
Saturday 30 November 2013

Another day gone with the wind

Hi everybody!

I don't know where today has gone - I was up early, and all of a sudden it's time to go to bed, and I didn't get half as much done as I wanted to.
I went for a walk, as always, and although it was grey and cold, it stayed dry, so I was able to stay out for 2 hours. The little Christmas market here has already been open for a week, and is a constant source of temptation when I walk by, with dreadful aromas of burnt almonds, mulled wine, grilled sausages, potato cakes and more assailing my nostrils every time, but up till now I have managed to resist.
These lovely chappies appear in one of the shop windows every Christmas, too, and I must say, I like them!

The horses at the stables were nearly all wearing coats, and all looking in the same direction - I just could not see what they were looking at.

I made these three cards, once again  using pretty papers from Graphics 45.

And these 2 birds have once again taken up residence on my table - same procedure as every year.

This afternoon and evening I have been working on various projects, and hope to get them finished for some challenges this week. Time went by too quickly today!

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Gorgeous cards and photos again, love the dwarves in the shop window. Or is that D- word politically incorrect these days? Wonder what the horses are looking at?
    Have a nice Sunday, Hugs, Sarah

  2. A Christmassy post Valerie, mmm, mulled wine, that would warm you up on your walk! Love your little festive birdies. Wishing you a productive Sunday! Xx

  3. The aromas would be enough to put me in a Christmas frame of mind! Your cards are lovely!

  4. lovely cards! Oh would love to see more photos of the Christmas market, on my bucket list! It's wonderful that you walk every day, very healthy!

    1. I have taken more photos and will show them tomorrow!

  5. and I hope to get my decorations up this weekend too!

  6. Fabulous cards and I love your two cute birdies. I hope Santa gets back from his skiing in time to deliver his presents lol.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  7. Such nice cards my friend. And those two little birdies have me smiling. I enjoyed all your photos once again...


  8. Nice walk again Valerie. I remember going to a Christmas Market in Germany over 20 years ago and the smells are just amazing--I also tasted lots of things as well so hadn't the same will power as you have.

    Love your cards and the little birds are adorable

    Have a great day- love Chrissie x

  9. mmm, I can smell the smells of the christmas market. I love those! Love your cards as well and the little birdies are too cute.
    xx Monique

  10. I think I would be tempted at the Christmas market. Love your sweet birdies and super cards.
    Yvonne x

  11. Ganz wunderbare Weihnachtskarten! Und jede ein Unikat! Ich freue mich sehr auf die Weihnachtsmärkte hier bei uns! LG, LonettA

  12. It's great to see the shop windows decorated at this time of year.
    I like your cards very much, especially the middle one with the sleigh and the reindeer and bobbles and the lovely background paper.
    I like your two birdies too, it's good to have decorations to bring out every year.
    Hope you have a great rest of Sunday and a good week, Valerie.

  13. Lovely Christmassy post Valerie. Love the sweet little birds and the Santas! I don't think I'd be able to resist temptation everyday... well done you! Karen x

    1. I don't take any money with me when I go walkies, that helps a lot!

  14. Love all your cards, Val, and the photos are beautiful, as always - wonder what thse horses are looking at? Hugs, Barb

  15. Wunderschöne Weihnachtskarten und Weihnachtsdeko, liebe Valerie!

    Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne Adventszeit!

  16. Wunderbare Weihnachtskarten hast du wieder gemacht,deine Deko ist ja auch schon schön weihnachtlich.
    ich freue mich auch schon auf die Weihnachtsmärkte hier bei uns.

    GLG Jeannette

  17. Hi Valerie, Some days just fly by but you still have so much accomplished. Love your cards and as always your pics are incredible. Love the little birds in the winter hats. They are so cute.
    Even the horses look chic in their different colored blanket coats.
    Have a great week.

  18. Hey Valerie! I have missed our walks. I have been busier than usual and I don't think it is going to let up until after the New Year. I have heard all about the German Christmas markets and would dearly love to go to one.
    Your cards are delightful - Graphic 45 makes the most wonderful papers.
    On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me - two golden birds with hats made just for them!

  19. Your play of shadow and light are beautifully dramatic in both the journal pages and the photos. A beautiful set of Christmas cards too! ~Diane

  20. Everything is so gorgeous. LOVE the birds. They will be good company - looks like they are chatting! Cards are beautiful - love graphic 45 paper. Market looks very lovely. hugs, Donna

  21. I don't know where today has gone either... we're in the same boat!


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