
Saturday 22 March 2014


Hi everybody!

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend. Today was cool and windy, and the clouds chased each other across the sky, giving some very dramatic views. I was still able to go for 2 nice walks, and enjoy watching how the vegetation is growing and changing from day to day. Spring is a wonderful season.

This week there are 2 challenges to do  with transport. The theme at the Craftroom Challenge   is transport  and at the    Cheerful Stamp Pad  it is modes of transportation, so I have made a wall hanging to cover them both.
 I started with a piece of corrugated cardboard which I partly peeled and  painted. I embossed some of the edges with gold Utee, into which I stamped, and the other edges with Vivacolour Rust. I used various scraps of DP as matting, one of which has train tickets printed on it. The cogs have been die-cut from Cardboard, and then painted and embossed with gold and rust. The transport stamps used are from scrolls work, the 'passengers' from Paper Artsy. I stamped the steam car in vintage photo, and the locomotives in Archival siena and black. The 'ladies' were both stamped with archival black. After fussy cutting I gave them all a coat of clear varnish. I fixed them with foam squares, putting the lighter colours at the back to create some depth.  When I was small my great Auntie told me to always  take a piece of string in my pocket if I was travelling anywhere, to tie things to my case, or to repair things.... So I tied some string round it in memory of her.

As I was walking near the old ferry this morning, I heard a loud noise, and saw a tractor speeding down the lane leading to the ferry, and was very astonished to see it drive onto the ferry. I suppose even tractors sometimes need to cross to the other side. 

 In the late afternoon, the sun lit up some of the trees in spite of dark clouds, making a wonderful show of colours.

 Here's wishing you all a great day. 

Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. Totally wonderful transport picture. I read your description before I saw the picture and that was so interesting.. Great advice about string from your great aunt, they knew a thing or two which we have forgotten. I like your ladies with stamp and clock faces, both useful things to have when travelling.
    Yes, funny seeing a tractor driving on to the ferry, it does look odd.
    Have a great rest of the weekend.

  2. Hi Val, love this, you went to a lot of trouble to put all those elements together for such a great effect. Love the photos, too, I have never seen a tractor on a ferry, either! Have a nice weekend, hugs, Sarah

  3. What a fantastic collage!! Love that old locomotive stamp, it looks amazing! The touch of the head as a postage stamp on your lady is very cool too, as is the other figure with the clock face!

    Stunning photos too!!

  4. oh wow beautiful!!!!!

  5. Great creation, love all the details and the quirkiness ! thanks for sharing with us at Craft Room Challenge, Debi x

  6. So much to admire about this piece, I especially love those characters and your story behind tying the string around it.

    1. Thanks! My great Aunt was a wonderful person!

  7. Really lovely collage. I went to a museum full of old railway carriages when I was in Berlin last summer - it was amazing. I would have loved to have been an elegant lady travelling around during the time when railways symbolized modernity. Your collage perfectly captures the excitement of the golden age of rail. Happy PPF

  8. oh wow, nice work! that tractor's quite a load! love the yellows on those trees.

  9. Your hanging is fabulous Valerie with so much lovely detail to look at and the landscape photos are so beautifully atmospheric and bold. Happy Sunday xx

  10. Ein wunderbares Werk! Schöne Details .. so wunderbar aufeinander abgestimmt!
    Einen schönen Sonntag für dich! LG, LonettA

  11. WOW,eine tolle collage,gefällt mir sehr,alles sehr harmonisch und wunderschön.
    tolle blühende bäume und das schiffchen ist auch klasse.
    schönen sonntag Für Dich :-)
    GLG Jeannette

  12. Stunning collage, Valerie! Love all wonderful things you have used and made so cleverly. Wonderful art work, really. And your fine photos have transportation theme, too..
    Wish you have a lovely Sunday!

  13. Fantastic pictures of the boat and tractor and spectacular tree photographs--such rich colours you have captured.

    Love the Transport piece with it's many things of interest to draw us in.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie x

  14. Dein kleines Werk mit den vielen vielen toll passenden Komponenten ist wunderbar gemacht und die Fotos greifen das Thema auch nich auf...
    toller post Valerie...schönen Sonntag -ich hoffe Du hattest einen guten Walk heute...bei uns regnet es und meine Hunde haben absolut keinen Bock auf Gassi..die pennen und machen heute lazy sunday!

    1. Als meine Hündin alt war, wollte sie partout nicht raus wenn es regnete, und schaute mich an als ob sie sagen wollte, 'Mensch, bist du bescheuert!'.

  15. Thank you for sharing your fabulous hanging with us at Craft-Room challenge - there's such a lot to look at.
    xxx Hazel.

  16. What a pretty ferry, wonderful sights and sounds on your walk. Just seen a lovely print of yours at Chrissies site she used it so effectively on her project. Your wall hanging is awesome (well I'm lost for words) That Vivacolour rust is delicious, works so well with the gold. Love everything about your piece but it is the string and your reason for using it that makes this a very special very personal project. XOXO

  17. What Wonderful card Val. Lots of lovely interesting things to see. Hugs Rita xxx

  18. Absolutely stunning! The cogs really look like rusted metal. Love the colorful ferry.

  19. Wow, diese Collage ist spitze, liebe Valerie! Es gibt da eine Menge zu entdecken......Klasse gemacht!
    Deine Fotos sind auch wieder sehr beeindruckend.

    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Sonntag!

  20. A wonderful collage Valerie. Love all the elements but those quirky ladies really caught my eye. I love the layout and those stunning locomotives. Really nice to combine the string too....a very good tip from your aunt.

    Thank you for sharing with us at Craft Room Challenge this fortnight

    Hugs Annie x

  21. Fantastic steampunk collage, fabulous images ! Your photos are also beautiful, it's great that you enjoy the beautiful scenery around you. Take good care, Shirleyx ps.. also I forgot to mention good to know that all is going well with your eyes and the procedures :)

    1. Thanks Shirley, the next treatment is on Tuesday, and things have gone well so far.

  22. Marvelous wall hanging, Valerie, and pleased the sun was shining for you. Loved the photos as always.


  23. oh this is such a delight! I could look at it for a long time discovering all the fabulous and cohesive details. the faces on the people are awesome touches and the bit about auntie's string touches my heart. thank you for joining our challenge at the cheerful stamp pad. xo

  24. Tolle Karte hast Du gemacht...die zwei Figuren sind klasse! Die bunte Fähre ist ja echt goldig und umso mehr Deine Fotos mit dem Spiel der Sonne mit der Landschaft....atemberaubend schön!!!! ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  25. Love your Transport theme, especially the lady with the clock face and her friend with the reversed Penny Black for her head. You have fitted so much into this, and I like the string tied around it.
    Your title makes me think of the Carpenters song 'Trains and Boats and Planes'.

  26. Magnificent post today, I love the photos from our walk and your transport piece is perfectly stunning! Big hugs, ~Diane

  27. Beautifully layered collage, just perfect for our theme.
    Thank you for sharing at Craft-Room Challenge, welcome again;-))m

  28. What a quaint ferry Valerie ! and unusual passengers on your transport piece, I wonder where they are going ;)
    Von ♥

  29. This is fabulous Valerie! Thanks so much for joining us at The Cheerful Stamp Pad.
    Karla B - DT

  30. Love all the steampunkery! Thanks for sharing your lovely card for Cheerful Stamp Pad challenge 82 'modes of transportation' , Hazel, DT - hope to see you again soon x

  31. Love the steampunk theme of your card, the train is awesome, Thanks for playing along with Us at The Cheerful Stamp Pad for the modes of transportation

  32. Your wall hanging is wonderful - such a lot to look at. Thank you for joining us at Craft-Room Challenge.
    xxx Hazel.

  33. As usual your work is outstanding. I love your wall hanging. There are so many things to see on it. Thanks for sharing with the Design Team at The Cheerful Stamp Pad.


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