
Friday 29 November 2013

Angel House

Hi everybody!
Hope all of you in the States have survived Thanksgiving and Black Friday. They showed pictures on our news of the people queuing up at the stores and sometimes even fighting over things, looks scary!
Here it was a 'normal' Thursday and Friday, cool and grey and damp - good weather for crafting.
I have made a little angel house for Paper Saturdays. I glued 2 matchboxes behind a tag, and cut windows so that the matchbox drawers were visible. I gave them a coat of paint, and lined them with corrugated card and a scrap of gold netting. Then I added the vintag angel scraps and stars, and used gold liquid pearls to embellish it. Now I have another decoration.
I am also linking to Craftroom Challenge - vintage Christmas

I went for a walk, as always, and wandered through the misty landscape. I love the way the mist makes everything seem rather unreal, and dissolves the contours.

There were no passengers waiting to use the ferry.

It looks like this horse has too many legs....

The ducks were happy:

I enjoyed having the world just for me:

And the sheep were doing their jobs and keeping the grass short.

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Your angel house decoration is terrific, Valerie, love the vintage scraps and the gold surface and the windows with their gold netting, all extremely cleverly made. That looked like a lovely autumn walk. It is not so cold here, just nice and autumnal with lovely skies.

  2. Fabulous angel house Valerie, such lovely texture and embellishing.
    Great Autumnal pics too.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  3. Love your angel house, it's a very elegant decoration. Love the photos, too, you had another good walk! Hugs, Sarah

  4. This is such a sweet idea.

  5. Loving your Angel house, another wonderful decoration. More super photos, you must walk miles over the whole week.
    Yvonne x

  6. such beautiful angels and your photos are amazing, what a beautiful area,

  7. I stay far away from the stores on black Friday! Your misty photos look like oil paintings. Pretty tag, too.

  8. Your angel house is adorable! Lovely photos, so serene.

  9. Lovely pictures and beautiful bookmark (Very creative)!:)

  10. Ooohh Ein wunderschönes Engelhaus hast du da creiert,toll mit den gittern drinnen und dem schönen gold,wirkt sehr edel und chic.
    tolle bilder hast du wieder mit gebracht,die natur ist aber auch zu schön.
    wünsch dir ein schönes creatives WE :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  11. What a beautiful little Angel House ♥ Loved the horse with extra legs too :) Nice scenery even for an overcast day. Nice visiting again.

  12. Great angel house with the 3D apertures, rich bold setting and angel images. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos too.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  13. Gorgeous angel house Valerie beautifully rich and sumptuous , how do you create such amazing art on such a tiny surface. Thanks for sharing those gorgeous winter scenes with us.


  14. Your project looks great. And so do your photos. I LOVE the fog.. We never ever saw fog in the desert. But we get it here in Washington every now and then. But I bet if you grew up with it you might get tired of it. I know the locals here get tired of it.. I don't do the black Friday craziness. I want to know who all those people are. Cause I don't know anyone who shops in all that craziness. But I hear there are deals to be made..

    Have a great weekend my friend.


    1. I love mist, but not thick fogs like we had in London when I was a kid. I would never go to those sales either!

  15. Your angel house tag is gorgeous and so are your photos. My favorites are the tree shots... amazing! Happy Weekend, Shirleyx

  16. Well I am behind on blog visits as of spending much time in the kitchen for Thanksgiving. Yes we survived Thanksgiving and don't do Black Friday! No sale is worth that at all! We went years ago and before people became so insane and it was bad enough then! Love your Angel House tag, so pretty and clever! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

  17. Great tag, Valerie and more outstanding photos. I really enjoy them!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS for winning Donna's blog candy. You will certainly enjoy a new supply of goodies for your artistic creations.


  18. Congrats on the winnings, that was so generous of Donna! Love the new decorations and wonderful photos of your walk. ~Diane

  19. Fabulous tag, lovely images.
    Thank you for sharing at Craft-Room Challenge, welcome again;-))m

  20. Thank you for the walk around your neighbourhood. Wonderful little house fabulous little house ornament. Thank you for joining us at Craft-Room Challenge XOXO Zoe

  21. Hi Valerie, love the paper house for the angels. Just a darling treasure. Once again your pics just amaze. Love seeing the horse with the blanket. We took a drive today and I saw the horses here in Texas covered too. For us it is cold and they are not used to it. The sheep grazing is a beautiful shot too.
    Have a wonderful evening. Hugs!!

  22. Fabulous Photographs--the tree lined lane should be in a competition and would win :) What wonderful places you find to go for your walks Valerie. No wonder you feel inspired to make such beautiful pieces of art. I love the ideas on this tag--amazing.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  23. Dein Engelhaus ist wunderschön! Und deine Fotos sind auch wieder ganz toll! Ein Schönes Wochenende für dich! LG, LonettA

  24. That little house is adorable! I am glad I stayed in for black friday too and watched it on tv. It made me smile. Happy Paper Saturdays. ManonX

  25. I really like the victorian paper craft feel of your tag, and your photos are stunning as usual. Blessings, my friend!

  26. Your angel house is grand - love the vintage look.
    One of our best walks I must say Valerie. The boat looks so gay - like a piece of folk art sitting on the water. I do love trees and I really don't care if they have leaves or not!
    Great pictures!!

  27. Your Angel houses are beautiful! LOVE the horses all bundled up. hugs, Donna

  28. Love those gorgeous vintage angels, you've made a beautiful ornament with them...Thanks so much for sharing with us at Craft-Room...Esther xx


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