
Thursday 23 January 2014

He-Art-ShAdow Men

Hi everybody!
Thursday started off here cold, misty and damp, so my morning walk was rather chilly at the beginning, but still nice. In the afternoon the sun came came out and lured me out for another walk, so I clocked up 17.000+steps again, another 8 miles. But I must admit I am always super hungry when I get back, and had to eat carrot cake to replenish my energy levels.
I had fun visiting my feathered friends, as always.

I love how these two are snuggling together, they let me get right up close, too!

Waiting for the boat.

 Once again, all the gulls are looking in one direction, except for an odd man out in the middle, he was watching me.

For Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, I have painted a set of two canvases, each 15x7 1/2". I painted the backgrounds with a warm cream, and used various shades of brown for the shading and framing. I used my diamond stencil from Diane with structure paste, and highlighted it with cinnamon Stickles. I used my own stencils for the men, and drew them with charcoal, adding a bit  of colour with some brush strokes and  using punchinella as a stencil. I used pastel chalks to add more colours. I have called this set He-Art ShAdow Men. I am linking to Simon Monday Challenge -  'A' is for....and to Country View Challenges, Monochrome.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by, your visits and comments are always much appreciated!


  1. Hi Val, love your he-art, your paintings are great, show a lot of strength and masculinity, fantastic work! Your bird photos are lovely, too, my fave is the first one! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  2. Those sketchy men are fab Valerie and the composition just right :)
    Raining again here :(
    Von ♥

  3. Wow, wow, wow, I absolutely LOVE this, what a great page!! Love your sketchy men against that fab arty background. Really fantastic and I love the photos too!

  4. WOW Valerie, your canvases are fabulous, you are such a talented artist! Wish I could draw like that! And I think with all the exercise you're doing, you can eat whatever you want. If I was walking that distance I'd have to take a picnic with me! Lol xx

  5. WOW,deine canvases sind suuuuperschööööön,und deine gemalten figuren sehen so fabelhaft aus.
    die bilder sind ja wider mal toll,ich liibe diese Entchen.

    GLG Jeannette

  6. Lovely peaceful photographs Valerie and terrific artwork. So pleased that your injured finger hasn't stopped you doing the things you like doing best.

    Have a good day Love Chrissie x

  7. Wonderful work on the shadow men, nice textures. Cute duck couple there.

  8. Fantastisch schöne Keilrahmen Valerie und auch die Bilder gefallen mir - sehr stimming !

  9. Great shadow men, love the fabulous textures and colors and the charcoal sketching of the men. You are so very talented! You go Marathon Woman, 8 miles, I am so proud of you! Big hugs, ~Diane

  10. These shadow men are so stylish...they bring subtle elegance everywhere they go (and they carry diamonds!...definitely they are keepers!)!
    17,000 steps! You really lead a healthy life...what an inspiration! :)

    1. Yes, men with diamonds - what else can one wish for?!

  11. Great men on your Paint Friday canvases, Valerie. The colors and textures are terrific.


  12. Loving both of your fabulous canvases Valerie, totally awesome. Great photos from your daily walk, thank you for sharing. Happy PPF, Annette x

  13. Nice, love your figures, and the calmness of your palette.....xox

  14. Wunderbare Bilder hast du gezaubert! Ganz toll sind diese harmonischen Farben!! Großartige Kompositionen!

  15. Stunning canvas projects, super muted colours. The ducks look so settled, seems like they enjoyed having their photos take.

  16. I like the two ducks together, very cosy, and the seagull looking the other way, what a rebel.
    Your two canvases are fascinating, very much He-Art.

  17. Those ducks were snuggling at exactly the same spot again today!

  18. The texture from the paste with stencil is spot on and I like your use of charcoal for the figures.
    Wonderful pair of canvases.

  19. Wow - deine Keilrahmen sind Spitzenklasse - die dürften auch bei mir hängen ;o)
    Ganz liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  20. Wow beautiful artwork, I love the sketch style figures, the texture and earth tones. Fabulous photos again as well. I know what you mean about exercise making you hungry:) 8 miles, that's a lot ! I went out for a walk yesterday and after 15 minutes my toes were sore from the cold, it was minus 25, I had to turn around & go back. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Somehow I hope Spring comes early. Enjoy your weekend and the wonderful walks. Shirleyx

  21. What gorgeous clarity your photos always have Valerie. You must be very fit from walking so far. Painful feet prevent me from doing so unfortunately, but I generally do some walking everyday.
    Your art pages are fabulous, the colours, textures and stencils are all wonderful. Have you thought about having your stencil commercialised? I'm sure it would do well :o)

  22. Love the reflection of the old castle in the water. I do admire your grand walks. Also I like the fact that you are so artsy fartsy. Never can tell what I will see on your blog. Your canvases are really beautiful and somewhat mysterious. Stencil - no stencil. The men look hand sketched and quite dashing. Wonderful colors.
    What!!! You made a carrot cake and did not tell me! Did you use chocolate frosting - oh I hope so.
    Take good care of yourself kid!
    Sandy xx

    1. I didn't bake this week - I froze half the cake last time I baked, and get the slices out one at a time for special rewards....

    2. What a great idea - I am such a pig I usually eat my down - but then again I do not bake!

  23. I really love your stylish figures, that texture is gorgeous against the warm browns you have used.

  24. Love the texture in your art, as usual the photograhs are lovely, I love ducks!

  25. Love your very masculine paintings, and the colours and textures you have used. Have a lovely day, hugs, Barb

  26. very interesting art piece Valerie, thank you for sharing it! Your walks are beautiful !

  27. Oooh Valerie I really like this one, I think it's the simple colours and the texture. I'd be prepared to walk a fair distance for a piece of home made carrot cake too. Have a great weekend and try and stay away from the hospital :-) Sue xx

  28. Wonderful artwork Valerie and fab photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  29. i love that you made masculine art! Its so out of the box and the textures and palette are perfect compliments. ! Happy ppf. !

  30. Valerie wie immer ein Genuss, Deinen Blog zu besuchen! Ich liebe Dein Foto mit dem süssen Entenpaar!! Ganz genial wie sich die Fenster im Wasser spiegeln :) Deine zwei Gemälde sind auch einzigartig schön geworden..Klasse die sanften Farben! Ja und mit Deinen tollen Spaziergängen inspirierst Du mich, mal wieder mehr rauszugehen, auch bei trieseligem Wetter einfach mal....Hast Du einen Schrittzähler? ist ja total cool! ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  31. His work is original and has strength. Saludos

  32. I think the birds enjoy seeing your come by everyday! I wonder what the conversation is from their side? :) Hope you have a great weekend!

  33. Your men are so intriguing. There is something very mysterious about them. I love the textures and the monochromatic color scheme. So glad I stopped by. Happy PPF!

  34. Beautiful photos of birds and excellent compositions!

  35. Hi Valerie, You are a walking wonder!! Love the pics of the birds in waiting. Your artwork is gorgeous. I love the texture and coloring. You are always amazing. Hope your finger is healing nicely.
    Have a nice weekend.

  36. So beautiful.your art is so magical and full of wonderful textures..visually strong! and love your photos...the gulls are fantastic sitting all there..and love the ducks having a cuddle sweet!
    Wishing you a happy wkd !

  37. Wow, that is one incredible work of art! I love the design and all the layers! Very cool!! Enjoy the weekend and carrot cake is good!

  38. Valerie, carrot cake is my favorite cake! It should have done wonders for you.

    Your two pieces of art are super. I love the texture you got from the structure paste and the stencils. Beautiful work.

  39. Gorgeous canvases, I love the texture added to your design and the images are fabulous. I love the shading too. Thanks so much for joining in the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Tracy x

  40. Your paintings are beautiful. The textures are wonderful. I loved the photo walk too. 8 miles is really impressive!! M.x

  41. Fabulous! Your He-Art ShAdow Men are beautifully rendered. The textures are shapes are wonderful.

    Thank you for sharing your work with us for the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. ~Michelle

  42. fantastic paintings Valerie!! I have such a hard time with a limited palette as you have chosen. Happy PPF and thanks for the earlier visit :)

  43. Carrot Cake, YUMMMM Your art is simply wonderful. These pull me into the depths. Beadutiful

  44. great paintings!!!! the textures are awesome!!! Wishing you a warm and cozy and Happy PPF!!!

  45. That's quite a walk you went on.I enjoyed your photos as well as your "men" on canvas.

  46. Wow, wow und nochmals wow. Diese Bilder gefallen mir ausgezeichnet, liebe Valerie!

  47. I like your daily walks and appreciate your stories that go along with your walks. Love the men on canvas. You are just a busy bee! Have a wonderful day. ::hugs::

  48. What a great piece of art. Wonderful textures and colors.

  49. Wonderful artwork. The men look so mysterious!

    1. Men are rather mysterieous, shadowy creatures!

  50. These are great! I really like the limited colourpalette you used and the way you did the borders.

  51. Cool! I love these stylized male silhouettes. Stay warm and blessings my friend!

  52. Very nice texture and interest on those fellas!

  53. I'm always in favor of a good bird post! And the painting is really wonderful - kind of mysterious kind of calming. Wonderful work!

  54. Your painting this week are really GREAT!!! Love the color and composition .... The bird photos are great too. Always love coming to visit your blog ♥

  55. Your He art men are wonderful. Great texture and color on them.

  56. Wow, 8 miles! Very nice work!

  57. Lovely and stylishly elegant entry to our Monochromatic theme at Country View Crafts - thank you for joining us! xxx


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