
Wednesday 26 March 2014

Fantastic dreams, a hedgehog and blue skies

Hi everybody!

In between doing a lot of walking this week as the weather was good, and visiting the eye-clinic and the doctor, I did manage to get quite a lot of crafting done. As there is never time to do everything, I just left the H*******K away, that really is a time saver. I am sure we will have some bad weather sooner or later which will be fine for staying home and doing things I don't like!

I made a journal spread for the AJJ challenge, fantasy scene. I am trying to show the fantastic world we enter when we sleep, 'perchance to dream' (Shakespeare), where everything is possible. We can fly, hover above and watch ourselves, don't think it strange to see strange animals and plants, or to have a clock-face and a butterfly on your nose. Flowers bloom in winter, the stars shine golden, and fragments of speech come to us and slip through our grasp before we can store them. 

The pages were painted with blues and purples and some metallic colours and gold ink, and then I used background stamps in the still wet paint to give some texture. When it was dry I set to work stamping the flowers and grasses (Artemio) with embossing ink and white EP. The figures have been stenciled, as has the owl, and I gave the floating figures a thin coat of white paint, to let the colour underneath shine through, and added some glitter liner after drying. The script fragments represent the words and dreams we forget, and I used a fractured script for my sentiment to underline it. The bird, the butterflies, and the flower in the middle were collaged. The script fragments are on very thin paper, and also transparent, not covering up, just seeming to  float. 

I am also linking to Hels Sheridan's 'Ink on your fingers' - dream and to

 At Artful times  the challenge is to use game  pieces. I used a whole puzzle, which I painted with sparkling H2Os, and stamped with the lovely hedgehog image from LaBlanche. The quote is from Lewis Carroll, and one that I like very much.

And of course, I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin.

 The past days have started out with frost and mist, but got better and better as the days proceded, and today was no exception. I walked to the sculpture park to enjoy the spring flowers and blue skies:

I watched the planes coming in to land - we are near the Airport here .

The water in the lakes was blue:

And the clouds looked good against the blue skies at the Rhine:

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your AJJ is OUTSTANDING. I like to read your description before I let myself see the artwork, and this time it was rivetting, as is your art. I especially like the stamped leaves and flowers and the transparent text and the owl and birds and the idea of Fantasy dreaming and ........... just realised I like all of it.

    1. I was so carried away with your AJJ art that I forgot to say your jigsaw art was very clever and pretty too.

  2. Wow, Val, this is FABULOUS! Love your magical fantasty pages. The photos and hedgehog are lovely too, but the journal pages are just STUNNING! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Awesome fantasy pages, takes you to a totally different world. Love the puzzle and you super photos.
    Yvonne xx

  4. wow great puzzle piece Valerie and love your art pages, reminds me of Peter Pan. Fab photos as always. Happy PPF, Annette x

  5. lol wish I was as disciplined as you in leaving the housework val. Love your work and the colours you have used, I thought peter pan too, lol and your photos are fab as usual. Well done with all your walking too, xx

  6. Wonderful and colourful pages Valerie. You are so creative and a great inspiration to those of us starting out into the world of art journaling. Beautiful pictures as always. Hugs Rita xxx

  7. Lovely post Valerie... I especially enjoyed those blue skies :)

    Karen x

  8. wonderful pieces today! And beautiful weather!

  9. Thanks for sharing your fragment dreams pages and more gorgeous photos xx

  10. WOW,die traumseite ist ja der hammer,soooooo schöööön gemacht,ich bin absolut begeistert.
    schöne bilder hast du wider gemacht,die natur ist schon was feines,ich geh immer raus,und vergesse meine camera *grmpf*
    hab gestern ein paar osterkarten gemacht,hab die neuen motive von la blanche eingeweiht,die sind sooo toll.
    hab noch einen schönen tag :-)
    GLG Jeannette

  11. Wow!! Lots going on here today! Your pages look wonderful my friend! And you know I'm enjoying your photos!!


  12. Fabulous journal pages Valerie-they really are a dreamscape.

    The photographs are amazing especially the one of the plane as it is so clear.

    Thank you for joining us at Artful Times for the Games ieces challemge. Your painted jigsaw is a wonderful piece

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. Valerie in Deinen Täumen wär ich gern mal Gast! FANTATSISCH --- und wie ausgeklüglet diese Doppelseite aufgebaut und erstellt ist..... ALLE ACHTUNG!--
    Die Igel Puzzle Kreation ist traumhaft gemacht und so perfekt mit dem passenden Spruch und wie immer genieße ich Deine schönen Impressionen vom Rhein!
    Hab einen wunderschönen Tag und hab lieben, lieben Dank für Deine vielen außergewöhnlich schönen Werke zur Fantasie-Herausforderung im März.
    Das macht mich so glücklich, wenn ich sehe wie viel Spaß Du dabei hast und welch geniale Werke Dir von Tisch hüpfen...

    ganz genau.. die sch... Hausarbeit soll mal warten----
    ich versuch ja zwischendurch so viel wie möglich ohne großen Stress zu erledigen...
    aber manchmal schau ich einfach über den Dreck hinweg ...frau muss Prioritäten setzen!


    1. Richtig! Frau muss wirklich Prioritäten setzen!

  14. Ein fantastisches Traum-Bild! Es gibt so viel zu entdecken und lädt zum Träumen ein!! Einfach großartig! Dein Igel-Puzzle ist so zauberhaft .. diese zarten Farben... wunderbar!
    LG, LonettA

  15. Oh well done with the puzzle and quote Valerie so apt for Artful Times : ) and what a super mix of mediums for your journal page
    Von ♥

  16. Absolutely marvellous AJ spread, Valerie! I love most the fantastic white flowers and grass with the bird..The texture with metallic is very beautiful, too. Lovely art work!
    Your buzzle work is fun and beautiful as well.
    Wishing happy day to you xxx

  17. Lovely pictures of your walk and splendid journal pages too.
    Love the idea you did of stamping on a whole puzzle. Great!
    Thanks for joining us at Artful Times
    Hugs, Neet xx

  18. Gorgeous journal pages, I love how magical it all looks! You definitely captured the feeling of a dream. It was a beautiful walk today too, I love all the greens and blues along with the flowers. ~Diane

  19. Love your dream perfect..., thats exactly how dreams...xox

  20. Fantastic Dream pages and I especially like the heads who would have thought to put a clock on as a head...very creative and perfect for your theme. I also like the white floral images at the bottom of the spreads. Beautiful, Valerie.


  21. Fabulous fantasy pages Valerie, when I was younger I always used to dream I could fly. I love puzzles too, your hedgehog one would look great in a frame. Xx

  22. I love the colors you use - do you remember your dreams? I never do but I do know that I yell and talk in my sleep. I am intrigued with the clock on the man's face - I am in my seventieth year and I swear Valerie the time is just flying by!
    I love the puzzle piece - I have been collecting some puzzle pieces and plan to use them - darn kid, you beat me to the draw. I always love your cloud and sky pictures - the colors are outstanding!
    sandy xx

    1. Yes, the older we get, the quicker time flies by!

  23. Valerie this is a wonderful piece and so interesting. I love the clock face!! Great puzzle piece!!
    Once again your walking pics are the greatest. What a gorgeous blue sky.
    Have a great evening.

  24. Gorgeous pages and piece! Love them! The clock as face is so cool! Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

  25. Gorgeous pieces Valerie, the colours are amazing on you dream pages. Your hedgehog looks perfect on his jigsaw puzzle xx

  26. Love your collage! It perfectly sums up that wierd unease you feel when you wake up and are still being tugged down by fragments of dreams. Happy PPF

  27. Love the dream pages, I also find jigsaw pieces so much fun, what a lovely idea to paint them. I have a pair of jigsaw piece earrings which I adore. :)

  28. GORGEOUS creation.... and I love reading your blog posts, so invigorating... Thanks for joining in with the Sunday Stamper x

  29. Dear Valerie, your pages are beautiful and I really enjoyed reading your post and catching up a bit with you! Have a creative and happy week!

  30. That puzzle is so grand in it's intention! Such a great message with a question! Beautiful artwork. Love looking at those cloud photos and finding the shapes there too!

    Hugs Giggles

  31. I've also walked a lot this week. The rains are surely coming and maybe it's then time to stay inside and do a little cleaning...maybe. Or not :D

    Your pages! I love the blues, the touch of airiness and a hint of surrealism.

  32. Great pages! Love the blues and the little bird. Happy PPF!

  33. It really looks like a dreamworld, and I also like your paint-puzzle! It looks like spring has definitely arrived over there. Great pictures!

  34. Love your collage. Just looking at it makes me feel like I am in a dream. It's awesome. Outstanding! The clouds look beautiful. Glad you enjoyed your walks. You are such a dedicated person. You go girl!

  35. That skies so wonderful, pure poetry these pictures of wonderful colors of spring! Spectacular!

  36. Oh you have been very busy crafting away! Love those journal pages, so whimsical! The puzzle is fabulous and those walking photos, OMG! Happy Weekend! Hugs!

  37. The journal spread is really gorgeous! Such a nice composition! And wow! The photos! Spring has definitely arrived for you. We're still struggling under piles of snow here.

  38. Absolutely love your journal pages and your puzzle art is fantastic. One of my favorite quotes too :) Great photos from your walks too.

  39. Valerie, your pages' images have such an ethereal look, almost transparent. I love the dreamlike images you have created and the fantastic contrast between the colors and the white stamping. this is really pretty.

  40. I forgot to say what a great idea the repurposed puzzle is! Wouldn't that make a super gift - to be able to craft a puzzle to fit the interests of the recipient?

  41. Mesmerizing and magical pages Valerie!! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts behind it along with the process and materials. The hedgehog puzzle is darling. Beautiful photos too. Happy PPF!

  42. Your pages are just lovely. And.. I always love seeing your part of the world too! M.x

  43. Your journal spread is stunning. Love the blue and the stamped flowers are so beautiful. The puzzle page is so creative.
    Happy PPF

  44. Val what a gorgeous Dreamscape. The colours of blue and gold truly are two colours I dream of all the time, perfect choice. Adore the puzzle art,well done in conveying Spring and soulful thoughts, a great illustrative art work.


  45. wonderful journal pages, love that striking blue color! Your jigsaw pieces are good too, and the photos are always fun to see!

  46. Wonderful journal art, Valerie! Like very much the early parts of floating figures and the flowers on the ground. It has to go through a lot of little processes It is fascinating, Lots to learn from process and methods you had adopted! Great!


  47. Beautiful journal pages and projects! Lovely!

  48. What lovely variety in your pieces! So fun to see each of them - and what wonderful spring colours! Daffodils are blooming here in in Oregon as well! And inspired my piece for PPF this week.

  49. I love the layers and layers in your journal. It brings to mind the dream like quality of Chagall. Wonderful photos as well.
    ~~irene #54

  50. Love the whimsey of your paintings and the beauty of you photos! Happy PPF!


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