
Sunday 9 February 2014

More of the blues

Hi everybody!

After a wild and windy weekend I hope that the coming week will be  a bit calmer, I would prefer not to have to battle against the wind when walking! But I suppose it is better weather here than in many places, where people have been snowed up for weeks, or have been flooded.

This is the second journal I made last week, using blues and purples. I made this one a bit differently. After I had textured the background with tissue paper, I added some of the UFOs (untidy, flying-around objects) from my table to give even more texture, before painting it and adding the printed and written scraps and the gold leaf. I made 2 pockets on the inside covers, and 2 matching bookmarks, trimmed with ribbons and hand rolled beads. Sorry about the bad photos, the weather is not good for taking photos!


Inside cover:

Inside  back cover:


Both journals together:

Here a lot of people seem to take their horses out for Sunday walks:

And more trees are budding:

I saw daisies and clover in the grass, too, and lots of snowdrops and some crocuses.
Thanks for all the nice comments on my 'age of aqarius' yesterday - it was a nice thought that a lot of people were joining in the singing !

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Really lovely journals Valerie and great pics too. I'm also very fed up with the wild, wet and windy weather and hoping it goes soon as it's not great when you're out and about.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  2. Beautiful journals. you have been making really gorgeous stuff lately! Great photos, too! Have a good start to the week, hugs, Sarah

  3. Beautiful texture the journals have! I will look forward to spring blooms now after seeing these!

  4. WOW was für ein wunderschönes cover, klasse Textur und die Farben sind Klasse und schimmern und leuchten so toll!
    Auch Deine Fotos sind wieder so schön.
    Ich wünsch Dir morgen einen schönen Wochenstart.
    lG Anja

  5. My goodness Valerie, what are you doing to me . Showing these wonderful journals and knowing I cannot do such great work. Mine are still the way I bought them. However, watch this space, as you may have just converted me to give it a go. These two are pure gems and I can't wait to see how you fill them up. Hugs Rita xxx

    1. They are totally easy to make, Rita, really not problematic.

  6. Your photograph shows the depth of the texture - magnificent!

  7. Another stunning journal, love the rich colours and golds. Wet and wild here today, Meg was not happy being taken for her walk today.
    Yvonne x

  8. These journals would be a pleasure to use, very inspiring.
    Seems like Spring is coming early to you and to us.

  9. Fabulous covers, the UFOs provided lots of texture and a great way to use them up. Xx

  10. Gorgeous book covers Valerie and lovely pics. There's no sign of any budding trees here yet but at least it looks like it's going to stay dry today. Have a nice day! Xx

  11. Love the book covers, this one has so much gorgeous texture in it, just awesome! Beautiful pictures of Spring, makes me feel hopeful that the snow will soon be gone from here too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  12. Rich purples here.....nice. Horses in my backyard at my neighbors, like that pony you showed...Thanks for the push on steps. I hit 14,000 both Sat and Sunday....xox

  13. wow, two wonderful journal covers Valerie. Annette x

  14. Fabulous so bright and shiny and lots of lovely texture. Horse walking goodness me !


  15. Hi Valerie, Your journals are gorgeous. I love the colors and the textures. Really brightens my dark day of sleet and cold.
    I am just amazed at all the spring buds you are having there. Love the horse being walked.
    Hugs for a great week.

  16. you are already seeing flowers! our flowers are snowflakes at the moment ;-)

    wonderful journals, full of color and life.

  17. Great Journals Valerie!
    Love the colours and textures of the covers!
    hugs Alyson x

  18. These are gorgeous journals Valerie, the colours are so rich. Is Spring on it's way do you think, or is it lulling us into a false sense of security lol xx

    1. I wish I knew! We just have to take what comes!

  19. Just look at all that gorgeous texture--I think they are both wonderful! Oh, Spring is definitely on the way there!

  20. Your blue journal covers are stunning. I love the new one with a leaf shape embedded in the design. Your beads are coming in handy and are a great addition. You should make more of them, Valerie and tell us how you do it.


  21. Guten Morgen, liebe Valerie und ein großes WOW zu Dir! Deine Journale sind einfach ein Traum und man kann richtig die Liebe sehen, die da hinein geflossen ist. Herrlichste Blautöne perfekt gemixt. Es wird sicher schön, mit diesen Büchern zu arbeiten.
    Ich schicke Dir viele liebe Grüße und Knuddel

  22. Boah, die ganzen Texturen sind traumhaft, Valerie! Das sieht so klasse aus!

  23. Your photos look wonderful. And your journal cover is amazing. So much wonderful texture, I LOVE it.

  24. Gorgeous colors and it looks like you had a very nice play! Isn't that horse gorgeous! It looks as if Spring is trying very hard to be welcomed into your part of the world. Could that be possible? We have beautiful snow here today.
    Sandy xx


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