
Saturday 8 February 2014

The Age of Aquarius

Hi everybody!
Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.
Today was another www day - wet, wild and windy. There were not many people out, so I enjoyed my wet walks, well wrapped up with scarves, duffel coat, cap and gloves, and a big umbrella. It was at least possible to use it today, yesterday I would have flown away like Mary Poppins if I had opened it! I managed 14000 steps, not quite my usual standard, but okay for this weather. And it's always nice to come home and get warm and dry, and drink hot coffee afterwards!

The theme at AJJ this month is Zodiac signs. Since I read the announcement, I have had a melody going around in my head - 'Aquarius'. As a child of the flower power age this was - and still is - one of my fave songs, and I have lost count of how many times I watched 'Hair'. So Idecided to try to paint it. I painted the background with various blues, including some metallic ones, which looks nice, but made it very hard to photograph. I used my rollergraph to stamp stars over the background, which I embossed with white EP and gold perfect pearls. I also stamped my fave swirls, as they fit good to stars. The aquarius image is an old woodcut printed onto tissue and glued on, the moon was drawn with the help of a dinner plate, and my glue-stick helped with the planets. The number 7 is of course, a magic number, and the moon is here in the seventh house.  I wrote the text with a white pen, but it sometimes looks golden because of the reflections; the whole thing was a nightmare to photograph, especially on such a dark and dismal afternoon! But I did have fun making it, and using plenty of fairy dust as star dust, glitter cream and gold ink!

              When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius

Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius

I am also linking to Country View crafts, painty pleasures.

I didn't take many photos outside today, not easy when you are battling with wind and a giant brolly!
But I had to take this one - can you see what's sprouting on the tree?

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Boah wow,was für eine hypergeniale seite val,soo lebendig und frisch,voller leben,einfach unglaublich schöööön,bin ganz hin und weg davon.
    schöne bilder wieder,ich war heute auch draussen,und es ist hier schön frühling und ich fühle mich sooo frisch und wohl,endlich ist der winterschlaf vorbei.

    schönen sonntag für dich,GLG Jeannette

  2. I read your description then your paintings came up and I was knocked over backwards, what a work of golden art! It absolutely glows with the blues and the stars and all the fairy dust. Brilliant artwork, Valerie.

  3. You have an Aquarius right here!
    I'm glad you didn't get blown away - and I LOVE love love your pages - Kendra is really into constellations and she loved these too. xoxo

    1. Thanks, stars always have something so magical about them!

  4. Wow, wow, wow, what an amazing spread, my jaw is just about hitting the floor! Fantastic colours and background. LOVE those rolograph stars and that woodcut looks incredible! Love all that wonderful mystical text you have added too, and it may have been a nightmare to photograph, but all I can say, the outcome looks totally amazing!!! I love this so much!!! An of course I love that song too and will now probably be humming it for the rest of the weekend... :o)

  5. Your pages are positively glowing and the woodcut printed onto tissue is fabulous.

  6. WOW Valerie ...was für eine geniale Arbeit!
    Auch dieser tolle Text dazu!

    Absolut perfekt und wunderschön!
    Schönen Sonntag liebe Valerie!!
    Oh Du meine Güte... da treiben schon die Bäume aus?!
    Bei uns liegt noch viel zwar am Schmelzen..aber noch soo kalt!

    Danke für diesen tollen Beitrag zur Art Journal Journey!

  7. Oh wow - Val, this is sooooooooooo beautiful! R is looking too, and is full of oooohs and aaaahs! Fantastic journal pages! Have a great Sunday, hugs, Sarah

  8. Nice take on the theme, with the planets.

  9. WOW, stunning pages, the details as aways make me look many times. I loved that song as well, those were the days.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Loving your cosmic pages Valerie and that songs brings back fond memories. I have a video clip of my daughter dancing to this when she was about 3, needless to say she is highly embarrassed about it now! Have a lovely Sunday. Xx

  11. Was für ein wundervolles, märchenhaft schönes Bild, Valerie! Und das Lied geht mir jetzt auch nicht mehr aus dem Kopf... All dieses Schimmern und Glitzern... und der Text, der Mond und dieser grandiose Wassermann. Ich kann mich gar nicht satt sehen........
    Alles Liebe, Beo

    PS. Hier treiben die Blätter auch schon aus, bei den Kletterhortensien,dem Holunder, den Je-länger-je Lieber.... - möge alles gut gehen und nicht von späteren Frösten zerstört werden..

  12. You have me dancing and singing that song! Your pages have such beautiful rich color! It see those buds--can Spring be far behind? For you that is!

  13. Saw the title, started singing the song in my head and remembered when I went to see hair in the late 60s. Fabulous arty and detailed pages, I just love them and yay Spring is on the way xx

  14. Today I was supposed to go visit my DD and where she is a winter storm of snow and ice took place, so I had to cancel my flight! Odd weather all the way around! Your journal pages are so warming and rich! Love the Spring feel! Your stamps went out in the mail today, so I hope they arrive soon! Enjoy the weekend! Hugs!

  15. So glad to hear you didn't get blown away my friend. Another wonderful page..


  16. Wow...diese Seite ist so wunderschön...die Farbwahl, die Motive, die Zeilen.
    Es gibt wieder so viel zu entdecken. Es gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut, Valerie.


  17. Wonderful rich colours, love the gold and blue together. Super work ! That song is part of my youth too, it was always very uplifting full of optimism xx

  18. Stunning pages Valeriyour printing is always so tidy and easy to read. The colours are terrific and I love textured snowflake images.

    Nice to see the leaves in bud :) Spring is on the way--hurray!

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  19. I can hear the fifth dimension your interpretation of the song. xox

  20. WOW, Valerie, I do believe you are the Queen of Journals! Gorgeous work, my friend.

  21. There is no question in my mind, these are the prettiest pages you have done. Your colors are perfect to go with this glorious song so full of hope and love. I truly believe I could look at this all day. You know when we photograph something it seems to loose a certain magic. I bet in person this piece of art work glows. Can you tell I like it!!!!
    New leaves - do you think Mother Nature is a little confused? Sometimes that happens here, just when the jonquils bloom we get a good snow.
    Sandy xx

  22. Loving your fabulous pages Valerie, the colours and layout is totally gorgeous. Annette x

  23. Those pages are Awesome Valerie. Gosh I wish I had just a little bit of your expertise with colour. Stunning work. Isn't it nice to see some life on Jeffries and trees again. Spring is on its way. Enjoy your Evening. Hugs Rita xxx

  24. Boah Valerie, da hattest du aber absolut die richtige Eingebung. Ich liebe "Hair" auch sehr und das Lied ist ebenfalls mein Lieblingsstück aus dem Musical.
    Und du hast es fantastisch umgesetzt! Es ist hervorragend!

  25. Oh my goodness, wow, this is stunning, it has to be my all time favorite piece now! These pages are absolutely gorgeous! Love the song too, now it is rolling through my head too. Looks like you may have totally escaped winter this year completely, good for you too! Big hugs, ~Diane

  26. Valerie your pages are gorgeous. I love the details and the color. Love the song too. You sure had a mild winter. The pic showing the new buds is pretty.
    Have a great Sunday.

  27. Fantastic! Love the bright gold and your lettering and stamping. Now I'll be singing that song, too!

  28. Fabulous !!! Love the use of gold and the glorious colors ! Am far to young to remember that song ( she lied )


  29. Stunning talent to create Art Journal. Love your gorgeous art!

  30. Beautiful art journal spread!!

  31. Love the vibrant colours of these pages. Love love this project..

  32. WOW! I love those pages with the golden yellow and the deep blue!


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