
Saturday 18 January 2014

A morning surprise and a card

Hi everybody!
I often get woken up early on Saturdays by the parcel postman, who is trying to deliver parcels to other people who aren't home or are still snoring. When my bell rang this morning, I rolled out of bed and stamped to the door ready to beat him into a jelly - at least verbally - and then saw that the parcel was for me! It was a wonderful surprise from Sandy, who sneakily didn't even tell me that it was on its way!  The box was filled to the brim with wonderful goodies:  a huge packet of giant tags (woohoo!), a little votive house building set, a gorgeous tag made by Sandy,  Frantage embossing powders, paper stomps for blending pastels (my finger will be happy about them!), a little block to make an icon, TH paper clip, a glue-stick, 2 gorgeous CI stamps (now I will not be able to make the excuse that I have neither partridge nor pear tree next Christmas), a magazine with a free stamp, glassine paper, tissue paper, painting boards, and a HUGE pile of cardboard. I am only telling you all this to make your mouths water!

And this tag is so gorgeous, it looks like me staggering home with my bags of shopping!

Sandy, thank you sooooo much for your kindness, I always love the beautiful comments you leave on my blog, and you made this old girl really happy with your gifts today!

We had wonderful weather again - cold and frosty but sunny, so I had a long walk this morning, and a shorter one along the Rhine this afternoon, and clocked up 18.000+ steps on my pedometer.
I visited the dilapidated castle again, I am always fascinated by the light and shadows and reflections there, and of course, I needed to take some bread and salad to the ducks!

The rest of the day was spent crafting, working on three different projects at the same time, and none of them are finished yet. The card here is one I made this week for a challenge at Gecko Galz Paper Craft Challenges Group. The image and backing paper are both from Gecko Galz collage sheets, mounted onto some card in a coordinating shade of blue. The birds are from the 'butterflies and birds' and  'beautiful birds' collage sheets, and the background is from 'shabby chic garden 1'. One of the birds has been fussy cut twice, and placed on top of each other with foam pads to add more depth. I added a matching ribbon and some half pearls. I made a seal for the envelope using a digi  from the 'for the birds' did stamp set.

I needed to do something with bold and bright colours!

I am linking to Simon Monday Challenge, Anything goes.

If you have stayed with me to the bitter end, take 10 points, give yourself a pat on the back and go to the top of the class!
Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, love the card you made, and I am so happy for you getting those wonderful gifts - have fun playing with them! Tomorrow we are visiting P's parents :( Hugs, Sarah

  2. I've so enjoyed this post Valerie, the tag of "you" gave me a giggle and wow! What a fabulous parcel of goodies you received from Sandy. Your card is simply stunning too. Have a lovely Sunday. Xx

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  4. Ich musste so lachen, als ich las, Du wolltest dem Postmann schön was erzählen, weil er Dich mal wieder rausgeklingelt hat, hihi...das kenn ich auch irgendwoher ;) Aber die Überraschung war ja dann umso größer :) Deine Fotos heute sind off the hook!!!! und Deine Karten einfach zuckersüss! Die Vögelchen sind wunderschön in diesem strahlenden Blau!! ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  5. Hi Valerie, What fabulous 'happy mail' and it's a fabulous tag!
    Thanks for sharing the lovely pictures.
    Avril xx

  6. What a lovely friend Val. You'll have some fun playing with all those goodies. Loving today's pictures too. You card I'd gorgeous. Hugs Rita xxx

  7. Oh my....don't know what to rave about first...your wonderful parcel of goodies or your fabulous card..I love the vibrant colours and those images are extra special.
    The tag could be me staggering back from the!
    Have fun with your new stash!
    Hugs xx
    p.s. I really,really like Crafty Individuals stamps..they're just that bit different.

  8. What an amazing stash of goodies you received :) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your card :) and of course the beautiful photos from your walk. Have a great week ♥

  9. Nice work! What lovely gifts, just wow!

  10. Oohh was für ein wunderschöner Gewinn,ich freu mich für dich,liebe valerie,sooo schöööne Sachen,auf die winter stempel von crafty individuals bin ich auch schon lange scharf,die sind sooo klasse.
    dein Vogelkärtchen ist zucker zucker süss mit den schönen blau dazu,ich bin ganz begeistert,wunderschöööööööön.WOW!!!

    GLG Jeannette

  11. What a wonderful goodie box from Sandy and I am sure that you will delight in using everyone of the wonderful things she sent to you. Her tag is so much fun.

    Love your card with the bold and bright colours and images it pops off the post.

    Stunning photographs again and well done with all the steps you are clocking up. The walking will do you a lot of good but the sites you see and share will do you even more good I'm sure.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  12. Die Karte mit deine kleinen blauen Vögelchen ist ganz zauberhaft! Schön diese leuchtenden Farben! So eine Morgen-Überraschung ist toll ... ich freue mich sehr für dich!

  13. Great box of goodies from your friend! Your bird card is striking--beautiful blues and I love the addition of the pearls.

  14. Das war ja eine "schöne Bescherung". *lach* Die gute Sandy muss dich sehr gern haben. Und außerdem scheint sie dich sehr gut zu kennen, denn treffender könnte ein zu dir passendes Tag nicht sein.
    Mir gefallen deine Bilder von den kleinen Brücken total gut. Und deine Karte ist so wundervoll farbenfroh! Ich liebe Sonnenblumen und die blauen Vögel dazu machen einfach gute Laune!
    Ich wünsche dir noch einen schönen Restsonntag und eine gute neue Woche!
    Liebe Grüße

  15. Wow what wonderful goodies Sandy spoiled you with, you so deserve them! Beautiful photos from your marathon walk. Gorgeous card, I love that paper, definitely one of my favorites, and the birds are stunning with it! You have such a way of knowing just where to place everything, something I really admire and something I really struggle with on my own. Yours always have such a beautiful flow to them. Big hugs, ~Diane

  16. Goodness me, I want to be friends with Sandy too, I expect there will be a waiting list after today. What a fabulous set of presents which I think any of of us visiting your blog would love, and she has made a very amusing and attractive tag, very nice work, Sandy.
    Your three photos today are glorious, I love to see buildings and architecture.
    Your 3D card with the blues and yellows, birds and bow is lovely.

  17. Lovely card, the colours and imagery is very striking. Beautiful design too. Thanks so much for joining in the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Lovely goodies from your dear friend too. Tracy x

  18. Hey Valerie -- well I did not expect this! I have always enjoyed your blog and feel very lucky to have found you. From "our" grand walks and pictures of your yummy food. From your gorgeous sky pictures to your beautiful and creative journal pages. You really provide me with more pleasure than you know.
    Your card today is smashing and the colors are so pretty -- Don't you think it is time for some food. ? Even if it is a nice cup of coffee with a biscuit or two!
    Sandy xx

    1. Okay, I will bake something yummy this week!

  19. WOW lots to see today... The package from Sandy is amazing ! I LOVE the CI stamps, esp the one on the right, it's on my wishlist. How wonderful for you. Your photos are gorgeous as always I enjoy them very much and finally your creation is also beautiful. Enjoy the rest of the day, Shirleyx

  20. Gorgeous card Valerie and I'm thrilled that your friend Sandy sent you so many lovely trinkets and goodies for you to use in your art projects. Friends are the best of the best!


  21. Who's a lucky girl then :-), what a fab box of goodies you've got! Your card is lovely Val, that blue ribbon really sets it off - maybe the sun will shine again soon (hopefully) xx

  22. You are just a walking maniac....I'm at 10,304 and feel really good about that.....Love the shots and that bridge over the river or canal....Quite lovely with the old building. Snow here again so we have a white world to walk in the woods. xox

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  24. What a fabulous lot of goodies you got Valerie. That was so kind of Sandy to send you all that.
    The card is beautiful, the colours just stunning.
    Your photos are beautiful. That seems to be an amazing place to visit and walk around :o)

  25. Hi Valerie, What a wonderful gift. I love all the goodies you received. Lovely pics and I love the pink building. Your card is gorgeous and I love the bird on the perch. Beautiful color.
    Have a great week!


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