety. The stairs are very ancient, and were made with door-steps and window ledges from the castle ruins! I hope the powers-that-be manage to conserve them.

And last but not least, a tree that I noticed by the Rhine today, with fungi growing out of the stem.

If you are still awake after all that, I thank you for your patience and wish you a great day!
Take care, and thanks for coming by.


  1. Wow Val. What fabulous pages, I love every single bit of them. My favourite is the owl. Great photos too. Hugs Rita xxx

  2. This is really gorgeous, love everything about it, you have really captured the magic! Great photos, too, and very interesting about those steps. I didn't know that Florence N. was in Kaiserswerth! Hugs, Sarah

  3. wow this spread is wonderful Valerie and thank you for sharing the great photos. Annette x

  4. Good job, Yes, pretty and magical words, wonderful butterfly.

  5. lovely work Valerie and thanks for the photos. Believe it or not, my daffodils are peeking out and we have a bit of a thaw. The ice is retreating slowly.

    1. I am happy for you, you all deserve a wonderful spring!

  6. Wonderful painting! I love the words and how you've combined the imagery. Beautiful photographs too, the stairs especially moved me.

  7. Yes, I can see the magic in your wonderful painting. I hope the fairy dust and the lovely comforting images will take precedence over your hidden and covered words. You've composed the painting so skilfully with the patterned "curtains" and the middle depths, and the diagonally opposite butterfly and owl present a fine balance.
    Oh, the magic of Spring Blossom, maybe the most beautiful of the flowers? and I love these old steps, there's something marvellous about stone.

    1. Yes, stone, especially old stone, has ts own very special magic.

  8. luv your sumptous sharing of photos and art; how true words are magical; have a nice Friday

    much love...

  9. Really gorgeous artwork Valerie and the owl looks like he's peering at the butterfly with great interest - tee hee!
    Lovely photos as always.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  10. This is beautiful. I love the way you shadowed the man with the umbrella. Very cleaver.

  11. Really magic artwork, Valerie. Love the feeling there and many detailes which give magic all over. Fairy dust is fantastic, too.
    Spring is really there. Great photos. I wish you joyable weekend!

  12. Hope the magic keeps on working, and the fairy dust keeps you safe. Fabulous pages and the photos and history of the stone stairs was great, have a good weekend
    Yvonne xx

  13. Great mixed media piece! Thank you for sharing the stairs and the story. It always fascinates me to learn the history around us from pieces left behind. Happy PPF!

  14. Meien Güte Valerie! Dieser post und diese Doppelseite:
    EIN TRAUM -------
    ich bin restlos begeistert!

    Einen wunderschönen Samstag!

  15. Live your pages Valerie. Great techniques and ideas and the quote and images are perfect together. Thanks for bringing it along on A Vintage Journey.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs Brenda xx

  16. The close shots of the background are truly filled with magic, all the bothering words are covered to stay away. Beautiful work.

    And those blossoms! I can feel the sweet scent!

    I love that photo of those stairs, I believe they are leading us to summer.

  17. Wow Valerie !!! I love Harry Potter and yr make is just stunning. I don't know where to start...wonderful and inspiring.

    Hugh's Annie x

  18. Tolle seiten,wunderschön gemacht,ich bin begeistert.
    die treppen auf dem bild sind richtig mystisch und gefallen mir sehr,sowas liebe ich ja,alte Burgen und Gemäuer.
    wünsch dir ein schönes WE :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  19. Deine Doppelseite ist fantastisch gestaltet und deine Fotos wieder traumhaft schön - du hast so tolle Perspektiven, die mir sehr gefallen!
    Hier hat der Frühling in dieser Woche eher eine Pause gemacht und auch jetzt ist es noch bedeckt - aber es soll besser werden. Ich wünsche dir ein wundervolles Wochenende, liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  20. Magnificent art work specially i love your owl and butterfly!
    Interesting post and blogs! i happy that i found your blog..
    Have a great day and you can follow me to get and read my article easily!

  21. What a fabulous page Valerie, the darker centre really draws you into the page. We all need some magical fairy dust now and again, wish I could get some to help me sleep, have had terrible insomnia for a couple of months, but hey, oh, we've just got to carry on. Your photo of the blossom is beautiful and I love the story of the steps to nowhere. Have a lovely Saturday. Xx

  22. Wonderful post Valerie. I love the collage with the wonderful words and images. Great that you wrote on it first-hope that helped with your worries.

    The photographs are stunning as always and great to hear that someone is looking after tge steps now

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  23. One of your beat Valerie : ) wonderful depth with the wording
    Fist day of spring and the sun is shinning for me : )
    Take care
    Von ♥

  24. Great page and who doesn't love fairy dust...and owls and words, good words. Beautiful blooming tree, thanks for that, we are warmer and melting and some much needed rain now to gwt everything off to a good start. xox

  25. Beautiful pages. I love those stitched letters. Loving your photos too. x

  26. Magical art; gorgeous blossoms, history lesson WOW! Thank you Valerie for todays post it is all wonderful and I hope the magic solves your concerns.


  27. There certainly is a lot of magic going on here, Valerie! I just love these pages and that mysterious Umbrella Guy with all the fairy dust! This is beautiful as is your walk of the day! Hugs and enjoy the weekend.

  28. Your art IS magic! I am so remiss in visiting your blog and keeping up with my tags. I hope things settle down now for me and I can get back to the craft table.

  29. Your page is stunning Valerie! I love the fairy dust and the quote is superb! Love the addition of the little white stitches on the words too, very dramatic! Pretty pictures from your walk especially the tree. I really enjoyed getting out with you today, thanks for the walk. ~Diane

  30. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your journal page my friend!! And your photos are wonderful!!


  31. Now I want to know something sweet lady - after you wrote down your worries, did it help? I have done it and not done it and everything in my worry brain stays the same.
    I tell you what is magic - your journal pages. I really like the way your background recedes and the more important images pop out. How in the world did you every remember that comment from Henry Potter!
    Your Spring has definitely sprung! My favorite picture - the old steps with the wonderful history. If you see old steps here in the mountains - they usually lead to an old still!
    Sandy xx

    1. I hope it will help! It would be nice if those steps did lead to still! Thanks for your mails, I tried to answer but they came back!

  32. Hi Valerie, Beautifully designed with words that are magical. The details you add are always fabulous! Your walking pics are gorgeous. Love the tree filled with blooms. Gorgeous. We are having a picture perfect weekend of beautiful weather. So nice to dig in the dirt once again.
    Have a great evening.

  33. A Wonderful Magical Mystery Tour Val. I enjoyed reading about the Mystery of the Hidden Staircase and seeing all of the Magic that surrounds you, no wonder your are filled with inspiration! Lovely work on the collage.

    Annabelle : )

  34. Einfach magisch.... dein fabelhaftes Bild und dieser großartige Post!!!
    Einen schönen Sonntag für dich!
    LG, LonettA

  35. Some gorgeous photographs here Valerie, both your Harry Potter magic with the wonderful fairy dust background and that lovely lovely tree full of Springtime promise xx

  36. Your art journal spread is wonderful, Valerie - there is so much to see, and the words speak for themselves. I am not a big Harry Potter fan, but this one is way cool!
    The steps are lovely - and what a nice history!

  37. What fantastic pages - that is a magnificent quote. I'm not a Harry Potter reader, so thank you so much for sharing it! Love all the layers and depth from covering over your journalling... Thanks so much for joining us on A Vintage Journey.
    Alison x
    Beautiful spring photos too, and aren't those steps wonderful?


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