
Sunday 19 January 2014

Journal Page 'Silence'

Hi everybody!
Just a short post today, I cut my finger rather badly while chopping veggies, yuck - had to wash the veggies again!  It didn't hurt at first, but it's throbbing away now. I had to walk to the hospital to get it stitched. But on the positive side, the walk added another  2800 steps to my pedometer, making a total of 16.000 today.
I made this page last week for the 'Silence' challenge at AJJ 
The background has been painted with acrylics, sprayed, stamped and stenciled. The print fragments are from old books and letters and stamps. I added some Hebrew alphas, which are also floating around in space. The figures and head were drawn with a white highlighter pen.

Have a great day, take care chopping your veggies, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie......hope your poor finger is less painful by now. It must have been quite a cut to require stitches.

    Absolutely love these amazing journal pages :-) wonderful co,ours and layers with your book pages, paints and splats.

    TFS and best wishes
    Annie x

  2. Ouch, I hope the throbbing goes quickly and the stitches help heal your finger without any more pain.
    Love these pages, great backgrounds and I love the floating figures that fit the saying perfectly.
    Take care.
    hugs {Brenda} x0x

  3. Love your journal pages, wonderful colours, and it really looks like they are floating in silent space! We just got back from the in-laws - no comment! Hugs, Sarah

  4. I can feel the pain, ouch! it sounds a bad cut. Hope it heals well.
    Fantastic pages, love the figures and those words.
    Yvonne x

  5. So sorry to hear about the cut, glad you got it looked at right away. Lovely pages.

  6. I hope your cut doesn't slow your creative spirit. Heal fast!

  7. Eine wunderschöne Doppelseite hast du gezaubert! Mit gefällt die Farbzusammenstellung ganz besonders. Viele schöne Details!
    Ich hoffe, dass deine Schnittverletztung am Finger nicht mehr so schmerzt und das alles gut heilt! Gute Besserung!
    LG, LonettA

  8. Poor you.... hope it doesn't interfere with your crafting!

    Love the floating figures...... great pages.

    Karen x

  9. Oh you poor thing with your injured finger--I hope it soon heals Valerie.

    I shed a tear when I looked at the pages-I guess they hit a nerve somewhere from my past. Wonderful artwork for sure.

    Have a good day-you are very brave to have stitches.

    Love Chrissie x

  10. Oh Valerie, that must've been a bad cut if it required stitches. Hope it's not throbbing so much today! Beautiful journal pages. Have a safe day! Xx

  11. Loving the dynamics of these pages Valerie. Take care of yourself, hugs Annette x

  12. Oh Valerie - das ist eine ganz besonders schöne Doppelseite ! Ich mag dieses Glitzern so sehr um Deine Figur! Bezaubernd schön - das gefällt mir sehr, sehr gut.
    Auch Dein post vom Samstag ist toll.. so tolle Vogelkunst!
    Bin begeistert!

    Ich hoffe es geht Dir gut meine Liebe -
    sei lieb gegrüßr und hab eine schöne neue Woche..
    bei uns nur Nebel und feuchtes Wetter...
    aber wenigstens nicht kalt!

    Liebe Grüe

    ( danke dass Dun uns immer so genial schöne Seiten zur Art Journal Journey spendierst!)

  13. verzeih die Tippfehler oben.. ich muss erst mal meine Brillengläser putzen--lol!

  14. Mensch Valerie, was machst du bloß für Sachen? Ich hoffe, dein Finger nervt dich nicht allzu sehr und kommt bald wieder in Ordnung.
    Deine Journal-Seiten sind der Hammer. Der Hintergrund spiegelt die Fragmente sehr schön.

  15. Poor little finger, hope it gets better soon and doesn't interfere with your art making, we can't have that.
    This is a very special page, Valerie, with great atmosphere and quite a bit of sadness, maybe. I like the way you have used the patterns on the silhouette and the floating fragments of text and so much else.

  16. wow,was für eine hammerseite,gefällt mir richtig gut,der hintergrund ist seehr genial mit den gelben splattres,das gemalte gesicht ist auch ganz wunderbar.

    GLG Jeannette

  17. Love these pages - such wonderful colours.
    Don't love that you had to get your finger stitched...ouch. Hope it's feeling better and not throbbing so much.
    Take care of yourself.
    Hugs xx

  18. Sorry to hear about your finger. Speedy recovery. Love the colourful pages you have created.

  19. OOo Aaah. Sounds bad Valerie. Hope its a bit better this morning. I love your pages as usual its so bright and colourful. Sending Hugs. Rita xxxx

  20. Ouch! So sorry Valerie about your hand. Keep it dry and in no time it will heal quickly. It is hard to work with only one good hand but you do well with challenges and this one will not slow you down either.


  21. Poor dear, sorry your finger hurts so bad! Today's pages are stunning, I mean really stunning! I love how the 1 image is dancing in her head! Really striking and I love the patterned piece on the other out line, just a stunning piece really! Take care of that finger. Big hugs, ~Diane

  22. Meine Güte, Valerie! Was machst Du denn für Sachen? Ich hoffe, Deinem Finger geht es bald wieder besser und Du hast keine Schmerzen mehr!
    Deine pages sind spitze! Gefallen mir sehr gut.

  23. What a fantastic page Valerie!! The background looks so amazing with the deep blue and the gold flecks. Your drawn fugures are incredible and really pop without being in your face if you see what I mean... A totally fabulous creation!!

    Hope your finger is getting better. That must have been some bad cut seeing as that it required stitches, - ouch,, not nice. Good luck with the walking, - I should take a leaf out of your book...

  24. love your pages val, stunning... I hope your finger is feeling a little less sore today, hugs xxx

  25. Oh No! Porr you, Valerie :( I do hope your finger will heal quickly.
    Your page is wonderful. I particularly like the dancer inside the big head outline.
    Step away from the veggie knife Valerie! :0)

  26. Hi Valerie, Oh no, I am so sorry to hear you cut your finger. I so hope it heals promptly and the pain is less. Love your gorgeous page and the design. Take care!!

  27. I am so sorry about your finger Valerie - ouch! And as you said - after the cataract is removed, you will see out of that eye more clearly. Were you able to finish what you were making? I vision you as the mot wonderful cook -- now to your journal!
    First I love the sentiment and I believe it is so true. I also love the gold you are using.
    Sandy xx

  28. Yes, I washed the veggies and finished the soup when I got back from the hospital. I am not a bad cook, as long it's only oven bakes, cakes, biscuits, stews and soups. But I am a VERY good eater!

    1. Well to me ---- bakes, cakes, biscuits, stews and soups sound great to me! What else does one need in life!!!!

    2. You are so right, these are my fave foods, and I have got to an age where I just make what I like!

  29. Very beautiful page, rich with layers and drawings. Sorry that you hurt yourself bad enough for stitches, hope you heal quickly. Take care, Shirleyx

  30. This is gorgeous Valerie, very dreamlike., and I love the gold running through the purples.Sorry about your finger, that must hurt a lot. I'd say stick to crafting but that's not without it'd dangers too lol xx


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