
Saturday 6 April 2013

I'm in pieces....

Hi you all, hope you are well and fit and that your weather is better than ours! I have been playing around this week with images taken with my old Motorola mobile phone. They are always very small, and only suitable for close-ups. I took pics of some bits of me, and then played around with them. Some I drew from the photos, and then digitalised,  and others are just digitalised photos. Can you tell which ones are which?  It was fun to play, and a good way of changing eye and hair colour in the blink of an eye!

Hope you all have fun today! Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. They are all gorgeous Val... sounds like you have had fun playing...

    Jenny ♥

  2. Sounds like a fun play Valerie with fab results :)
    Von ♥

  3. Oh I should try that! These all look wonderful and I can't tell which is which! So you still aren't having that Spring weather! It has to happen soon!

  4. Hi Valerie. Love those eyes!! Oooh wee!:D I have to try that. A couple of years ago I was playing around with photos. They look great to me, all of them. Have a wonderful week ahead and of course Sunday.

  5. I can't tell which is which! You look lovely!

  6. You do have big beautiful eyes Valerie, I love what you did with the photos! Its really hard to tell which is which too. ~Diane

  7. First of all, I never knew Motorola ever made telephones, let alone ones that took photographs. What fun.
    Great photos, great eyes - used them on anyone lately? xo hugs, Donna

  8. How fun to play with photos that way. They look great..


  9. Great work on the old photos Valerie. Definitely my sort of thing to play with effects.

    We have a thick frost again this morning so the poor plants we decided to put out yesterday won't be happy.

    Visitors coming today so we are going out for Sunday Lunch.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xxx

  10. Loving the photos, it would be hard to chose the method you used. Was the second one down first drawn from the original, just a guess.
    Yvonne x

  11. Well, I had a long sleep and woke up to ssshhhh - sunshine - it even feels quite warm . ssssh, it might go away again if we talk too loudly!!

  12. Love what you have made! I am sure you are not expecting me to pick the real one out - I just love 'em all! Have a nice day, Hugs, Sarah

  13. Fabulous ! What a clever idea and love the effect . The pooches send their regards. Rotten weather here so cold and windy and rainy yuk !


  14. WOW VAL after what I've just posted I was expecting the worst when I read your title for this post. So relieved to see you weren't literally "in pieces". Love the way you've played about weith these photos. Will have to try that, it will be good practice for portrait sketching. Hugs from UK. Shhh we had sunshine too but it's still so coool here!!

  15. I can't tell which is which but it certainly looks like you had fun!

    Hope you get warmer soon... I went out today without a hat or gloves!!! Shocking! Couldn't loose the scarf though!

    Karen x

  16. Hey, I'll have to try this technique Valerie, it seems to eliminate all the wrinkles! Filling in time at CDG - nothing to do but eat and surf! xx

  17. Suze, I'll hope over to CDG and join in - eating and surfing are always good! And I of course do not have any wrinkles to fill in!

  18. You had me confused Valerie with your change of profile pic! But now I understand. They all look fab and looks like you had a great play.

    p.s. back from the farm, had to go for a coffee for a heat up. Holly had fun though feeding all the animals. x

  19. Wow..fantastic..these are all bewildering and beautiful..totally gorgeuus!!

  20. Gorgeous work Val, love what you have created! Hugs, Barb

  21. These are amazing, I wouldn't know where to start with something like this. I don't have wrinkles either (until I put my glasses on lol) Fingers crossed for some sunshine soon xx


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