
Tuesday 21 January 2014

Moustache you a question....

Hi everybody!
My finger is feeling better, and the big bandage is off, I just have a plaster now, which makes things a lot easier.

Today was cold, damp and misty, but I enjoyed my 2 walks along the Rhine, and clocked up 16.000 steps, that's good 8 miles again, so I was happy. Not many people were out and about, but my quacking friends are always there:

A neighbour for whom I sometimes make cards brought me two boxes of elements and cardstock last week, one for men and one for women. It is stuff which I wouldn't have bought myself, but will be great for quick cards. I made some up straightaway, before chopping my fingers veggies, so here are the first masculine ones, all with moustaches:


There was a #4, but it went off with my neighbour before I got round to taking photos!
They are quite fun, and I think it is good to have a few ready in my card box.

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Ha, I'm the first one today! These cards are fun, and I think any man would love them! Great ducky pics, too. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Excellent masculine cards Valerie. How kind of your neighbour to bring you some goodies :o))

  3. ps - I'm glad to hear your finger is on the mend :o)

  4. I'm glad your finger is healing well--it had to be some injury to require stitches and to keep you from making art! I did enjoy the cherub card in the last post, and it is always fun to see some cards for men. It's freezing here and cold as can be so all my walking is inside!

  5. oohh was für eine tolle,tolle Männerkarte,so witzig und schööööön,der Empfänger wird sie lieben.
    schön das es deinem finger besser geht, so ein pflaster ist viel besser als der dicke verband.
    die Entchen sind ja soooo süss :)
    und 8 meilen,das ist ja der waahnsinn.

    GLG Jeannette

  6. Fabulous male cards Val. So glad your finger is starting to heal too. Hugs Rita xxx

  7. lovely masculine cards, glad you are up to making them again!

  8. Sorry about your finger! I'm glad you're feeling better - and able to make good use of your new cardstock. Your cards are so elegant - hard to find for men - these are perfect! Love the mustaches ;) xoxo

  9. Glad your finger is getting better, you will be able to craft more easily now I hope. Great make cards with your new elements.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  10. So pleased that your finger is feeling a lot better.

    Great that you did all those steps-we only did 13,000 yesterday and I was pleased to get back home :)

    The cards are terrific with the bold shapes and strong colours. Your neighbour must be delighted with them and you have some in stock as well soc an't be bad.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie x

  11. That's good that your poor little finger is getting better. Can't have you not being able to make art.
    Sometimes it's good to get a present of art supplies we wouldn't normally use, it gives us a new outlook on creating. These are fun cards, and certainly masculine.
    I'm glad the ducks were waiting for you to come along.

  12. Brilliant masculine cards Valerie.
    xxx Hazel.

  13. A fun set of male cards Valerie. Love those moustaches and cameras! Gorgeous photos on your walk and well done you on all your steps! Thanks for asking about Jess, she is curled up at my feet as I type. She's doing very well and I'm looking forward to when she's old enough to walk any distance. Although you have to watch her like a hawk. She picks up all the rubbish and even swallowed a dead mouse yesterday! Yuck!! x

  14. Yes, we had similar problems with our doggie when she was young . she was a running garbage bin!

  15. Love the cards......I find male cards so difficult but these are lovely!
    Hugs xx

  16. Fabulous "stash" cards, Valerie!

  17. Glad the finger is healing, nothing worse than cut fingers in any form. Great manly art, I would struggle with it, but love the card with the cameras too. xox

  18. Glad to hear your digit's on the mend Valerie! A super set of masculine cards. I was actually given a similar Christmas pack for free, I made them up and was astonished that people bought them at my craft fairs. Different folk like different things! Xx

    1. So true! I was a bit in two minds when I saw the set, but made up they are not bad, and will definitely cover the needs of all my men!

  19. Great cards for the men in our lives, Valerie. Happy to hear your finger is not as painful.


  20. Hi Valerie, So glad your finger is doing better and the bandage is off. Love the great stash cards. Your talents are amazing!

  21. They are fun man type cards Valerie - I really like the maroon one with all the cameras. I cannot get over how much you walk. I need to start walking again but I can assure you with my steep grade hills that 2 miles is a lot for me. It's all up and down. Glad your finger is doing better.
    Sandy xx

    1. Rhineland here is flat, flat, flat....good for walking!

  22. What fun masculine cards! I love the mustaches! Glad your finder is on the mend and you are doing better! Love the walk! Hugs!

  23. Great cards, I do like the golden mustache too, they do look great for men's cards although they may not be your style exactly, they still look very good. Everyone has their own taste, it was sweet of the neighbor to give the sets to you too. Splendid job on the walking too my Marathon Woman, lol. Big hugs, ~Diane

  24. Die Karten sind sehr elegant! Eine schöne Farbkombination!
    Wie schön, dass es mit deinem Finger besser wird!
    LG, Lonetta

  25. Very manly cards,and a good idea to have some cards for men made up. I tend to put them off till the last minute. Glad the finger is less painful.
    Yvonne x

  26. Great mens cards Val, (I always hate making men cards but these are fun) Glad to hear your finger is feeling better and that you're walking your little legs off :-) xx

  27. Schön, dass es deinem Finger wieder besser geht, Valerie! Und auch hier nochmals DANKE für deine tolle Karte, das war eine gelungene Überraschung!
    Männerkarten stelle ich mir sehr schwierig vor. Deine sind auf jeden Fall sehr gut gelungen! Sie sehen klasse aus.


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