
Tuesday 8 October 2013

Double Tuesday again - Halloween is coming nearer.

Hi everybody!
Today it's time for a new theme at Tag Tuesday, and a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday.

At Tag Tuesday our theme this week is 'Tattered and torn'. Somehow, it turned out as another Halloween tag, what a surprise! The background  image is from Gecko Galz, and has been mounted onto some of the pretty card that Donna sent me last week. The die-cut was a gift from Diane, who cut it with her Zing.
The crow has been fussy cut and given an eye made with green stickles. The grey hairs were in my stash - perhaps one of my visiting witches left them here - and the scrap of material has been blacked with DI.

The altered bottle is a decoration I made last year.

I am also linking to Tagalong Challenge - 'Something wicked this way comes'

At Try it on Tuesday  the theme is textures.  You have 2 weeks to join in the challenge. The challenges this month  are being sponsored by Smeared InkThey are offering a prize of 10$ to spend in their online store. 
The box used here is a recycled corrugated cardboard box which once had candles in it. I painted it black, and added some Inka Gold to liven it up. The background paper is from Gecko Galz. The die-cuts were once again made by Diane - thanks! The rest is from my stash

Have a great day, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Wonderful work again, love what you have made - dramatic, fun, and just a tiny bit scary! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Great work on both of these Valerie--I guess you like doing Halloween projects because you dot hem so well

    Love Chrissie x

  3. SEEHR Schön,ich sehe du magst Halloween.

    GLG Jeannette

  4. Cheeky Mr Skeleton hanging on to the arsenic lol really fun makes Valerie :)
    Von ♥

  5. Wow, lots of beautiful Halloween creations! I LOVE that hand charm on the tag, the bottle is fabulous and so are the rest. Have a great day, Shirleyx

  6. Meine Güte! Wie gut dass alles nun wieder aussieht!

    Valerie langsam kommt mir der Verdacht Du bist eine Stempel HEXE...
    denn so genial kann man ohne Hexerei nicht ein Stück nach dem anderen in die Menge werfen! LOL!

    sei lieb gegrüßt .. ich hoffe es geht Dir besser liebe Valerie!


  7. Du hast mich durchschaut! Ich bin eine hexe!

  8. Lovely pieces they fit the themes well!

  9. Ooh your bottle and tag are quite spooky,think it's the witches hair! The shadow box looks fab, those are great die cuts. Your apartment must be starting to look super spooky! Xx

    1. Just now it's spookily untidy, but there is time to get it right before Halloween!

  10. Love your witchy tag and all your fabulous textures. Great bottle art, not something I have ever made so it's good to see yours. I've examined all the various embellies and the ghost carrying the pumpkin looks quite friendly and jolly - for a ghost.

  11. I seem to remember that this is your favourite holiday which I suppose is why you out do yourself with your spooky creations. love the arsenic bottle with the skeleton head.


  12. Love, love, love these spooky projects! These are totally awesome and I love the pops of Autumn colors you added and that skelly hand - so cool! Hugs!

  13. Das Tag ist megatoll geworden, Valerie! Herrlich anzuschauen, obwohl ich persönlich mit Halloween rein gar nix am Hut habe. Aber deine Arbeiten gefallen mir trotzdem. ;-)

  14. My favorite holiday too Valerie. What I am most curious about is the grey hair in your stash.
    Very interesting. Your tag is fantastic - that is the best witch! Your altered bottle is right up Martha Stuart's alley. She could not do better. Love the children trick or treating. Halloween colors are so much fun!!!

    1. One day I will tell you the secret of the grey hair - but not yet!!

  15. Awesome Halloween pieces Valerie. It would be hard to pick out a favorite. Got me wondering about that hair as well.
    Yvonne x

    1. Hmm, sooner or later I will reval the secret!

  16. Both are lovely Val! Love the colours, too! Hugs, Barb

  17. Both of your projects here look amazing. I love your attention to the details.


  18. Hello Valerie. Wonderful Witchy Tag....shes on a real mission. Also love the crow. Karen.x

  19. Love that witchy poo tag, and the funky skeleton hand on the ribbon. Great Halloween spirit here today!

  20. Your home must look so amazing at Halloween.
    A wonderful collection of Halloween inspired art - that bottle is fabulous.

    1. My home always looks amazing - we have a resident witch all year round!

  21. wow. Really cool projects!! I love them.

  22. A super Halloween project, love the great use of textures xxx

  23. All great pieces, Valerie. The decorated bottle is a hoot. Always am amazed at all the layers you can manage - they look so incredible. hugs, Donna


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