
Sunday 23 March 2014

Birds, a bike and a horse

Hi everybody!

Today started off cool and cloudy, but this afternoon was sunny, and I enjoyed my second walk with the sun warming my back. After my morning walk I got to work chopping veggies for a potato and carrot stew, which turned out very well. And I am pleased to say that no fingers got hurt!

While my food was cooking I made a bird tag for Tim's 12 tags of 2014. I did not copy the tag, as I do not have the same stash,  but made my version after TH's inspiration. The background of my tag has been stamped with background stamps from LaBlanche. I stamped the nest (TH) first on the tag and again on some glossy card with Archival black and clear embossed it. Then it was fussy cut and fixed with foam squares. The little bird on the branch is from Catherine Moore, and the larger bird at the bottom from TH. The small black birds have been made with a MS punch. I used Archival black and clear EP for them all. The TH bird has also been fussy cut, and fixed over a cut out egg with foam squares. I cut a second tag from green coredinations, and fixed them together with an eyelet (WRMK). I added some lace under the edge of the top tag, and  a bundle of 'twigs' made from dried lavender stalks so that the birds can help themselves when building their nests. The little eggs in the nest have been coloured with glitter liner.
I am also linking to Take a Word challenge - eggs

 I felt very inspired to do the bird tag today after watching crows flying up to the castle ruins with twigs in their beaks, evidently building their nest up there - a room with a view indeed!
Then I walked on to Schloss Kalkum, and saw the first 'babies' of the season - this pair of geese had 7 little goslings flitting around and pecking in the grass. It must be a full time job keeping an eye on so many little ones!

I went nearer very slowly, so as not to get them too excited:

But this one really had his beady eye on me, and started making some very warning noises, so I went, as I did not want to be chased by a wild goose!

The ducks were also having fun on the mill stream:

And in the afternoon I watched this swan doing a turbo swim over the lake:

Here are a lot of riding stables nearby, and a lot of people ride in their free time. And I often see people taking their horses for a walk, which always looks a bit strange. But today was even stranger - a lady on a bike leading a horse - or was the horse leading the lady?

That's all for now.

Have a good day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. Hi Val, you have made a gorgeous tag today, and I love the photos. The little goslings are so sweeet, and the lady with the bike and horse made me laugh! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Beautiful work! Love the glittery bits ;) AND as always, your photos are stunning. I can only imagine how wonderful it is to live where you do! xoxo

  3. Beautiful tag Valerie and lovely pics too. Glad you had a great day.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  4. What a wonderful collection of artwork and photographs. I enjoyed my trip through your blog. Love the blackbird/egg tag. Gorgeous!

  5. Fabulous tag, loved the photos. Geese can be very aggressive , when the have their young, glad you got by okay.
    Yvonne xx

  6. What a wonderful and creative tag! The photos are lovely too.

  7. Wow, your tag is so gorgeous and very creative! I also enjoyed all the lovely pictures you posted.
    Thank you for sharing.

  8. Your tags are wonderful, and it was a joy to see the signs of Spring in your world. The trees have not yet begun to bud here. Thanks for sharing!

  9. This is wonderful - either you are were very quick at creating this tag or you believing in slow food cooking ... which is it to be LOL.
    I like the composition and the texture, it really is a fabulous tag.

    1. Both - slow cooking makes good food, and I craft quickly!

  10. What a beautiful tag so well crafted and I love your photographs too.

  11. A great tag inspired by Tim and beautiful photos from your walk xx

  12. Oohh was für ein traumhaftes Vögelchen tag,sooo zauberhaft gemacht,gefällt mir unheimlich gut.
    einen schönen Spaziergang hast du heute gemacht,tolle orte hast du besucht,und jaaa,Gänse können seeehr aggressiv werden wenn sie junge haben,ich freu mich das du okay bist.
    hatte heute Besuch von meiner freundin,und ihr hat mein selbstgebackener pfirsichkuchen sehr gut geschmeckt,es ist kein stück mehr übrig *lach*es war ein schöner nachmittag,jetzt mach ich mir einen Tee und geh auf meine couch kuscheln,wünsch dir noch einen schönen abend und schlaf gut :-)GLG Jeannette

    1. Mir hätte ein Stück Pfirsichkuchen auch gut geschmeckt!

  13. What a lovely tag Valerie!Love your photos too!

  14. lovely tag! oh yes, time for the geese again, 7 goslings!

  15. such a lovely tag, I really enjoy the photos of your area,

  16. Love your great tag and the wonderful photos Valerie, hugs Annette x

  17. I love all the details you have managed to put into the tag, beautifully balanced, and I like the 3-D effect of the birds on the foam sticky pads.
    Now we know spring really is coming when we see those lovely goslings. Isn't goslings a lovely word!

  18. Fantastic tag Valerie. Love it. I see you've been twigging again too x. What beautiful pictures and these mother and babies look amazing , she certainly has her eye on you. Hugs Rita xxx

  19. What a lovely tag, Valerie, beautifully presented!

  20. ein wirklich fantastisches tag!

  21. Fantastic photographs and a lovely interesting walk for you and for us. I just love the tree trunk with the blossom sprouting out of it-just when you think you have seen everything Valerie finds something new :)-thank you.

    The tag is gorgeous and very clever use of the twigs-brilliant

    Love Chrissie x

  22. That goose is definitely giving you the evil eye! Your bird tag is lovely, the birds are nesting here too and we have a very noisy blackbird that insists on singing at 5 in the morning. Between that and a snoring husband I think I need to get some ear plugs! Xx

  23. Dein Vogel Tag ist zauberhaft! Schöne Details ... besonders der schwarze Vogel, der auf sein Ei aufpasst ... so wie auch die Gänse-Eltern auf ihre Kleinen! Die Gänseküken sind wirklich süß!!
    Einen guten Start in die Woche! LG, LonettA

  24. Stunning tag Valerie, love how you have given Tim's original completely your own touch! It looks wonderful with that text background!!

  25. das tag ist unglaublich schön Valerie! Die Fotos sind toll... ich weiss nicht, ich würd mich das nie trauen ein Pferd mit dem Fahrrad zu führen....trau mich das auch nicht mit meinen Hunden..

    da hätt ich echt Angst..aber die wird wohl ihr Pferd gut kennen und wissen was sie da tut.

    1. Es sah gefährlich aus, das Pferd kam ihr immer sehr nah, and sie musste es immer wegschubsen. Ich bin schön auf Anstand geblieben!

  26. Lovely photos and even lovelier egg tags! xx

  27. Marvelous tag, Valerie. Interesting that your geese already have goslings. You are about a month ahead of our weather as the baby ducks and geese don't arrive here until May. Loved your photos and had to laugh at the horse along side of the bicycle rider.

  28. Gorgeous tag, love the eggs! Glad to hear there was no need for a wild goose chase there also, lol. Take care, big hugs, ~Diane

  29. I love your tag and specially the pearl eye! )
    Your photo are beautiful too.

  30. Just lovely tag, Valerie. You create something special always.
    Wonderful picks, too.

  31. This tag is too, too wonderful, Valerie, can you just take it that I love every single tiny little bit from the background to the nest. How thoughtful to leave the lavender stalks for the birds, I'm sure they will be grateful.
    The goslings are adorable, this seems a bit early, but our birds have been in nest-mode for many weeks now too.

  32. Loads of details in your tag, Valerie. Love the addition of the twigs. x

  33. This is probably sacrilege, but I like your tag better than Tim's! (shhh)

  34. This may be sacrilege, but I love your tag more than Tim's! (shhh)

    1. Thanks, that is really a compliment, and I won't say anything!

  35. I love this tag! The birds, the nest, the twigs... just fabulous.


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